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Required Symbols

This section assumes you are familiar with using gschem to create and edit schematics. SWITCAP netlisting is only supported for the components contained in the SWITCAP symbol library as well as the ground symbol found in the 'power' library which comes with gEDA. All allowed SWITCAP elements except for subcircuits are supported. You must include the following elements on your schematic:

  1. One instance of the switcap-timing symbol. This symbol will set the master clock period for your simulations.

  2. One or more instances of the switcap-clock symbol. This symbol defines a clock with a particular phase and period. The reference designator of the clock symbol is used by the switches to set what phase they switch on.

  3. One or more instances of the switcap-analysis symbol. This symbol defines an analysis by specifying a file to include in the SWITCAP netlist. By including multiple instances of this symbol, multiple analysis files may be included.

Stuart Brorson 2005-03-15