allShortestPaths | Find Shortest Paths Between All Nodes in a Directed Graph |
bclust | Bagged Clustering |
best.nnet | Convenience Tuning Wrapper Functions |
best.randomForest | Convenience Tuning Wrapper Functions |
best.rpart | Convenience Tuning Wrapper Functions |
best.svm | Convenience Tuning Wrapper Functions |
best.tune | Parameter Tuning of Functions Using Grid Search |
bincombinations | Binary Combinations |
bootstrap.lca | Bootstrap Samples of LCA Results |
boxplot.bclust | Boxplot of Cluster Profiles |
centers.bclust | Bagged Clustering |
classAgreement | Coefficients Comparing Classification Agreement |
clusters.bclust | Bagged Clustering |
cmeans | Fuzzy C-Means Clustering |
compareMatchedClasses | Find Similar Classes in Two-way Contingency Tables |
countpattern | Count Binary Patterns |
cshell | Fuzzy C-Shell Clustering |
d2sigmoid | The Logistic Function and Derivatives |
ddiscrete | Discrete Distribution |
dsigmoid | The Logistic Function and Derivatives |
e1071-deprecated | Deprecated Functions in Package e1071 |
element | Extract Elements of an Array |
extractPath | Find Shortest Paths Between All Nodes in a Directed Graph |
fclustIndex | Fuzzy Cluster Indexes (Validity/Performance Measures) |
hamming.distance | Hamming Distances of Vectors |
hamming.window | Computes the Coefficients of a Hamming Window. |
hanning.window | Computes the Coefficients of a Hanning Window. |
hclust.bclust | Bagged Clustering |
hsv_palette | Sequential color palette based on HSV colors |
ica | Independent Component Analysis |
impute | Replace Missing Values |
interpolate | Interpolate Values of Array |
kurtosis | Kurtosis |
lca | Latent Class Analysis (LCA) |
lines.probplot | Probability Plot |
matchClasses | Find Similar Classes in Two-way Contingency Tables |
matchControls | Find Matched Control Group |
moment | Statistical Moment |
naiveBayes | Naive Bayes Classifier |
naiveBayes.default | Naive Bayes Classifier |
naiveBayes.formula | Naive Bayes Classifier |
pdiscrete | Discrete Distribution |
permutations | All Permutations of Integers 1:n |
plot.bclust | Bagged Clustering |
plot.ica | Independent Component Analysis |
plot.stft | Plot Short Time Fourier Transforms |
plot.svm | Plot SVM Objects |
plot.tune | Plot Tuning Object |
predict.lca | Latent Class Analysis (LCA) |
predict.naiveBayes | Naive Bayes Classifier |
predict.svm | Predict Method for Support Vector Machines |
print.bootstrap.lca | Bootstrap Samples of LCA Results |
print.fclust | Fuzzy C-Means Clustering |
print.ica | Independent Component Analysis |
print.lca | Latent Class Analysis (LCA) |
print.naiveBayes | Naive Bayes Classifier |
print.summary.lca | Latent Class Analysis (LCA) |
print.summary.svm | Support Vector Machines |
print.summary.tune | Parameter Tuning of Functions Using Grid Search |
print.svm | Support Vector Machines |
print.tune | Parameter Tuning of Functions Using Grid Search |
probplot | Probability Plot |
qdiscrete | Discrete Distribution |
rbridge | Simulation of Brownian Bridge |
rdiscrete | Discrete Distribution |
read.matrix.csr | Read/Write Sparse Data |
rectangle.window | Computes the Coefficients of a Rectangle Window. |
rwiener | Simulation of Wiener Process |
sigmoid | The Logistic Function and Derivatives |
skewness | Skewness |
stft | Computes the Short Time Fourier Transform of a Vector |
summary.lca | Latent Class Analysis (LCA) |
summary.svm | Support Vector Machines |
summary.tune | Parameter Tuning of Functions Using Grid Search |
svm | Support Vector Machines |
svm.default | Support Vector Machines |
svm.formula | Support Vector Machines |
tune | Parameter Tuning of Functions Using Grid Search |
tune.control | Control Parameters for the Tune Function |
tune.knn | Convenience Tuning Wrapper Functions |
tune.nnet | Convenience Tuning Wrapper Functions |
tune.randomForest | Convenience Tuning Wrapper Functions |
tune.rpart | Convenience Tuning Wrapper Functions |
tune.svm | Convenience Tuning Wrapper Functions |
tune.wrapper | Convenience Tuning Wrapper Functions |
write.matrix.csr | Read/Write Sparse Data |
write.svm | Write SVM Object to File |