QTECox {quantreg}R Documentation

Function to obtain QTE from a Cox model


Computes quantile treatment effects comparable to those of crq model from a coxph object.


QTECox(x, smooth = TRUE)



An object of class coxph produced by coxph.


Logical indicator if TRUE (default) then Cox survival function is smoothed.


Estimates of the Cox QTE, (d/dx_j) Q( t | x ) at x=xbar, can be expressed as a function of t as follows:

(d/dx_j) Q( t | x ) = (d/dx_j)t * (d/dt) Q(t | x)

The Cox survival function, S( y | x ) = exp{ - H_o(y) exp(b'x) }

(d/dx_j) S( y | x ) = S( y | x ) log(S( y | x )) b_j

where (d/dt) Q(t | x) can be estimated by - (diff(t)/diff(S) (1-t) where $S$ and $t$ denote the surv and time components of the survfit object. Note that since t = 1 - S( y | x ), the above is the value corresponding to the argument $(1-t)$; and furthermore

(d/dx_j)t = - (d/dx_j) S( y | x ) = - (1-t) log(1-t) b_j

Thus the QTE at the mean of x's is:

(1 - S) = (diff(t)/diff(S) S log(S) b_j

Since diff(S) is negative and $log (S)$ is also negative this has the same sign as b_{j} The crq model fits the usual AFT form Surv(log(Time),Status), then

(d/dx_j) log(Q( t | x )) = (d/dx_j) Q( t | x ) / Q( t | x )

This is the matrix form returned.



points of evaluation of the QTE.


matrix of QTEs, the ith column contains the QTE for the ith covariate effect. Note that there is no intercept effect. see plot.summary.crqs for usage.


Roger Koenker Stephen Portnoy & Tereza Neocleous


Koenker, R. and Geling, O. (2001). Reappraising Medfly longevity: a quantile regression survival analysis, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 96, 458-468

See Also


[Package quantreg version 5.34 Index]