Microstrip Analysis/Synthesis Calculator

Version 1.5

Any and all comments are welcome. Please let me know if this page is useful to you! User responses will help motivate me to maintain and improve this page.

Information on this version.


This calculator provides accurate microstrip transmission line analysis and synthesis. A cross-section of a microstrip transmission line is shown below. The electrical parameters may be determined from specified physical parameters, or the physical parameters required to meet a given set of electrical parameters may be found.

Microstrip Cross-section

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In analysis mode, the physical width, W, and length, L, of the transmission line are entered and the program calculates the resulting effective dielectric constant, Keff, the characteristic impedance, Z0, the electrical length, and the loss of the line.

In synthesis mode, the desired characteristic impedance and electrical length are entered and the program calculates the required width and length for the transmission line.

The substrate characteristics and operating frequency must be specified for both analysis and synthesis.

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Substrate Parameters

Substrate Parameters
Parameter Description Units
Er Relative permittivity of the substrate. -
H Substrate dielectric thickness. {Phys. Units}
Tmet Metal thickness. This value
influences both Z0, and the
loss of the line.
{Phys. Units}
Rho Metal conductivity relative
to copper. This value is
only used for loss calculations.
Rough Metal surface roughness. This
is the rms deviation of the
conductor surface from a plane.
A rough surface increases losses
in the line.
{Phys. Units}
Tand Loss tangent of the dielectric.
This value is only used for loss

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The closed form expressions used by this calculator for characteristic impedance and effective dielectric constant are highly optimized and accurate expressions. They offer the ultimate in accuracy without resorting to an iterative numerical solution of Maxwell's Equations for the entire structure. Most calculations will result in better than 1% accuracy. A more detailed accuracy description will be added to this page in the future.

The loss equations include dielectric losses and conductor losses. Please note that radiation losses are not included. The loss values are somewhat less accurate than the characteristic impedance and effective dielectric constant values. It is still believed that the numbers obtained are useful.

The loss equations included here assume that the conductor thickness is at least several skin depths thick. When this assumption is not met, the loss equations are somewhat suspect. When the skin depth is larger than the metal thickness, a dc solution is used for loss calculations. This causes a small discontinuity in the conduction loss vs frequency curve as the skin depth crosses the metal thickness. If anyone has a good reference on better loss calculations in this region, please let me know and I will improve this section.

If the conductor thickness is set to 0, only dielectric losses are considered and the metal is assumed to be lossless.

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Analysis/Synthesis Values Output Values
Elec. Len.
Loss per length
(dB/{Phys. Unit})
Skin depth
{Phys. Units}
{Phys. Units}
{Phys. Units}

Substrate Parameters
Microstrip Cross-section

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Selected References

E. Hammerstad and O. Jensen, "Accurate Models for Microstrip Computer- Aided Design" IEEE MTT-S, International Symposium Digest, Washington D.C., May 1980, pp. 407-409

M. Kirschning and R. H. Jansen, "Accurate Model for Effective Dielectric Constant of Microstrip with Validity up to Millimetre-Wave Frequencies", Electronics Letters, Vol 18, No. 6, March 18th, 1982, pp 272-273.

Stanislaw Rosloniec, Algorithms For Computer-Aided Design of Linear Microwave Circuits, Archtech House, 1990

E. H. Fooks and R. A. Zakarevicius, Microwave Engineering using Microstrip Circuits, Prentice-Hall, 1990

E. O. Hammerstad, Edited by F. Bekkadal, Microstrip Handbook, ELAB Report No. STF44 A74169, University of Trondheim, 1975.

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While I have done my best to verify the correct operation of this calculator, the author shall not be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of this page.

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Contacting the Author

The author, Dan McMahill, may be reached by email.

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$Id: index.html,v 2002/08/08 02:56:55 dan Exp $
Copyright © 1994-2002 Daniel R. McMahill ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.