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Full Text Searching

From Qt 3.1, Qt Assistant offers a powerfull full text search engine. In order to search for certain words or text, go to the 'Search' tab in the sidebar. Then enter the text you are looking for and press Enter or click Search. The search is always case insensitive, so Foo, fOo and FOO are all treated as the same. The following search patterns can be used:

The wildcard (*) character cannot be used within quotes.

The list of documents is ordered according to the number of occurrences of the search text they contain, with those with the highest number of occurrences appearing first. Simply click any document in the list to have it display in the document pane.

If the documentation is changed, e.g. if new documents are added or old ones removed, Qt Assistant will reindex. At present this only works for latin1 encoded documents, i.e. Unicode is not yet supported.

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Qt version 3.1.2