Suggested Calibrations for MIKE Observations
The following are simply recommendations and do not insure
optimal data.
- 10 Bias (0s) frames
- 10 Trace flat images (no diffuser)
- Take one set per side per setup (i.e. slit size, echelle angles)
- Aim for 5000DN everywhere on the image. This will be
challenging in the blue.
Afternoon (twilight) exposures of the
sky work best, but may not be permitted.
- It is ideal (important) to take a set of Arcs right
before and/or after
- 10 Milky Flats (diffuser)
- Take one set per side per setup
- To maximize blue counts, a B star with the diffuse may work
- For the red side exposures, use the internal lamps, since the
atmospheric absorption bands will affect the milkys coming from
bright stars.
- Inspect the milky flat to verify that the counts do not exceed 35000,
or saturation effects will become pronounced.
- Arcs
- Again, take one pair with the trace flats
- Take one before (or after) each science exposure
- 5s exposures work fine. Longer exposures may help the solution for the red side at the very red end.
- Recommended: One spectrophometric standard star (per setup)
last modified 05/04/04