The Net Advance of Physics:
History and Philosophy:
Albert Einstein
A. Einstein: Image and Imapact: AIP Exhibit.
- MacTutor
[St. Andrews University]
- Albert Einstein Homepage, by S. Morgan Friedman
Einstein in Princeton: [Historical Society
of Princeton]
- The Einstein Collection by Joachim Reinhardt [University of Frankfurt, Germany]
Includes a link to a copy of his high school diploma
A Collection of Einstein-Related Documents [US National Academy of Sciences] Mostly about Robert Berks's statue of Einstein.
- Albert Einstein [Physicists Biographies]
Einstein: Einblicke in seine Gedankenwelt
by Alexander Moszkowski
[Hamburg: Hoffmann & Campe, 1921]
English translation:
Einstein the Searcher
[New York: Dutton, no date but clearly 1920s]
One of the first popular expositions of relativity,
based on conversations between the author (a then-famous
Berlin literary figure) and Einstein himself.
- Einstein's Time, by Peter Galison, 2003 (an interview with Galison from Daedalus) [The History Center, AIP]
Einstein and Hilbert, by I. T. Todorov, 2005/04:
The Hundredth Anniversary of Einstein's Annus Mirabilis, by
R. Ya. Kezerashvili, 2005/04:
- Einstein and the Early Theory of Superconductivity, 1919-1922, by T. Sauer, 2006/12
- Albert Einstein: His Annus Mirabilis 1905, by V. Singh, 2007/01
- Einstein's Century: 1905-2005
Video of a lecture by Susan Watson of Middlebury College [2007/03]
- Between Pacifism and Nuclear Energy (1930-1955), by Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, 2007/06
- Abstract of
"Einstein and Oskar Klein: The Fifth Dimension as a Bridge across Quantum Chasms" by Paul Halpern, presentation at the American Physical Society meeting, Dallas, TX, April, 2006 [APS]
- Academic Genealogy from the Mathematical Genealogy Project [North Dakota State University]
- Grave [Find-a-Grave]
See also Relativity, Einstein-Podolski-Rosen Effect, and Einstein-de Haas Effect at the Net Advance of Physics
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To contribute to this page, write Karen Rae Keck.