Gimp batch-mode patch


Gimp provides a remotely-scriptable interface when invoked with the "-b -" option. Unfortunately, the the scheme interpreter wrapper used for command-line interaction uses stdio for read/write, but does not flush writes to stdout. Responses to commands are never flushed to the return pipe, causing scripts to hang waiting for a response.


A single fflush(stdout); addition to scheme-wrapper.c in the script-fu plugin fixes the problem. Note that even when gimp is configured with --enable-static and --disable-shared, the fix is in the script-fu plugin, not in the GIMP application itself. make install is likely necessary to ensure the fixed plugin is loaded by any local build.


Note that this patch has already been applied against both master [commit 7b7d44837834061e8ee2c668b0f9d99d9ae13dcf] and the gimp-2-6 branch [commit 3c59c936e075a36d1648cbf38ae12c2577432f74]. It will be included in gimp-2.6.7 and any git clone/pull after May 28, 2009.

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