{mvbutils}R Documentation

How to create & maintain packages with mvbutils


This document covers:

For clarity, the simplest usage is presented first in each case. For how to do things differently, first look further down this document, then in the documentation for pre.install and perhaps doc2Rd.

You need to understand cd and fixr before trying any of this.

Setting up a package from scratch

First, the simplest case: suppose you have some pure R code and maybe data that you'd like to make into a package called "Splendid". The bare-minimum steps you need are:-

Your package will probably just about work now, but the result won't yet be perfect. The additional steps you'll likely need are these:

Once you have set up "Splendid" so that maintain.packages works, you won't need to cd directly into "Splendid" again— which is good, because you're not allowed to.


Task package is a folder with at least an ".RData" file, linked into the cd hierarchy. It contains master copies of the objects in your package, plus perhaps a few other objects required to build the package (e.g. stand-alone items of documentation).

In-memory task package is an environment in the current R session that contains an image of the task package. Objects in it are never used directly, only as templates for editing. It is loaded by maintain.packages, and Save.pos uses it to update the task package (usually automatic).

Source package is a folder containing, yes, an R-style source package. It is created initially by pre.install, and subsequently by patch.install or pre.install.

Installed package is a folder containing, yes, an R-style installed package. It is always created from the source package, initially by install.pkg and subsequently by patch.install or install.pkg.

Loaded package is the in-memory version of an installed package, loaded by library.

Tarball package is a zipped-up version of a source package, for distro on non-Windows-Mac platforms or submission to CRAN and subsequent installation via "R CMD INSTALL". Usually it will not contain DLLs of any low-level code, just the source low-level code. It is created by build.pkg.

Binary package is a special zipped-up version for distro to Windows or Macs that includes actual DLLs, for installation via e.g. the "Packages/Install from local ZIP" menu. It is created by build.pkg.binary.

Converting an existing package

Suppose you have already have a source package "hardway", and would like to try maintaining it via mvbutils. You'll need to create a task package, then create a new version of the source package, then re-install it. The first step is to call unpackage( hardway) to creat the task package "hardway" in a subdirectory of the current task. Plain-text documentation will be attached to functions, or stored as ".doc" text objects. All functions and documentation must thereafter be edited using fixr. The full sequence is something like:

  # Create task package in subdirectory of current:
  unpackage( "path/to/existing/source/package/hardway")
  # Load image into memory:
  maintain.packages( hardway)
  # Make new version of source package:
  pre.install( hardway, ...) # use dir= to control where new source pkg goes
  install.pkg( hardway) # or build.pkg.binary( hardway) followed by "install from local zip file" menu
  library( hardway) # off yer go

If you get problems after maintain.packages, you might need unmaintain.package( hardway) to clear out the in-memory copy of the new task package.

Documentation and metadata

Documentation for functions can be stored as plain text just after a function's source code, as described in flatdoc. Just about anything will do– you don't absolutely have to follow the conventional structure of R help if you are really in a hurry. However, the easiest way to add kosheR but skeletal documentation to your function brilliant, is fixr( brilliant, new.doc=TRUE); again, see flatdoc and doc2Rd if you want to understand what's going on. The format is almost exactly as displayed in plain-text help, i.e. from help(..., help_type="text"). My recommendation is to just start writing something that looks reasonable, and see if it works. To quickly test the ultimate appearance, you can use e.g. docotest(..Splendid$brilliant). More generally, run patch.install(Splendid) which, as explained in Maintaining a package below, updates everything for your package including the help system, so you can then just do ?brilliant. If you run into problems with writing documentation for your functions, then refer to doc2Rd for further details of format, such as how to document several functions in the same file.

You can also provide three other types of documentation, for: (i) general use of your package (please do! it helps the user a lot; packages where the doco PDF consists only of an alphabetical list of functions/objects are a pain); (ii) more specific aspects of usage that are not tied to individual functions, such as this file; and (iii) datasets. These types of documentation should be stored in the package as text objects whose name ends in ".doc"; examples of the three types could be "Splendid.package.doc", "glitzograms.with.Splendid.doc", and "earlobes.doc" if you have a dataset earlobes. See doc2Rd for format details.

You must document every function and dataset that the user will see, but you don't need to document any others. The foregoing applies iff your package has a Namespace, which it must for R 2.14 up.

Description file or object

When you first create a package from a task via pre.install, there probably won't be any DESCRIPTION information, so mvbutils will create a default "DESCRIPTION" file in your task folder, which it then copies to the source package. However, the default won't really be what you really want, as you'll realize if you type library( help=Splendid). You can either manually edit the default "DESCRIPTION" file, or you can use fixtext(Splendid.DESCRIPTION, pkg="Splendid") to create a text object in your task package, which you then populate with the contents of the default "DESCRIPTION" file, and then edit. If a Splendid.DESCRIPTION object exists, mvbutils will use it in preference to a file; I find this tidier, because more of the package metadata lives in a single place, viz. inside the task package.

Apart from the obvious changes needed to the default "DESCRIPTION" file or text object, the most important fields to add are "Imports:" (or "Depends:" for packages that are pre-R2.14 and that also don't have a namespace), to say what other packages are needed by "Splendid". The DESCRIPTION file/text should rarely need to be updated, since the "autoversion" feature (see pre.install doco) can be used to take care of version numbering. The most common reason to change the DESCRIPTION is probably to add/remove packages in "Imports"; at present, this pretty much requires you to unload & reload the package, but I may try to expedite this in future versions.


In time, I plan to get mvbutils working nicely with knitr. At present (Jan 2013), the easiest way to create vignettes with mvbutils is to produce your own "homebrewed" PDFs however you prefer, and put them into the "inst/doc" folder. pre.install/patch.install will sort them out and link them into the help system. To provide more information than the filename, use fixtext to create a text object in your task package called e.g. mypack.VIGNETTES, with lines as follows:

  my.first.vignette: Behold leviathan, mate
  my.second.vignette: What a good idea, to write a vignette

As a very experimental feature, you can also include R code for a homebrewed vignette, via a file with the same name but extension ".R" also in "inst/doc". Users can access it as normal for vignette code, via edit( vignette( "my.first.vignette", package="mypack")) or via doing something to system.file( file.path( "doc", "my.first.vignette.R"), package="mypack").

You can put full-on Sweave-style vignettes into a "vignettes" folder, and they should be set up correctly in the source package. Currently, though, they are not re-installed by patch.install; you need to use build.pkg and install.pkg (partly defeating the point of these package-building utilities).

Very technical details about homebrewed vignettes

"Rnw stubs" are created for all homebrewed vignettes so that the help system finds them. A rudimentary index will be created for vignettes not mentioned in <<mypack>>.VIGNETTES. If you create your own "inst/doc/index.html" file, this takes precedence over mvbutil's versions, so that <<mypack>>.VIGNETTES is not used.


Usually this is automatic. pre.install etc automatically creates a "NAMESPACE" file for your package, ensuring inter alia that all documented objects are user-visible. To load DLLs, add a .onLoad function that contains the body code of generic.dll.loader in package mvbutils (thus avoiding dependence on mvbutils). For more complicated fiddling, see Customizing package creation.

Packages without namespaces pre r 2 14

Namespaces only became compulsory with R 2.14. If you're setting up your package in an earlier version of R, mvbutils will not create a namespace unless it finds a .onLoad function. To trigger namespacing, just create a .onLoad with this definition: function( libname, pkgname) {}.

Maintaining a package

Once you have successfully gotten your "Splendid" package installed and loaded the first time, you should rarely need to call install.pkg or build.pkg etc again, except when you are about to distribute to others. In your own work, after calling maintain.packages and library in an R session, you can modify, add and delete functions, datasets, and documentation in your package via the standard functions fixr, move, and rm.pkg (or directly), and these changes will mostly be immediately manifested in the loaded package within your R session– this is "live editing". The changes are made first to the in-memory task package, which will be called e.g. ..Splendid, and then propagated to the loaded package. Don't try to manipulate the loaded package's namespace directly. See maintain.packages for details.

To update the installed package (on disk), call patch.install( Splendid); this also calls pre.install to update the source package, updates the help system in the current session, and does a few other synchronizations. You need to call patch.install before quitting R to ensure that the changes are manifest in the loaded package the next time you start R; otherwise they will only exist in the in-memory task package, and won't be callable.


In rare cases, you may find that maintain.packages( Splendid) fails. If that happens, there won't be a ..Splendid environment, which means you can't fix whatever caused the load failure. The load failure is (invariably in my experience) caused by a hidden attempt to load a namespaced package, which is failing for yet another reason, usually something in its .onLoad; that package might or might not be "Splendid" itself. If you can work out what other package is trying to load itself– say badpack– you can temporarily get round the problem by making use of the character vector partial.namespaces, which lives in the "" search environment, as follows:

  partial.namespaces <<- c( partial.namespaces, "badpack")

That will prevent execution of badpack:::.onLoad. Consequently badpack won't be properly loaded, but at least the task package will be loaded into ..Splendid, so that you can make a start on the problem. If you can't work out which package is causing the trouble, try

  partial.namespaces <<- "EVERY PACKAGE"

After that, no namespaced package will load properly, so remember to clear partial.namespaces <<- NULL before resuming normal service.

Occasionally (usually during patch.install), you might see R errors like "cannot allocate vector of size 4.8Gb". I think this happens when some internal cache gets out-of-synch. It doesn't seem to cause much damage to the installed package, but once it's happened in an R session, it tends to happen again. I usually quit & restart R.

You might also find find.lurking.envs useful, via eapply( ..Splendid, find.lurking.envs); this will show any functions (or other things) in ..Splendid that have accidentally acquired a non-standard environment such as a namespace, which can trigger a "hidden" package load attempt. The environment for all functions in ..Splendid should probably be .GlobalEnv; the environments in the loaded package will be different, of course.

It's rare to need to manually inspect either the source package or the installed package. But if you do, then spkg helps for the former (e.g. dir( spkg( mypack))), and system.file for the latter (e.g. system.file( package="mypack"), or system.file( file.path( "help", "AnIndex"), package="mypack")).

Distributing and checking

build.pkg calls R CMD BUILD to create a "tarball" of the package (a ".tar.gz" file), which is the appropriate format for distribution to Unix folk and submission to CRAN. build.pkg.binary creates a binary package (a ".zip" file), suitable for Windows or Macs. check.pkg runs R CMD CHECK (but see next paragraph for a quicker alternative), which is required by CRAN and sometimes useful at other times. These .pkg functions are pretty simple wrappers to the R CMD tools with similar names. However, for those with imperfect memories and limited time, there are enough arcane and mutable nuances with the "raw" R CMD commands (including the risk of inadvertently deleting existing installations) to make the wrappers in mvbutils useful.

Various functions in the tools package can be used to quickly check specific aspects of an installed package, without needing a full-on, and slow, R CMD CHECK. In particular, I regularly use

  codoc( spkg( mypack)) # also spkg( "mypack"), spkg( ..mypack)
  undoc( spkg( ..mypack))

Nothing is printed unless a problem is found, so a blank result is good news! It's also possible to run other tools such as checkTnF and checkFF similarly.

Different r versions

You might need to distribute different versions of your package to go with different R versions. (This happened with– at least– 2.10, 2.12, and 2.14.) The dir.above.source argument of pre.install can be used to create different source package versions. Presumably you'll install the results into different R libraries.

Customizing package creation

You can customize many aspects of the mvbutils package-creation process, by adding a function pre.install.hook.Splendid to your package. See pre.install for further details.

[Package mvbutils version Index]