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Up: Example
Previous: Example
Figure 1 shows the
schematic of a simple switched capacitor circuit.
Figure 1:
Simple Switched Capacitor Circuit
Note that some switches, S1 and S3 for example, are controlled by CLK1
while others, S2 and S4 for example, are controlled by the complement
of CLK1 (#CLK1).
Figure 2 shows the definition of a clock and the master
clock. Here we define a master clock period (mcp) of 1.0
s in
the timing block.
Figure 2:
SWITCAP Clock Definition Schematic
In the clock definition symbol, we define a clock called CLK1 that has
a period equal to 1 master clock period (mcp). The phase of CLK1
turning on switches is 0 and the phase of CLK1 turning off switches is
3/8 mcp. Additional clock phases can be defined by creating more
instances of the clock definition symbol.
Figure 3 shows an instantiation of the title block
symbol which will cause ``my title'' to be used in the TITLE line in
the SWITCAP netlist.
Figure 3 also shows an instantiation of an analysis
block which directs the netlister to include the contents of the file
test.ana in the output netlist. Figure 4 shows
the contents of the test.ana file.
Figure 3:
SWITCAP Analysis Definition Schematic
Figure 4:
SWITCAP Analysis File, test.ana
Next: Netlist the Design
Up: Example
Previous: Example
Stuart Brorson