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This document describes the symbol library and gnetlist backend which supports driving SWITCAP simulations from the gEDA/gaf system. SWITCAP is a switched capacitor circuit simulator available from Columbia University. It is used in many classroom and research environments. One drawback to SWITCAP is the lack of a freely available schematic capture frontend. The gEDA/gaf SWITCAP symbol library and gnetlist backend tries to fill that gap.

The basic steps involved with using gEDA as the frontend for SWITCAP simulations are:

  1. Create schematics of the circuit.
  2. Create an analysis file.
  3. Extract the netlist.
  4. Run the SWITCAP simulation.
  5. Run sw2asc to extract the results.
  6. View the results with gwave.

Stuart Brorson 2005-03-15