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Last modified: Mon Jun 20 22:47:01 2005.
NAME: bspline_extract PURPOSE: Calculate a B-spline in the least squares sense with rejection, using a model profile. CALLING SEQUENCE: sset = bspline_extract(xdata, ydata, invvar, slit_profile, obj_profile, $ yfit=yfit, numiter=iiter, bkpt=bkpt, maxiter=maxiter,relative=relative, $ upper=upper, lower=lower, outmask=outmask, fullbkpt=fullbkpt, $ inmask=inmask, _EXTRA=EXTRA, RED_CHI=reduced_chi) INPUTS: xdata - Data x values ydata - Data y values OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: invvar - Inverse variance of y; if not set, then set to be consistent with the standard deviation. This only matters if rejection is being done. slit_profile - spatial profile of the background at each pixel obj_profile - spatial profile of the object at each pixel nord - Order for spline fit; default to 4. x2 - 2nd dependent variable for 2-D spline fitting. npoly - Polynomial order to fit over 2nd variable (X2); default to 2. xmin - Normalization minimum for X2; default to MIN(XDATA). xmax - Normalization maximum for X2; default to MAX(XDATA). oldset - If set, then use values of FULLBKPT, NORD, XMIN, XMAX, NPOLY from this structure. funcname - If OLDSET is not specified and this is a 2-D B-spline, then the function for the second variable may be passed. The default is 'legendre' in the call to CREATE_BSPLINESET(). maxiter - Maximum number of rejection iterations; default to 10; set to 0 to disable rejection. upper - Upper rejection threshhold; default to 5 sigma. lower - Lower rejection threshhold; default to 5 sigma. _EXTRA - Keywords for BSPLINE_BKPTS() and/or DJS_REJECT(). OUTPUTS: sset - Structure describing spline fit. Return 0 if too few good (INVVAR NE 0) points are passed. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: outmask - Output mask, set =1 for good points, =0 for bad points. fullbkpt - If OLDSET is not specified, then the break points are chosen with a call to BSPLINE_BKPTS() which can be returned with this keyword. yfit - B-spline fit evaluated at each data point. numiter - Last iteration (0-indexed) COMMENTS: Wavelengths must be sorted! Data points can be masked either by setting their weights to zero (INVVAR[]=0), or by using INMASK and setting bad elements to zero. INMASK is passed to DJS_REJECT(). If OLDSET is used, then the output structure SSET will be a structure with the same name as OLDSET. This will allow the two structures to be concatented, i.e. > junk = [oldset, sset] Although I'm not sure how to treat data points which fall outside minmax(bkpt), now I will set them equal to minmax with invvar = 0 EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: bspline_bkpts() bspline_fit() create_bsplineset() djs_reject() REVISION HISTORY:
(See pro/Object/
NAME: bspline_indsky PURPOSE: Bspline extraction with independent breakpoints for OBJ/SKY need a clever way to keep track of sky versus obj coefficients. CALLING SEQUENCE: sset = bspline_iterfit( ) INPUTS: xdata - Data x values ydata - Data y values OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: invvar - Inverse variance of y; if not set, then set to be consistent with the standard deviation. This only matters if rejection is being done. nord - Order for spline fit; default to 4. x2 - 2nd dependent variable for 2-D spline fitting. npoly - Polynomial order to fit over 2nd variable (X2); default to 2. xmin - Normalization minimum for X2; default to MIN(XDATA). xmax - Normalization maximum for X2; default to MAX(XDATA). oldset - If set, then use values of FULLBKPT, NORD, XMIN, XMAX, NPOLY from this structure. funcname - If OLDSET is not specified and this is a 2-D B-spline, then the function for the second variable may be passed. The default is 'legendre' in the call to CREATE_BSPLINESET(). maxiter - Maximum number of rejection iterations; default to 10; set to 0 to disable rejection. upper - Upper rejection threshhold; default to 5 sigma. lower - Lower rejection threshhold; default to 5 sigma. _EXTRA - Keywords for BSPLINE_BKPTS() and/or DJS_REJECT(). OUTPUTS: sset - Structure describing spline fit. Return 0 if too few good (INVVAR NE 0) points are passed. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: outmask - Output mask, set =1 for good points, =0 for bad points. fullbkpt - If OLDSET is not specified, then the break points are chosen with a call to BSPLINE_BKPTS() which can be returned with this keyword. yfit - B-spline fit evaluated at each data point. numiter - Last iteration (0-indexed) COMMENTS: Wavelengths must be sorted! Data points can be masked either by setting their weights to zero (INVVAR[]=0), or by using INMASK and setting bad elements to zero. INMASK is passed to DJS_REJECT(). If OLDSET is used, then the output structure SSET will be a structure with the same name as OLDSET. This will allow the two structures to be concatented, i.e. > junk = [oldset, sset] Although I'm not sure how to treat data points which fall outside minmax(bkpt), now I will set them equal to minmax with invvar = 0 EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: bspline_workit() bspline_fit() create_bsplineset() djs_reject() REVISION HISTORY:
(See pro/Object/
NAME: bspline_workit PURPOSE: Internal matrix manipulation for bspline extraction
(See pro/Object/
NAME: bspline_workit PURPOSE: Internal matrix manipulation for bspline extraction
(See pro/Object/
NAME: dierfc PURPOSE: Inverse of the Complementary Error Function "erfc^{-1}(x)" CALLING SEQUENCE: result = dierfc( input ) INPUTS: input - Arbitrary array of values from 0 to 2. (positive values returned for inputs between 0 and 1) exact 0 return NaN, OUTPUTS: result - The output array of type double, with range from -infinity to +infinity. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: The results outside of -20 < results < +20 may lack desired accuracy EXAMPLES: inverse = dierfc([0.0,0.0027,0.0456,1.0d,1.6827,1.9]) sigma = -sqrt(2.0) * inverse*sqrt(2.0) print, sigma, format='(6f10.4)' -Infinity -3.0000 -1.9991 0.0000 1.0000 1.6449 COPYRIGHT: Copyright(C) 1996 Takuya OOURA (email: You may use, copy, modify this code for any purpose and without fee. You may distribute this ORIGINAL package. REVISION HISTORY: 11-Jun-2002 Adapted by S. Burles, MIT
(See pro/Object/
NAME: extract_arc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Straighten each order indivdiually (mike_rectify) and then extract a boxcar down the center of each order by taking the average flux in two regions (each side of the center) of width 1/3 the order width. CALLING SEQUENCE: flux = extract_arc( arc_img, ordr_str ) INPUTS: arc_img - 2D Arc image ordr_str - Order structure RETURNS: flux - 1D spectrum down the center of each order OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: flux = extract_arc( arc_img, ordr_str ) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_rectify REVISION HISTORY: ??--2004 Written by SB
(See pro/Arcs/
NAME: FCHEBYSHEV PURPOSE: Compute the first M terms in a CHEBYSHEV polynomial expansion. EXPLANATION: Meant to be used as a supplied function to SVDFIT. CALLING SEQUENCE: result = FCHEBYSHEV( X, M ) INPUTS: X - the value of the independent variable, scalar or vector M - number of term of the CHEBYSHEV expansion to compute, integer scalar OUTPUTS: result - (N,M) array, where N is the number of elements in X and M is the order. Contains the value of each CHEBYSHEV term for each value of X EXAMPLE: (1) If x = 2.88 and M = 3 then IDL> print, fchebyshev(x,3) ==> [1.00, 2.88, 15.5888] (2) Find the coefficients to an M term Chebyshev polynomial that gives the best least-squares fit to a dataset (x,y) IDL> coeff = SVDFIT( x,y,M,func='fchebyshev') METHOD: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Aug-1999 Written by Scott Burles by hacking FLEGENDRE code by Landsman in the Goddard libraries.
(See pro/Flat/
NAME: mike_1dspec Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Combines orders of a echfspec structure into a 1d spectrum. Outputs flux and error arrays into separate files (_F.fits, _E.fits) CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_1dspec, mike, setup, obj_id, side INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) [exp_id] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: 1d flux - (fits file; FSpec/name_ech_F.fits) 1d error - (fits file; FSpec/name_ech_E.fits) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /SILENT - No text output OBJ_NM= - Name of object in slit (a = science) /STD - Run on a standard star OUTNM= - Alternative output name for FSpec file ENDTRM= - Trim order edges by this when calculating ratios MINPIX1= - Minimum 'good' pixels to calculate fitting profile ORDNM= - 0th or 1st order fitting (1 = 1st, 2 = 0th (default)) SNRMIN= - Minimum S/N per pixel for consideration in fitting MINPIX2= - Minimum 'good' pixels to calculate simple 0th order fit OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: ; EXAMPLES: mike_1dspec, mike, setup, obj_id, side PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 14-Jun-2004 Written by GEP
(See pro/Spec/
NAME: mike_addtwo Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Combines two flats, rejecting Cosmic Rays CALLING SEQUENCE: img = mike_addtwo(mike, indx, VAR=var) INPUTS: mike indx RETURNS: img - Combine image OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: IVAR - Variance COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: img = mike_addtwo(mike, indx) PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 30-Apr-2002 Written by JXP
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_allarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Runs through all of the Arc processing steps in one go. Can be used to process a set of arcs for a given object or all of the arcs from a given night. This file also contains mike_allarc_sngl which can be used to fully process a single arc image. In fact, if the keyword /ALL is used, then mike_allarc simply loops through all of the arcs calling mike_allarc_sngl for each one. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_allarc, mike, setup, [side], /CHK, /CLOBBER, /INDX INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Integer defining setup OR an array of index values to process [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: A series of files related to Arc calibration OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CLOBBER - Overwite any previous files /CHK - Present GUIs to show results of fitting, etc. /PINTER - Perform fit for pre-identified lines /INDX - Treat setup as an array of index values to process OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: FITS= - File to write mike structure to (default: 'strct.fits') ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS TO MIKE_ALLARC_SNGL: /NOIMG - Do not create arc image /NOWAV - Do not fit the arc lines (ie. only do tracing) COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_allarc, mike, 1L, 1L, /CHK, /CLOBBER mike_allarc, mike, [104L, 107L], /INDX rslt = mike_allarc_sngl('Raw/mb0539.fits', 1, 1, /PINTER) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_fitarc mike_fit2darc mike_tracearc mike_fittrcarc mike_mkaimg REVISION HISTORY: 15-Aug-2003 Written by JXP Usage:
(See pro/Arcs/
NAME: mike_allflat Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Identifies flats, processes them. Creates one flat file per slit width. Takes TFLAT as the default CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_mktflat, mike INPUTS: mike - ESI structure [slit] - Slit size (e.g. 0.5, 0.75, 1.0) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One normalized flat per slit width OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /REDOOV - Overwrite OV files if they exist for the flats /SVOV - Save the OV files created during this step /TFCHK - Perform careful checking of the trace flat /CHK - Check the 2D residuals OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_allflat, mike, 1.0 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 14-Aug-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/Flat/
NAME: mike_allobj Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Run all of the processing steps on a single object. This includes processing, CR rejection, tracing, sky subtraction and extraction. Future version will allow multiple (or all objects) and also fluxing. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_allobj, mike, setup, obj_id, side, [exp], /PROCALL INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup ID obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 1L) (or STD index if /STD set) side - Blue (1) or Red (2) side [exp] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /ALLPROC - Perform all steps /SKYCHK - Check Final sky image /RESCHK - Check Final extracted image /DOPROC - Do image processing /DOFNT - Do object tracing /DOSKY - Do sky sub /DOBOX - Do extraction /NOCR - Turn off CR rejection routine (mike_objcr) /CLOBBER - Overwrite previous images (mainly the processed image) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_allobj, mike, 1L, 1L PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 26-Apr-2004 Written by JXP
(See pro/Object/
NAME: mike_ar Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Reads in the first fits file in the directory with name 'mike_*.fits' and passes back the mike structure. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike = mike_ar(file) INPUTS: [file] - Filename (default: first file in list ./mike_*fits*) RETURNS: mike - MIKE structure OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike = mike_ar() PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_rslvall REVISION HISTORY: 13-Nov-2001 Written by JXP 03-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_arcalign Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Finds the offset between the center of arc lines and the trace to the trace flats. The program is largely based on the routines called in mike_slitflat. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_arcalign, mike, setup, side, [/chk, TEMPL=] INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup identifier side - Blue (1), or Red (2) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Updates the arc_xyoff tag in the mike structure OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK - Show the profiles and fits order by order TEMPL= -- Template arc file (assumed to be the first good one of the night) /CLOBBER -- Overwrite any previous solution NSMPL= -- Number of orders to sample (x2) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_arcalign, mike, 1, 1, /CHK PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Jun-2004 Written by JXP (based on mike_slitflat by SB)
(See pro/Arcs/
NAME: mike_arcxyoff Version 1.2 PURPOSE: This program is nearly obsolete. Use mike_arcalign Determine the pixel offset between a pair of Arc images (typically the Template Arc and a different Arc) due to thermal expansion of the instrument. The program calls mike_arcxyoff_work which resamples a sub-region of each Arc and then cross-correlates the images in 2D using a 2D FFT. Optionally, one can 'brute-force' the cross-correlation analysis. We have found both approaches give the same answer. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_arcxyoff, mike, side, INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure side - Blue (1) or Red (2) id1 - Index of the first Arc image (e.g. Template Arc) id2 - Index of the second Arc image RETURNS: xyoff -- The xy offsets OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK -- Shows a visual assessment of the cross-correlation REGION -- Image sub-region for preforming the cross-correlation MAGF -- Level of resampling (default: 8L corresponding to 0.125 pixels) /SLOW -- Turns on brute-force mode (NOT recommended) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_arcxyoff, mike, 1, 45L, 48L, xyoff PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_arcxyoff_work REVISION HISTORY: 13-Aug-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/Arcs/
NAME: mike_autoid Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Guess the type of MIKE image based on exposure time, counts, and other characteristics of the image. CALLING SEQUENCE: guess = mike_autoid(data, xbinguess, ybinguess, $ filename=img[q], hdr=head, /silent) INPUTS: data - 2D image (generally set to 0 and read from filename) RETURNS: Image type:: 'UNK', 'BAD', 'ZRO', 'ARC', 'IFLT', 'TFLT', 'STD', 'OBJ', 'MFLT', IFLT', 'TWI' OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FILENAME - Name of the image to be considered XBIN - x binning YBIN - y binning SILENT - Suppress print statements SATURATED - Saturation level (default = 50000.) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: HDR - Image header if filename specified GUESS_EXPTIME -- Guess of exposure time based on CR hits COMMENTS: Need to do some consistency checks between red and blue side, i.e. they should be the same type EXAMPLES: guess = mike_autoid(data, xbin, ybin, filename='file') PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: ??-??-2003 Written by SB
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_box Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Extract 1D spectra from the 2D images. For each order, a boxcar and an optimal extraction is performed. For the latter, an object profile is derived and both the object flux and sky are fit throughout the order (i.e. not row by row). The main driver is mike_box_sngl. For the optimal extraction, the data is extracted to a specific set of vacuum wavelengths, chosen to be the same for every spectrum to facilitate coadding without rebinning. Here are the steps in detail: 1. Perform a boxcar extraction using extract_box 2. Estimate the SNR per order from the boxcar extraction -- LOOP ON ORDERS IN DECREASING SNR -- 3. Fit the boxcar extraction with a bspline 4. Calculate the object profile a. bspline_iterfit the flux vs position on slit b. Force the profile to be positive everywhere and have a sensible FWHM 5. Fit the order using the profile and sky (bspline_extract) CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_box, mike, setup, obj_id, side, [exp], /RESCHK, /CHK INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup ID obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 1L) (or STD index if /STD set) side - Blue (1) or Red (2) side [exp] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Fills up the 1D spectral tags in the Object structure. OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /OCHK - Plot the extracted flux (optimal) for each order /CHK - Live plots of the profile and trace /RESCHK - Check the residuals of the 2D, fully extracted image /STD - Extraction should be set for a standard star /DEBUG - Stop within extraction routine to check stuff /SKIPSKYSUB - Perform extraction on the processed but NOT sky subtracted image. HIGHSNR - Value of SNR^2 of the data for a given order which when exceeded mike_box uses an additional parameter for the profile shape. (Default: 500 corresponding to SNR=22) Lowering this parameter may improve extraction. ORDRS - Input array of physical order numbers to extract aasdf Optional OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: The program extracts the orders in order of decreasing SNR. If the SNR is lower than lowsnr (default: 2.49) then the optimal extraction is performed using the profile parameters from the previous order(s). EXAMPLES: mike_box, mike, 1L, [0L] PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_box_sngl extract_boxcar smooth_mask bspline_extract REVISION HISTORY: 26-Aug-2003 Written by SMB
(See pro/Object/
NAME: mike_boxeasy Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Extract flux from 2D image to create ten 1D spectra (1 per order) Output is written to the object structure (e.g. Extract/Obj_mike0024.fits) The code only does boxcar extraction for now. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_boxeasy, mike, obj_id, [exp], /DEBUG, /CHK, /STD, APER=, RADIUS= INPUTS: mike - ESI structure indx - Indices of objects to process RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK - Show final trace /STD - Extraction should be set for a standard star /DEBUG - Stop within extraction routine to check stuff APER= - Set aperture by hand (e.g. [5., 7.] ) RADIUS= - Size of window for setting aperture size (default: 20L) ORDRS= - Orders to extract (default: [0L,9L]) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: 1) The program begins extracting in order 9L (physical 6) and will automatically calculate an aperture for that order. If there is insufficient flux in the following orders, it will adopt the value from the next higher order. EXAMPLES: mike_boxextrct, mike, 1L, [0L] PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 26-May-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/ZObsolete/
NAME: mike_boxextrct Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Extract flux from 2D image to create ten 1D spectra (1 per order) Output is written to the object structure (e.g. Extract/Obj_mike0024.fits) The code only does boxcar extraction for now. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_boxextrct, mike, obj_id, [exp], /DEBUG, /CHK, /STD, APER=, RADIUS= INPUTS: mike - ESI structure indx - Indices of objects to process RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK - Show final trace /STD - Extraction should be set for a standard star /DEBUG - Stop within extraction routine to check stuff APER= - Set aperture by hand (e.g. [5., 7.] ) RADIUS= - Size of window for setting aperture size (default: 20L) ORDRS= - Orders to extract (default: [0L,9L]) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: 1) The program begins extracting in order 9L (physical 6) and will automatically calculate an aperture for that order. If there is insufficient flux in the following orders, it will adopt the value from the next higher order. EXAMPLES: mike_boxextrct, mike, 1L, [0L] PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 26-May-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/ZObsolete/
NAME: mike_calibstd Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Create a sensitivity function given a standard star and its appropriate calibration file. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_calibstd, mike, indx, HSTFIL=, CHKFIT=, ESOFIL= INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure indx - Index of the Standard star in the MIKE structure to process RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Sensitivity file in the 'Extract/' directory OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OUTFIL - Name of the output file (default: 'Extract/Sens_{mikeroot}.fits' ) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_calibstd, mike, 1, ESOFIL='fhr4469.dat' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Jan-2004 Written by JXP
(See pro/Std/
NAME: mike_chksky Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Sky Subtract image and add sky subtracted frame to the final image (e.g. Final/f_mike0020.fits). The program also outputs information related to the sky fit in the Sky directory. The user has control over which order to subtract (ORDR=), the wavelength image to use (AIMG=) and can input a break point file for detailed sky line subtraction (SKLFIL=). CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_chksky, mike, setup, side, obj_id, [exp], /CHK, /STD, ORDR=, /NOVAC, SKLFIL=, BORDR=, AIMG= INPUTS: mike - ESI structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) [exp] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /STD - Sky subtract standard star /CHK - Show steps along the way AIMG= - Use alternate Wavelength map for sky subtraction (string filename) ORDR= - Sky subtract a single order only (e.g. [5L,5L]) /NOVAC - Do not perform vacuum wavelength correction BORDR= - Order to begin bspline fitting (default: 5L) SKLFIL= - ASCII file setting breakpoints around sky lines (string) /CLOBBER - Overwrite any previos sky image /USEOLD - Overwrite only the new orders into the old sky sub image OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_chksky, mike, 1L, [0L], /CHK, ORDR=7L {Sky sub exposure 0 and order 7 only} PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 06-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/Skysub/
NAME: mike_chktrc Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Finds all objects and traces them CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_chktrc, mike, setup, obj_id, side, [exp] INPUTS: mike - ESI structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) [exp] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]); Default = 0L RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /STD - Find object for standard star /CHK - Show overall trace FITFIL= - Map of pinholes (default: Maps/hole_fit.idl ) REFWV= - Reference wavelength region (default: [5600., 5610.] ) REFORDR= - Reference order (default: 4L) /INTER - Interactively identify objects and set apertures (recommended) MAXOFF= - Minimum offset between max obj and center of slit (default: 20.) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_fndobj, mike, 0L, [0L, 1L], /CHK, /INTER, REFWV=[6500., 6520.], REFORDR=5L PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/Object/
NAME: mike_coadd Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Combine the individual 1D spectra from each order to create 1 continuous spectrum. The code attempts to match flux at the order ends and it is recommended that you have fluxed the obj prior to this step. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_coadd, mike, obj_id, CRVAL1=, CDELT=, NPIX=, SPECFIL=, /STD INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One flux and one error array in 1D OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ORDRS= - Orders to coadd (default: [0L,9L]) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_coadd, mike, 2, CRVAL1=4000.0d, NPIX=50000, specfil='file.fits.gz' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 13-Oct-2002 Written by JXP 04-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP) 12-Apr-2004 Updated for MIKE (RAS)
(See pro/Spec/
NAME: mike_combimg Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Process a data frame CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_combimg, mike, indx, /DFLAT, /REDDOV INPUTS: mike - ESI structure indx - Index values RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Fully combimgessed image OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: DFLAT - Use Dome flats where possible OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_combimg, mike, indx PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_combspec Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Combines multiple exposures of the same obj Must be run even on an object with a single exposure CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_combspec, mike, setup, obj_id, side, exp_id INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) [exp_id] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: echfspec - ESI fspec structure (fits file; FSpec/name_ech.fits) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /SILENT - No text output LIST= - Use an input list to combine (required for multiple night obs). Output is in 'FSpec/tmp_ech.fits'. OBJ_NM= - Name of object in slit (a = science) /STD - Run on a standard star OUTNM= - Alternative output name for FSpec file /NOFLUX - Fill echfspec structure with fx, rather than flux array ENDTRM= - Trim order edges by this when calculating ratios MINPIX1= - Minimum 'good' pixels to calculate fitting profile ORDNM= - Fitting profile order (default: 1) SNRMIN= - Minimum S/N per pixel for consideration in fitting OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: ; EXAMPLES: mike_combspec, mike, setup, obj_id, side PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Jan-2004 Written by JXP 10-Jun-2004 Revisited by GEP
(See pro/Spec/
NAME: mike_crossarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Finds shift between saved template and current arc spectra. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_crossarc, guessarc, cur_aspec, guess_spec, guess_fit, ordrs, $ ordr_shift, row_shift, chk=chk, sigrej=sigrej, /DEBUG INPUTS: guessarc - Filename of IDL save file with known wavelength solution cur_aspec - Current extracted Arc spectra to be fit obj_id - Object identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: guess_spec - saved arc spectrum rebinned to match cur_aspec guess_fit - polynomial wavelength fits in rebinned space ordrs - Orders matching saved spectrum ordr_shift - Order offset between template and current row_shift - Pixel offset between template and current OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK - Manually check steps along the way /DEBUG - Debugging SIGREJ= - Rejection sigma for outliers in arc line fitting (default: 2.) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: restore fft() REVISION HISTORY: 2004 Written by SB
(See pro/Arcs/
NAME: mike_delfin Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Deletes Final images CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_delfin, mike, indx INPUTS: mike - ESI structure indx - Index numbers of frames to delete RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_delfin, mike, indx PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 30-Apr-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_delov Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Deletes OV images CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_delov, mike, indx INPUTS: mike - ESI structure indx - Index numbers of frames to delete RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_delov, mike, indx PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 18-Jul-2002 Written by JXP
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_doall Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Run all of the steps for a single night of data. You had better know what you are doing!! CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_doall, setup, MIKE=, /NOCR, /CLOBBER, EXTRA= INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup ID RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /NOCR - Turn off CR rejection routine (mike_objcr) /CLOBBER - Overwrite previous images (mainly the processed image) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_doall, mike, 1L PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 23-Sep-2004 Written by JXP
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_edgeflat Version 1.1 PURPOSE: To trace the order edges of the individual orders. And the results are fit (which replaces mike_fittflat). The fit is a low order fit to the slit width, and then a higher order fit to the order centers. 1. Identify the order edges (interactive is recommended). 2. Performs an order by order tracing of the order edges using trace_crude. 3. Perform (iteratively) a PCA analysis on the coefficients of the individual traces. 4. Create and write to disk a structure summarizing the fits. 5. Do a 2-part fit that replaces the fittflat call. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_edgeflat, mike, setup, [side], /CHK, INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: A structure containing the information for the order by order fits. This structure is then fed to mike_fittflat to create a 2D solution. Typical name: 'Flats/TStr_B_01.fits' OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK -- Check the order edges interactively (similar to INTER) /INTER -- Determine the order edges interactively THRESH -- Threshold for an order edge on the red side (default: 100.) /CLOBBER -- Overwrite the output structure P_NSIG -- Number of sigma significance that an order edge should have for the red side (default: 50.) NSIG -- Number of sigma significance that an order edge should have fo the blue side (default: 2.0) MINFLAT -- Mininum counts in flat on blue side to use orders (100) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_edgeflat, mike, 1, 1, /clobber PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_getfil mike_trcflat_edges REVISION HISTORY: 1-Nov-2004 Written by SB, replaces mike_trcflat and mike_fittflat QA file is still in mike_trcflat
(See pro/Flat/
NAME: mike_editstrct Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Launches a gui to edit the MIKE structure CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_editstrct, mike INPUTS: mike -- ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_editstrct, mike PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Jan-2002 Written by JXP 29-Jan-2003 Polished by JXP
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_fit2darc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: To fit the arc lines identified in mike_fitarc as a fucntion of their y-centroid and order number. The main routine is in mike_fit2darc_work. The fit is a simple least-squares with one round of rejection. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_fit2darc, mike INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Integer defining setup obj_id - Object identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: A fits file containing the 2D solution. Named something like 'Arcs/Fits/Arc_mb0539_fit2D.fits' OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NOCOEFF - Number of coefficients to use in the x-direction (default: 6 for blue, 7 for red) NYCOEFF - Number of coefficients to use in the y-direction (default: 4) /CLOBBER - Overwrite any previous solution /DEBUG - debug /CHKRES - Plot the residuals OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_fit2darc, mike, 1.0 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_fit2darc_work REVISION HISTORY: 28-Feb-2003 Written by SB 18-Apr-2003 Revised by JXP
(See pro/Arcs/
NAME: mike_fitarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: To identify and centroid arc lines in each order. There is actually no fitting done at this stage other than to reject bad lines. The main program calls mike_fitarc_work as its driver. The algorithm mike_fitarc_work does the following: 1) Input the arc image from mike_mkarc 2) Input an archived arc solution appropriate to the side 3) Extract 1D (boxcar) spectra down each order :: extract_arc 4) Cross correlate (FFT) against the archived 1D arc spectrum, this gives the order number and the pixel offset 5) Automatically identify a set of lines (x_templarc) 6) Perform a low order fit to these lines 7) Reidentify all lines with this fit and refit 8) Write arc solutions (one per order) to a fits file 9) If the orders extend beyond the archived solution, attempt to extrapolate to the remaining orders. The idea is to use the known wavelengths from the good orders to extrapolate a guess at the solution. Then use this guess to peak up on the arc lines in these additional orders. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_fitarc, mike, setup, obj_id, [side], /INTER, LINLIST=, /CHK, /CLOBBER, SIGREJ=, /DEBUG, IORDR=, /PINTER INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Integer defining setup obj_id - Object identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: IDL fit file (one per order) (e.g. Arcs/ArcECH_##fit.idl) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /PINTER - Perform fit for pre-identified lines /INTER - Identify lines interactively and then fit LINLIST - Arc line list (default: $XIDL_DIR/Spec/Arcs/Lists/mike_thar.lst /CHK - Manually check steps along the way /DEBUG - Debugging SIGREJ= - Rejection sigma for outliers in arc line fitting (default: 2.) IORDR - Initial order for analysis /CLOBBER - Overwrite previous fits SHFTPRM= - Fit structure for shifting the orders of the arc OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_fitarc, mike, 1, 1 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_crossarc mike_fitarc_ps mike_fitarc_work extract_arc x_templarc REVISION HISTORY: 12-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 21-Aug-2002 Streamlined + Added ps output 01-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP) 01-Jan-2004 Added a guess at unmatched orders (SB) Apr-2005 Ported to XIDL (JXP)
(See pro/Arcs/
NAME: mike_fittflat Version 1.1 PURPOSE: To create a 2D solution which describes the order curvature. This solution is derived from the individual traces created by mike_trcflat and saved within the Trace structure. The 2D fitting algorithm is a simple least-squares algorithm. The code then attempts to extrapolate the solution for orders which are partially on the CCD. The code then makes a guess for the physical order number which is not particularly accurate right now. Finally, the order structure (a key input for the MIKE pipeline) is written to disk. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_fittflat, mike, setup, [side], /DEBUG, INNY=, INNT=, LHEDGE=, /CLOBBER INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One normalized flat per slit width OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: INNY -- Number of coefficients for fitting in vertical direction. (Default: 7) INNT -- Number of coefficients for fitting in horizontal direction. (Default: 6) /DEBUG -- Turn debugging on LHEDG -- Used primarily for debugging OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_fittflat, mike, 1, 1 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 28-Feb-2003 Written by SB 18-Apr-2003 Revised by JXP
(See pro/Flat/
NAME: mike_fittrcarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: To fit the slope of the arc lines as a function of order number and y position on the CCD. This information is then used to construct a 2D wavelength image. The fitting routine is the usual least-squares algorithm with two rounds of rejection. CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Integer defining setup obj_id - Object identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Fits file with the coefficients of the 2D fit. Filename like 'Arcs/TRC/Arc_mb0539_F.fits' OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK -- Plots residuals /CLOBBER -- Overwrite previous solution /ORDRCLOB -- Overwrite arc_m in the order structure OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_fittrcarc_work -- Main driver mike_getfil REVISION HISTORY: 28-Apr-2003 Written by SB
(See pro/Arcs/
NAME: mike_flux Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Fluxes the spectrum using a standard star calibration. Default is to use the one in CALIBS which is probably good enough for relative fluxing. Definitely not good enough for absolute. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_flux, mike, setup, obj_id, side, FLUXFIL=, /CLOBBER, /STD INPUTS: setup - Setup ID obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 1L) (or STD index if /STD set) side - Blue (1) or Red (2) side RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FLUXFIL - File name of standard star for fluxing (default: $MIKE_DIR/pro/Std/Archive/sens_blue#.fits) /STD - Extraction should be set for a standard star OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_flux, mike, obj_id, /CLOBBER PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Jan-2004 JXP
(See pro/Spec/
NAME: mike_fndobj (Retired) Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Finds all objects and traces them CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_fndobj, mike, obj_id, [exp], REFWV=, SCICLM=, REFORDR=, /INTER, /STD, /CHK, MAXOFF=, /NOCLOB INPUTS: mike - ESI structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) [exp] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /STD - Find object for standard star /CHK - Show overall trace FITFIL= - Map of pinholes (default: Maps/hole_fit.idl ) REFWV= - Reference wavelength region (default: [5600., 5610.] ) REFORDR= - Reference order (default: 4L) /INTER - Interactively identify objects and set apertures (recommended) MAXOFF= - Minimum offset between max obj and center of slit (default: 20.) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_fndobj, mike, 0L, [0L, 1L], /CHK, /INTER, REFWV=[6500., 6520.], REFORDR=5L PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 22-May-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/ZObsolete/
NAME: mike_fntobj Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Identify the object within the slit (single object) and trace it along each order. The code rectifies each order, collapses it and looks for the object. IF it finds it in >7 orders then it peaks up on the object. Otherwise, it guesses the object is at the center of the order. It then uses xy2tracset (trace_crude) to trace the object along each order individually. Finally, it performs a PCA analysis on the trace_crude coefficients to create a smoothed (pseudo-2D) solution for the trace. The code outputs an object structure which includes the trace and other info. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_fntobj, mike, setup, obj_id, side, [exp], /STD, /CHK [v1.0]' INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup ID obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 1L) (or STD index if /STD set) side - Blue (1) or Red (2) side [exp] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Object structure (MIKEOBJSTRCT) including the trace and other information regarding the object. This structure is then filled up with the 1D spectrum, etc. OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /STD - Find object for standard star /CHK - Show diagnostics of the code performance /NOCLOB - Do not clobber existing files (default: clobber) /DEBUG - Debug OBJAPER - Set aperture to mask for sky subtraction (default: 20 unbinned pixels for obj, 26 for STD) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_fntobj, mike, 1L, 1L, /CHK, PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_rectify find_npeaks mike_fweight mike_fntobj_off trace_crude mike_basis REVISION HISTORY: 23-Sep-2003 Written by JXP (combined aspects of fndobj with trcobj) 10-Nov-2003 Changed fntobj_off, SMB
(See pro/Object/
NAME: mike_gain Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate the inverse gain, e-/DN with two very similiar input images For MIKE, milky flats or well illuminated flats are best. CALLING SEQUENCE: estimated_gain = mike_gain(image1, image2) INPUTS: image1 - Any array of pixels with reasonable gaussian errors image2 - A very similar image to image1, but not identical! RETURNS: gain - A floating point number: the inverse gain OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: The gain is calculated from the variance of the natural logarithm of the ratio of two images which have units of ADU (Poisson counts / gain) <gain> = 1.0 / { variance [ sqrt(reduced_flux) * ln(i1/i2) ] } EXAMPLES: image1 = readfits('ov_mr0405.fits') image2 = readfits('ov_mr0406.fits') gain = mike_gain(image1, image2) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 16-Jul-2003 Written by SMB
(See pro/Flat/
NAME: mike_getfil Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Pass back a structure and/or filename for a specified file type in the MIKE code. CALLING SEQUENCE: rslt = mike_getfil('type', [setup], SIDE=, /NAME, SUBFIL=, CHKFIL=, SZ=, INDX=, FIL_NM=, HEAD=) INPUTS: [setup] - Setup identifier RETURNS: Structure, image, name, etc. OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /name -- Only return resolved name (string) CHKFIL -- Value equal to the number of files matching name SZ -- Image size SUBFIL -- Image name generally used to parse the root name of the image (e.g. 'Arcs/arc_mb0539.fits'). Required in many cases. SIDE -- Specify camera: Blue (1) or Red (2) INDX -- Image extension in the fits file (generally 0, 1, or 2) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: FIL_NM -- Filename of the file HEAD -- Image header COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: ordr_str = mike_getfil('ordr_str', 1, SIDE=1) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 18-Aug-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_getwvarr Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Extract flux from 2D image to create ten 1D spectra (1 per order) Output is written to the object structure (e.g. Extract/Obj_mike0024.fits) The code only does boxcar extraction for now. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_boxextrct, mike, obj_id, [exp], /DEBUG, /CHK, /STD, APER=, RADIUS= INPUTS: mike - ESI structure indx - Indices of objects to process RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK - Show final trace /STD - Extraction should be set for a standard star /DEBUG - Stop within extraction routine to check stuff APER= - Set aperture by hand (e.g. [5., 7.] ) RADIUS= - Size of window for setting aperture size (default: 20L) ORDRS= - Orders to extract (default: [0L,9L]) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: 1) The program begins extracting in order 9L (physical 6) and will automatically calculate an aperture for that order. If there is insufficient flux in the following orders, it will adopt the value from the next higher order. EXAMPLES: mike_getwvarr, mike, 1L, [0L] PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 02-Jan-2004 Written by JXP
(See pro/Object/
NAME: mike_mkaimg Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given the 2D solution for the slope of the lines as a function of position this code creates a wavelength image (i.e. assigns a unique wavelength to each pixel in each order). The xoffset is input in order to properly determine the edges of each order. A simple spline interpolation is used to determine the values. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_mkaimg, mike, setup, [side], /CHK, /CLOBBER INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Integer defining setup obj_id - Object identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: 2D wavelength image with name like 'Arcs/Arc_mb0439I.fits' OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CLOBBER - Overwrite previous image /CHK - Display the final image OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_mkaimg, mike, setup, obj_id PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_getfil mike_ordermask mike_mkaimg_work REVISION HISTORY: 15-May-2003 Written by SB
(See pro/Arcs/
NAME: mike_mkarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Process and combine arc files CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_mkarc, mike, slit, /CLOBBER INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Integer defining setup RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One processed, combined Arc Image (e.g. Arcs/Arc_ECH##.fits) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CLOBBER - Overwrite exisiting arc image OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_mkarc, mike, 0.5 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 30-Apr-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/ZObsolete/
NAME: mike_mkbias Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Create bias frames from zero exposures. This program is not really necessary as it is VERY unlikely that a bias frame will be used in future reductions. Overscan on top and right of frames is sufficient. Combined bias frames created here can be used to verify that this is the case. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_mkbias, mike, /NOBIASROW, /CLOBBER, /DEBUG, /SVOV INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Creates bias frames in 'Bias/Bias[NxN][B,R].fits' where [NxN] indicates binning. OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: CLOBBER = Overwrite old bias frames if set NOBIASROW - if set, bias row is ***NOT*** used. I.E, default is to use the bias row. SVOV -- Save the bias subtracted frames of the individual files DEBUG -- Turn on debug flag OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_mkbias, mike, /CLOBBER PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_oscansub REVISION HISTORY: 28-Feb-2002 Written by JXP July-2003 Method for bias subtraction changed by RAB. Now: Overscan subtract both red and blue 0 second exposures. Combine to make a bias frames.
(See pro/Bias/
NAME: mike_mkmap Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Process arc file CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_mkmap, mike, slit INPUTS: mike - ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One normalized flat per slit width OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: DFLAT - Use Dome flats where possible OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_mkmap, mike PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Apr-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/Maps/
NAME: mike_mkmflat Version 1.1 PURPOSE: This set of routines takes a series of flats observed through the diffuser and creates a normalized Flat used to correct pixel-to-pixel response variations. A principal challenge with MIKE in its current state (April 2004) is that it is difficult to get sufficient counts on the blue side. mike_mkmflat :: The main routine simply does some basic accounting, organizes bias subtraction and performs I/O. mike_mkflat_work :: Accepts the name(s) of a series of OV subtracted milky flats. It then: 1. Opens the file and creates an inverse variance array 2. Takes out the low order variation in the image (lo_interp) 3. Performs a series of medians along the columns rejecting bad pixels (replace by local mean). 4. If multiple images were input, they are stacked with rejection and the final image is returned CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_mkmflat, mike, setup, [side] INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One normalized flat per setup per side with names like 'Flats/Flat_B_01_M.fits.gz' OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CLOBBER - Overwrite Output MilkyFlat /OVCLOB - Overwrite OV files if they exist for the flats /SVOV - Save the OV files created during this step /USEBIAS - Use bias frame in OV subtraction OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_mkmflat, mike, 1 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_getfil mike_subbias mike_mkflat_work REVISION HISTORY: 16-May-2003 Adapted by JXP from existing programs by SB 24-Feb-2004 Switched to a series of median/linear interpolations (SB)
(See pro/Flat/
NAME: mike_mktflat Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Combines all trace flats for a given setup into one final image. The images are first bias subtracted using mike_subbias. The images are median combined after scaling by the median after iteratively rejecting bad pixels. The image and its inverse variance array are written to one fits file. Because of the thermal gradients, it is highly recommended that one use only a coeval set of trace flats. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_mktflat, mike, setup, [side], /SVOV, /REDOOV, /CLOBBER INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One normalized flat per setup and side (e.g. 'Flats/Flat/_B_01_T.fits.gz') OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /REDOOV - Overwrite OV files if they exist for the flats /SVOV - Save the OV files created during this step /CLOBBER - Overwrite the final fits file /USEBIAS - Use the bias frame in bias subtraction OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_mktflat, mike, 1.0 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_subbias xcombine mike_delov REVISION HISTORY: 17-Apr-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/Flat/
NAME: mike_objcr Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Flags CRs given 2 or more object images. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_objcr, mike, setup, obj_id, side, [iexp] INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup ID obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 1L) (or STD index if /STD set) side - Blue (1) and/or Red (2) side (Default: [1L,2L]) [iexp] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: flat - fits file in the dir Flats named 'Flat_##.fits' where ## is the mask_id value VAR - Variance in the flat (in electrons) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: SVOV - save ov files /NOFITS - No FITS output RTIO - Ratio CR must exceed to be flagged (default: 9) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Algorithm for 3 or more images is not well tested. It would be nice to add a GROW option. EXAMPLES: mike_objcr, mike, setup, obj_id, side, PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Aug-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/Object/
NAME: mike_ordermask Version 0.1 PURPOSE: Returns a integer image which identifies each pixel with a given order or inter-order gap. CALLING SEQUENCE: maskimage = mike_ordermask(ncol, nrow, ordr_str, trim=trim) (note: it's a little silly to pass ncol and nrow, but had no better idea at the time. I should have just passed mike structure, but it doesn't really need it to run.) INPUTS: ncol - number of columns in image nrow - number of rows ordr_str - Structure array describing order format RETURNS: OUTPUTS: An [NCOL,NROW] image with each pixel exclusively assigned to an order or gap OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: trim - The buffer included in each order (default 0. pixels). Increasing trim increases the width of each order! OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Crude routine to make a map of order placement Orders fall at positive Maps [1...nord] Gaps are marked with [-1 ... -NGAP] Pixel leftward of 1st order or rightward of last order in ordr_str are set to 0 EXAMPLES: maskimage = mike_ordermask(ncol, nrow, ordr_str, trim=trim) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: gap_index (internal routine to find those gaps!) REVISION HISTORY: 15-Jul-2003 Checked in by SB ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; gap_index jumps through hoops to find the list of image indices which lie between lhedg <= column <= rhedg
(See pro/Flat/
NAME: mike_oscansub Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Called by mike_mkbias and mike_subbias. This routine does the overscan subtraction using the col and row sections at the right and top, respectively. INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure NoBIASROW - if set, bias row is ***NOT*** used. I.E, default is to use the bias row. CLOBBER - overwrite ARC - if it's an arc, you might not want to do the colums for the red side. RETURNS: OUTPUTS: overscan subtracted images into desired directory OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: CLOBBER = overwrite old bias frames if set OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: REVISION HISTORY: 18-July-2003 RAB
(See pro/Bias/
NAME: mike_pca (replica of em_pca) PURPOSE: (one line) Perform E-M PCA to get first k principal components DESCRIPTION: Uses Sam Roweis' Expectation Maximization version of PCA to efficiently find the first k principal components for a distribution in p (>k) dimensions. The procedure guesses an initial set of eigenvectors (stored the in [p,k] dimensional matrix "eigenvec") and applies the following iteration to the [p,N] dimensional "data": hidden= ( eigenvec^T . eigenvec )^{-1} . eigenvec^T . data eigenvec= data . hidden^T . (hidden . hidden^T)^{-1} From: Neural Information Processing Systems 10 (NIPS'97) pp.626-632 available at: CATEGORY: Mathematical CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_pca, data, k, eigenvec, hidden [, tol=, maxiter=, niter=, /verbose] INPUTS: data - [p,N] data to be PCAed k - number of eigenvectors desired (<p) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: tol - tolerance of convergence (default 0.) maxiter - maximum number of iterations (default 20) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /verbose - verbose output /nofix - don't do the final real PCA OUTPUTS: eigenvec - [p,k] matrix of k leading eigenvectors hidden - [k] matrix of "hidden" variables (the lower dimensional representation of the data) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: niter - number of iterations used COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: BUGS: Somewhat untested. RESTRICTIONS: Does not implement Sam's Sensible-PCA procedure PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2003-01-26 - Written by Michael Blanton (NYU)
(See pro/ZObsolete/
NAME: mike_proc Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Process a raw data frame. Bias subtract and flatten. Output is written in Final/ and is a mutli-extension fits file. Extension-0 is the processed image, Extension-1 is the inverse variance. CALLING SEQUENCE: There are several ways to call mike_proc mike_proc, mike, indx [processes the image with index=indx] mike_proc, mike, SETUP=1, OBJ=4 [processes images with setup=1 and obj_id=4] rslt = mike_proc_sngl('Rawfil') [process a single image] INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure [indx] - Index (or indices) of the image(s) in the MIKE structure to process RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Fully processed image OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CLOBBER - Clobber existing image SETUP - Setup number EXP - Exposure numbers OBJ - Obj_id value /ARC - Identifies the image as an Arc explicitly. This is important for bias subtraction on the red side. /NOFLAT - Do not flatten FLATFIL - Name of flat file to use. /SVOV - Save the OV subtracted image /REDOOV - Overwrite any existing OV images IOUTFIL - Name for output file (array for mult /STD - Processes standard stars corresponding to an input SETUP OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: The inverse variance is given this set of values in an attempt to deal with the Poisson limit ivar = 1.0/(abs(img * gain - sqrt(2.0)*readno) + readno^2 ) EXAMPLES: mike_proc, mike, [20L,21L], /CLOBBER PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_proc_work mike_subbias_sngl mike_getfil mike_delov REVISION HISTORY: 30-Apr-2002 Written by JXP 19-Aug-2003 Added work routine
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_procarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Process (bias subtract, flatten) the arc files. In addition, the code first calls mike_arcxyoff which uses a 2D FFT to determine the offset between the Template Arc and the current arc due to thermal expansion in the instrument. This file also includes the routine mike_procarc_sngl which allows the processing of a single Arc image given the filename of the Raw image. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_procarc, mike, setup, obj_id, [side], ATEMPL=, /CLOBBER, FLATFIL= INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Integer defining setup obj_id - Object identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One processed, combined Arc Image (e.g. Arcs/Arc_mb0539.fits) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CLOBBER - Overwrite exisiting arc image ATEMPL -- Index of the Template Arc image (default: 0L) FLATFIL -- Filename of the milky flat (pixel to pixel correction) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_procarc, mike, 1, 1, 1, /CLOBBER PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_getfil mike_arcxyoff mike_proc REVISION HISTORY: 13-Aug-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/Arcs/
NAME: mike_rectify Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Return an image of a single order, which is rectified, has a width of 2*long(min(rhedg-lhedg)/2) + 1 and conserves counts in each row. lhedg maps to the first column, rhedg to last column and center of order to central column CALLING SEQUENCE: rect_image = mike_rectify(arc_img, lhedg, rhedg, /NOCORRECT) INPUTS: img - Raw image lhedg - Left hand edge of the order rhedg - Right hand edge of the order RETURNS: rect_img - Rectified 2D image OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /NOCORRECT - ?? HALFW - Half width of the order (default: Minimum half width) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: rect_image = mike_rectify(arc_img, lhedg, rhedg, /NOCORRECT) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_rectify REVISION HISTORY: ??--2004 Written by SB
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_redux Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Calls various routines to analyse the data CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_redux, wfccd, maskid, expsr, XSIZE=, YSIZE= INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_redux, mike PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 02-May-2005 Written by JXP
(See pro/General/
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_setarcm Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Run through the necessary steps to set the arc_m values in the order structure. This seperate routine was created to avoid the high level of confusion occuring in mike_allarc. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_setarcm, arc_fil, setup, side INPUTS: arc_fil - Raw arc file used to set the arc_m values setup - Integer defining setup side - Blue (1) or Red (2) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: A series of files related to Arc calibration OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /PINTER - Perform fit for pre-identified lines OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ARC_FIL= - Name of processed arc XYOFF= - Offset fit info ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS TO MIKE_ALLARC_SNGL: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_setarcm, 'Raw/mike_mb0032', 1, 1 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_procarc mike_alignarc mike_fitarc mike_fit2darc mike_tracearc mike_fittrcarc REVISION HISTORY: 18-Aug-2004 Written by JXP Usage:
(See pro/Arcs/
NAME: mike_setgain Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate the inverse gain using the routine mike_gain and the Milky Flats. The value of the gain is then saved into mike.gain CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_setgain, mike, setup, [side] INPUTS: setup - Setup ID [side] - Blue (1) and/or Red (2) side [default: [1,2] ] RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 26-Jun-2004 Written by SMB 04-Apr-2005 Replaced mike_gain with x_calcgain
(See pro/Flat/
NAME: mike_setup Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Examine the mike structure to determine if a given setup has the requisite calibration files. It then sets a number of tag names accordingly. Finally, it gives the object frames a running index based on the object name. It is recommended to rerun this program if: (1) you have bombed out of IDL without saving the MIKE structure, (2) you have changed the setup values or calibration files. I doubt it will ever hurt to rerun. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_setup, mike INPUTS: mike -- MIKE structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: OUTFIL -- Name for the ASCII file output (default: 'mike_summ.txt') COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_setup, mike, OUTFIL= PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_getfil REVISION HISTORY: 17-Jul-2002 Written by JXP 29-Jan-2003 Polished by JXP
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_setwav Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Process and combine arc files CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_setwav, mike, slit, /CLOBBER INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Integer defining setup RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One processed, combined Arc Image (e.g. Arcs/Arc_ECH##.fits) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CLOBBER - Overwrite exisiting arc image OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_setwav, mike, 0.5 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 26-May-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/ZObsolete/
NAME: mike_shifti Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Shift the order position given the values of mike.arc_xyoff This is used to deal with the thermal variations within MIKE. CALLING SEQUENCE: shft = mike_shifti(arc_xyoff, OSTR=ostr, ORDRS=ordrs) INPUTS: arc_xyoff - 2 parameter fit to the shift (linear fit) RETURNS: shft - The shift for the set of orders OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ORDRS -- Physical order numbers OSTR= -- If provided, the routine will update lhedge, rhedge tags OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: shft = mike_shifti(75L, mike[23].arc_xyoff) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 26-Jun-2004 Written by JXP
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_skyshift Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Identify a shift in the sky spectrum between the one extracted by MIKE for a given frame and the UVES archived spectrum. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_skyshift, bset_prof, uveslog, uvesflux, xwave, THRESH=thresh INPUTS: bset_prof - The bspline info from the sky fit uveslog - alog10(sky wavelengths) from UVES line list uvesflux - Flux of the sky lines xwave - Wavelengths of the sky RETURNS: The sky shift in fractional pixels OUTPUTS: A sky subtracted image added as extension #2 to the fits file. A file in the directory Sky/ describing the fit OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: THRESH - Minimum threshold to include line in the analysis (Default: 0.4) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sky_shift = mike_skyshift(bset_prof, uveslog, uvesflux, $ objstr[mm].sky_wv[0:nrow-1] ) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: ladfit bspline_valu() REVISION HISTORY: ??-2003 Written by SMB
(See pro/Skysub/
NAME: mike_skysub Version 1.2 PURPOSE: Sky Subtract image and add sky subtracted frame to the final image (e.g. Final/f_mike0020.fits). The program also outputs information related to the sky fit in the Sky directory. The user has control over which order to subtract (ORDR=), the wavelength image to use (AIMG=). The program preforms the following steps: 1. Offset the Order structure by the appropriate shift 2. Subtract scattered light (mike_fitgap) -- LOOP ON ORDERS -- 3. After masking the object, the code finds the sky pixels and normalizes them by the slit profile. 4. It bspline fit to the sky 5. It assesses the fit and adds in breakpoints in a somewhat smart way. 6. It performs a second bspline fit 7. The coefficients of the fit are saved and the image is subtracted 8. The code compares the extracted sky spectrum against the UVES sky spectrum to guess at a shift. This is saved to the Object structure. -- END OF LOOP 9. The final sky subtracted image is written to the fits file (extension #2) CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_skysub, mike, setup, obj_id, side, [exp], /CHK, /STD, ORDR=, AIMG=, /USEOLD, /FCHK INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup ID obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 1L) (or STD index if /STD set) side - Blue (1) or Red (2) side [exp] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: A sky subtracted image added as extension #2 to the fits file. A file in the directory Sky/ describing the fit OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /STD - Sky subtract standard star /CHK - Show steps along the way AIMG= - Use alternate Wavelength map for sky subtraction (string filename) ORDR= - Sky subtract a single order only (e.g. [5L,5L]) /CLOBBER - Overwrite any previos sky image /USEOLD - Overwrite only the new orders into the old sky sub image /FCHK - Show the final sky subtracted image /DOALL - ?? OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: SCATTERED_LIGHT= -- Scattered light image. It may be useful to save and use this if you are subtracting individual orders COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_skysub, mike, 1L, 1L, 1L, /FCHK PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_fitgap mike_ordermask bspline_iterfit mike_getfil mike_skyshift mike_skysub_write REVISION HISTORY: 16-May-2003 Written by JXP ??-2003 Modified extensively by SMB 26-Jun-2004 Update arc shifting
(See pro/Skysub/
NAME: mike_slitflat Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Stores slit profile and gradient along each order from twilight flats. This routine is critical for performing ideal sky subtraction, especially given the short slit length. The following steps are performed in mike_slitflat_work: 1. Fit and subtract the scattered light in the twilight flat 2. Extract a boxcar profile down the center of the flat 3. Loop on orders 4. Calculate the slit angle at each pixel in the order 5. Calculate the Jacobian (DEPRECATED) 6. Fit a bspline to the profile 7. Run diagnsotics on the fit 8. Save the good ones to profile0 and profile1 tags CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_slitflat, mike, setup, side, [/chk, /clobber] INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Fills in the profile0 and profile1 tags in the Order structure OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK - Show the profiles and fits order by order /CLOBBER - Clobber an previous work TFLAT_FIL - Name for TFLAT file RESIDUAL_FIL - Output name for Jacobian matrix PROFILE_FIL - Output name for profile fits NODETILT - Do not remove a linear tilt from the Cross-section fit NXBKT - Number of x breakpoints for scattered light fit NYBKT - Number of x breakpoints for scattered light fit OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_slitflat, mike, 1 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_ordermask mike_fitgap mike_qw mike_slitflat_work REVISION HISTORY: ??-??-2003 Written by SB
(See pro/Flat/
NAME: mike_slitflat4x2 Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Stores slit profile and gradient along each order from twilight flats. Takes TFLAT as the default CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_mktflat, mike, setup, side INPUTS: mike - ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: A new ordr_struct stored in "Flats/OStr_R_01wP.fits' OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_mktflat, mike, 1 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 28-Feb-2003 Written by SB 18-Apr-2003 Revised by JXP 30-Apr-2003 Polished by JXP
(See pro/Flat/
NAME: mike_specplt Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Plots any array interactively CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_specplt, ydat, [head], XSIZE=, YSIZE=, TITLE=, WAVE=, LLIST=, QAL=, ERR=, /GAL INPUTS: ydat - Values [head] - Header RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: xsize - Draw window xsize (pixels) ysize - Draw window ysize (pixels) wave - wavelength array ERR - Error array (fits or image) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_specplt, 'spec.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 23-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See pro/Spec/
NAME: mike_strct Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates and outputs a structure for a series of MIKE images. This structure organizes the data for the night and is used to run most of the programs in the MIKE package. It will attempt to identify the type of object using the algorithm (mike_autoid). It also parses the header for information related to exposure time, RA,DEC, etc. Finally, the code calculates the gain for pairs of Milky flat exposures with the routine mike_gain. At present these gain values are not used. Use mike_setgain to set the values [highly recommended]. See for all of the tags of the mike structure. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_strct, struct, LIST=, /NOMKDIR, /NOFILE, OUTFIL=, /NOEDIT, FILE_LIST= INPUTS: By default the program examines all of the files with the form *b####.fits in the Raw/ directory. RETURNS: OUTPUTS: struct - IDL structure based on the MIKE images OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LIST - Image list: e.g. 'gd_files.lst' NOMKDIR - Suppress the creation of sub directories (not recommended) NOEDIT - Do not edit the final structure OUTFIL - Name of fits output file (default = mikestrct.fits) FILE_LIST - String Array of all input filenames OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Need to do some consistency checks between red and blue side, i.e. they should be the same type EXAMPLES: mike_strct, nght1_strct PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_rslvall mike_autoid mike_gain mike_wrstrct mike_editstrct REVISION HISTORY: 27-Feb-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_subbias Version 1.2 PURPOSE: Remove bias from all exposures listed in the "mike" structure. The main driver is mike_suboscan which strips the image of the overscan and bias regions (see that program for a full description). The mike_subbias routine will also remove an archived bias image if requested. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_subbias, mike, indx, /usebias, /nobiasrow, /clobber, /ARC, /debug, BADROW= INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /NOBIASROW= if set, bias row is not used (normally, you should not use it) /USEBIAS = use the bias image in addition to subtracting a fit to the overscan columns (at right). The code first generates a smoothed version of the bias image. If you do this, you want to be sure the same options were used in mike_mkbias (i.e. /nobiasrow ) Presently, this step is not recommended. /ARC - We found there is significant bleeding into the OV region because of the very bright Arc lines. Setting /REDARC turns off the fitting in the OV region for the red side. This may be removed when the neutral density filter is introduced. /CLOBBER = Overwrite existing OV files /DEBUG -- Turn debug mode on BADROW -- Rows identified as anomolous in the overscan region. Generally the result of an electronics 'hiccup'. OUTPUTS TO SNGL: /NOFITS -- Do not write a fits file OVIMG= -- Bias subtracted image OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_subbias, mike, indx PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_subbias_sngl -- Subroutine under mike_subbias. Uses most of the keywords described above. Example: rslt = mike_subbias_sngl('Raw/mb0020.fits', side) mike_suboscan REVISION HISTORY: 17-Apr-2003 Written by JXP 29-Apr-2003 Modified by GP 24-Jun-2003 Modified by JXP (dealt with Blue side) 18-Jul-2003 Modified by RAB - changed bias subtraction method. Now as follows: fit oscan cols (left), subtract fit oscan rows (top) IF REQUESTED, subtract subtract bias image IF REQUESTED 19-Aug-2003 Added single file mode 26-Jun-2004 Allowed retrieval of image only (no writing) 04-Apr-2005 Replaced mike_suboscan with x_suboscan
(See pro/Bias/
NAME: mike_suboscan Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Called by mike_mkbias and mike_subbias. This routine does the overscan subtraction using the col and row sections at the right and top, respectively. The code averages the overscan region (with clipping), identifies bad rows (SVBAD), and then uses SAVGOL to create a smoothed representation of the overscan. This is then subtracted from the columns in the image. Finally, the bias row (written at the top of the image) is subtracted from each row after a SAVGOL processing. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_suboscan, raw, head, ovimg, rbin, cbin, [imtype], /NOBIASROW, /DEBUG, /REDARC, SVBAD= INPUTS: raw -- 2D image head -- Header for the image (only used to update the card) rbin -- Binning of the rows (1,2,3,4) cbin -- Binning of the columns (1,2,3,4) [imtype] -- Image type:: 'ZRO' (only used for debugging) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: ovimg -- Bias subtracted image OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NoBIASROW - if set, bias row is ***NOT*** used. I.E, default is to use the bias row. REDARC -- Because of charge bleeding, the red arcs tend to have improper overscan regions. Setting this keyword will stop the code from using the overscan for bias subtraction. DEBUG -- Turn debug mode on OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: SVBAD -- Rows with anomolous behavior, most likely related to a transient occurance within the CCD electronics. COMMENTS: REVISION HISTORY: 18-July-2003 RAB 16-Feb-2004 JXP -- added kludge for bad rows
(See pro/Bias/
NAME: mike_teststd Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Create a sensitivity function given a standard star and its appropriate calibration file. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_calibstd, mike, indx, HSTFIL=, CHKFIT=, ESOFIL= INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure indx - Index of the Standard star in the MIKE structure to process RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Sensitivity file in the 'Extract/' directory OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OUTFIL - Name of the output file (default: 'Extract/Sens_{mikeroot}.fits' ) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_calibstd, mike, 1, ESOFIL='fhr4469.dat' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Jan-2004 Written by JXP
(See pro/Std/
NAME: mike_tracearc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: To trace the arc lines in each order (individually) and fit a straight line to each one. The following steps are taken: 1. Scattered light is removed from the image 2. All significant arc lines are identified (5 sigma) 3. trace_crude is used to trace the lines 4. trace_crude is reapplied to only those lines which are entirely in the order 5. xy2traceset is used to fit a straight line to each arc line 6. Only the good lines are saved for 2D fitting in a structure which is written to disk CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_tracearc, mike, setup, obj_id, [side], /CLOBBER, INIO= INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Integer defining setup obj_id - Object identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: all_xset -- A structure describing the fits to the arc lines OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: INIO - Initial order (for debugging) /CLOBBER - Overwrite previous fits OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_tracearc, mike, setup, obj_id PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: trace_crude xy2traceset mike_tracearc_work REVISION HISTORY: 28-Apr-2003 Written by SB
(See pro/Arcs/
NAME: mike_trcflat Version 1.1 PURPOSE: To trace the order edges of the individual orders. The results are then fed to mike_fittflat to calculate a 2D solution. The following steps are performed: 1. Identify the order edges (interactive is recommended). 2. Performs an order by order tracing of the order edges using trace_crude. 3. Perform (iteratively) a PCA analysis on the coefficients of the individual traces. 4. Create and write to disk a structure summarizing the fits. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_trcflat, mike, setup, [side], /CHK, INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: A structure containing the information for the order by order fits. This structure is then fed to mike_fittflat to create a 2D solution. Typical name: 'Flats/TStr_B_01.fits' OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK -- Check the order edges interactively (similar to INTER) /INTER -- Determine the order edges interactively SMSHROW -- Row where order edges are determined (default: 1/2 way up the image) THRESH -- Threshold for an order edge on the red side (default: 100.) /CLOBBER -- Overwrite the output structure P_NSIG -- Number of sigma significance that an order edge should have for the red side (default: 50.) NSIG -- Number of sigma significance that an order edge should have fo the blue side (default: 2.0) MINFLAT -- Mininum counts in flat on blue side to use orders (100) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_trcflat, mike, 1.0 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_trcflat_clean mike_getfil REVISION HISTORY: 17-Apr-2003 Written by JXP 30-Apr-2003 Updated by JXP 04-Aug-2003 Updated by JXP :: Added robust peak cleaning routine 15-Mar-2004 Updated by JXP :: Added interactive mode
(See pro/Flat/
NAME: mike_trcobj Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Trace the object through each order of the image. The program uses a standard star as a crutch (/STD) through regions where the object has very low flux. The trace is written into the object structure (e.g. Extract/Obj_mike0024.fits) CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_trcobj, mike, obj_id, [exp_id], /STD, /FAINT, /CHK, NCOLL= INPUTS: mike - ESI structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) [exp_id] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK - Show final trace /STD - Use standard star as a crutch /FAINT - Faint object; sum up more rows (40) to search for flux NCOLL= - Set number of rows to sum by hand (default: 25) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_trcobj, mike, 1L, [0L], /CHK, /STD PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 23-Sep-2003 Added mike_trcobj_sngl
(See pro/Object/
NAME: mike_trcstd Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Trace the std through each order of the image. The program uses a standard star as a crutch (/STD) through regions where the object has very low flux. The trace is written into the object structure (e.g. Extract/Obj_mike0024.fits) CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_trcstd, mike, setup, side INPUTS: mike - ESI structure obj_id - Object ID (e.g. 0L, 1L, etc) [exp_id] - Exposure frames (e.g. [0L, 1L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK - Show final trace /STD - Use standard star as a crutch /FAINT - Faint object; sum up more rows (40) to search for flux NCOLL= - Set number of rows to sum by hand (default: 25) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_trcstd, mike, 1L, [0L], /CHK, /STD PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 22-Sep-2003 Written by JXP
(See pro/Std/
NAME: mike_tweakarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: To identify and centroid arc lines in each order. There is actually no fitting done at this stage other than to reject bad lines. The main program calls x_fitarc as its driver. The algorithm x_fitarc does the following: 1) Input the arc image from mike_mkarc 2) Input an archived arc solution appropriate to the chip 3) Extract 1D (boxcar) spectra down each order :: extract_arc 4) Cross correlate (FFT) against the archived 1D arc spectrum, this gives the order number and the pixel offset 5) Automatically identify a set of lines (x_templarc) 6) Perform a low order fit to these lines 7) Reidentify all lines with this fit and refit 8) Write arc solutions (one per order) to a fits file 9) If the orders extend beyond the archived solution, attempt to extrapolate to the remaining orders. The idea is to use the known wavelengths from the good orders to extrapolate a guess at the solution. Then use this guess to peak up on the arc lines in these additional orders. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_fitarc, mike, setup, obj_id, [chip], /INTER, LINLIST=, /CHK, /CLOBBER, SIGREJ=, /DEBUG, IORDR=, /PINTER INPUTS: mike - HIRES structure setup - Integer defining setup obj_id - Object identifier [chip] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: IDL fit file (one per order) (e.g. Arcs/ArcECH_##fit.idl) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /PINTER - Perform fit for pre-identified lines /INTER - Identify lines interactively and then fit LINLIST - Arc line list (default: $XIDL_DIR/Spec/Arcs/Lists/mike_thar.lst /CHK - Manually check steps along the way /DEBUG - Debugging SIGREJ= - Rejection sigma for outliers in arc line fitting (default: 2.) IORDR - Initial order for analysis /CLOBBER - Overwrite previous fits SHFTPRM= - Fit structure for shifting the orders of the arc OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_fitarc, mike, 1, 1 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_fitarc REVISION HISTORY: 11-May-2005 Created by JXP (based on mike_fitarc)
(See pro/Arcs/
NAME: mike_twisky Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Stores slit profile and gradient along each order from twilight flats. Takes TFLAT as the default CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_twisky, mike, setup, side INPUTS: mike - ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: nothing currently, it's just a test OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_twisky, mike, 1 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: mike_profile_return REVISION HISTORY: 12-Aug-2003 Written by SB
(See pro/Flat/
NAME: mike_updstrct Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Updates the MIKE structure with new images. Currently requires that the new images are all in the 'Raw/' subdirectory. CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_updstrct, struct, LIST=list, EDIT=edit INPUTS: struct -- Original structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: struct - Updated structure list OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LIST= - Image list /EDIT - Launch mike_editstrct OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_updstrct, mike PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 23-Sep-2004 Written by JXP
(See pro/General/
NAME: mike_wrstrct Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Write the mike structure to a FITS file and write an ASCII summary CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_wrstrct, mike, /ANONLY, OUTFIL=, FITS= INPUTS: mike - An ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ANONLY - Only print files with flg_anly NE 0 OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: OUTFIL= - Output file (default: 'mike.list') FITS= - Name of fits output file (default: 'strct.fits') COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mike_wrstrct, mike, FITS='mike_13oct02.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 13-Jul-2002 Written by JXP 29-Jan-2003 Polished (JXP)
(See pro/General/
NAME: qa_profile Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates the QA files for the mike_slitflat routine CALLING SEQUENCE: qa_profile, qastr, qafil INPUTS: qastr -- The QA structure qafil -- The name of the QA file RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 2004 Written by SB
(See pro/ZObsolete/
NAME: slitflat_qa Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates the QA structure used to save info from the slitflat routine for final printing via qa_profile CALLING SEQUENCE: qa = slitflat_qa( x, z, mask, ordr, lower=, upper= ) INPUTS: x -- slit_frac z -- Profile mask -- Profile mask ordr -- Order structure (parsed to include only one order) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LOWER= UPPER= OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: temp_qa = slitflat_qa(slit_frac[xsort], profile[xsort], profile_mask, $ ordr_str[q]) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 2004 Written by SB
(See pro/ZObsolete/
NAME: xy2traceset PURPOSE: Convert from an array of x,y positions to a trace set CALLING SEQUENCE: xy2traceset, xpos, ypos, tset, [ invvar=, func=func, ncoeff=ncoeff, $ xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, maxiter=maxiter, inputfunc=inputfunc, $ inmask=inmask, outmask=outmask, yfit=yfit, inputans=inputans, $ _EXTRA=EXTRA ] INPUTS: xpos - X positions corresponding to YPOS as an [nx,Ntrace] array ypos - Y centers as an [nx,ntrace] array OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: invvar - Inverse variance for weighted fits. func - Function for trace set; options are: 'poly' 'legendre' 'chebyshev' 'chebyshev_split' Default to 'legendre' ncoeff - Number of coefficients in fit; default to 3 xmin - Explicitly set XMIN for trace set rather than using minimum in XPOS xmax - Explicitly set XMAX for trace set rather than using maximum in XPOS maxiter - Maximum number of rejection iterations; set to 0 for no rejection; default to 10. inmask - Mask set to 1 for good points and 0 for rejected points; same dimensions as XPOS, YPOS. Points rejected by INMASK are always rejected from the fits (the rejection is "sticky"), and will also be marked as rejected in OUTMASK. inputans - ??? inputfunc - An array which matches the size of ypos, which is multiplied to the normal function before SVD decomposition silent - Set to suppress print and splog outputs EXTRA - Keywords passed to either the function FUNC, or DJS_REJECT(). Note that keywords like MAXREJ relate to each individual trace. OUTPUTS: tset - Structure containing trace set OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: outmask - Mask set to 1 for good points and 0 for rejected points; same dimensions as XPOS, YPOS. yfit - Fit values at each XPOS. COMMENTS: The fits are done to one trace at a time, where each trace is treated completely independently. Note that both MAXDEV and MAXSIG can be set for applying both rejection schemes at once. Additional keywords can be passed to the fitting functions with _EXTRA. By not setting any of these rejection keywords, no rejection is performed. EXAMPLES: BUGS: PROCEDURES CALLED: djs_reject() fchebyshev() fchebyshev_split() flegendre() fpoly() func_fit() REVISION HISTORY: 19-May-1999 Written by David Schlegel, Princeton. 04-Aug-1999 Added chebyshev option (DJS). 02-Sep-2000 Modify to use rejection schemes in DJS_REJECT() (DJS). 07-Dec-2000 Added /silent keyword (DPF) 10-Jul-2001 Add polynomial option
(See pro/General/
NAME: x_wrechfspec Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Reads and writes the echfspec structure CALLING SEQUENCE: x_wrechfspec, echfspec, outfil, /READ INPUTS: wfstrct - WFCCD structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: wfarc - WFCCD arc structure (fits file) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_wrechfspec, echfspec, 'Extract/2015+657_ech.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 03-Sep-2002 Written by JXP
(See pro/Spec/