Difference Engine No. 1
SOURCE: Passages from the Life of a Philosopher by Charles Babbage, Esq., M.A. [London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, 1864]
Babbage's words are in bold.
Difference Engine No. 1 --- First Idea at Cambridge, 1812
Calculating Machines comprise various pieces of
mechanism for assisting the human mind in executing the
operations of arithmetic. Some few of these perform the whole
operation without any mental attention when once the given
numbers have been put into the machine.
Others require a moderate portion of mental attention:
these latter are generally of much simpler construction than
the former, (and it may also be added, are less useful).
The simplest way of deciding to which of these two classes
any calculating machine belongs is to ask its maker whether,
when the numbers on which it is to operate are placed in the
instrument, it is capable of arriving at its result by the mere
motion of a spring, a descending weight, or any other constant
force. If the answer be in the affirmative, the machine is
really automatic ; if otherwise, it is not self-acting.
[In the 1800s the word "automatic" was slowly acquiring its modern sense
of "mechanical". In Greek, the word means "acting on its own" with the
connotations "spontaneously" or even "at random".]
Of the various machines I have had occasion to examine,
many of those for Addition and Subtraction have been found
to be automatic. Of machines for Multiplication and
Division, which have fully come under my examination, I cannot
at present recall one to my memory as absolutely fulfilling
this condition.
The earliest idea that I can trace in my own mind of
calculating arithmetical Tables by machinery arose in this
manner : ---
One evening I was sitting in the rooms of the Analytical
Society, at Cambridge, my head leaning forward on the Table
in a kind of dreamy mood, with a Table of logarithms lying
open before me. Another member, coming into the room, and
seeing me half asleep, called out, "Well, Babbage, what are
you dreaming about ?" to which I replied, "I am thinking
that all these Tables (pointing to the logarithms) might be
calculated by machinery."
I am indebted to my friend,
the Rev. Dr. Robinson, the
Master of the Temple, for this anecdote. The event must
have happened either in 1812 or 1813.
About 1819 I was occupied with devising means for
accurately dividing astronomical instruments, and had arrived
at a plan which I thought was likely to succeed perfectly. I
had also at that time been speculating about making
machinery to compute arithmetical Tables.
One morning I called upon the late
Dr. Wollaston, to
consult him about my plan for dividing instruments. On
talking over the matter, it turned out that my system was
exactly that which had been described by the Duke de
Chaulnes, in the Memoirs of the French Academy of Sciences,
about fifty or sixty years before. I then mentioned my other
idea of computing Tables by machinery, which Dr. Wollaston
thought a more promising subject.
I considered that a machine to execute the mere isolated
operations of arithmetic, would be comparatively of little
value, unless it were very easily set to do its work, and
unless it executed not only accurately, but with great rapidity,
whatever it was required to do.
On the other hand, the method of differences supplied a
general principle by which all Tables might be computed
through limited intervals, by one uniform process. Again,
the method of differences required the use of mechanism for
Addition only. In order, however, to insure accuracy in the
printed Tables, it was necessary that the machine which
computed Tables should also set them up in type, or else supply
a mould in which stereotype plates of those Tables could
be cast.
I now began to sketch out arrangements for accomplishing
the several partial processes which were required. The
arithmetical part must consist of two distinct processes : the
power of adding one digit to another, and also of
carrying the tens to the next digit, if it should be necessary.
The first idea was, naturally, to add each digit successively.
This, however, would occupy much time if the numbers added
together consisted of many places of figures.
The next step was to add all the digits of the two numbers
each to each at the same instant, but reserving a certain
mechanical memorandum, wherever a carriage became due
[i.e. whenever a digit had to be carried to the
next column].
These carriages were then to be executed successively.
Having made various drawings, I now began to make
models of some portions of the machine, to see how they
would act. Each number was to be expressed upon wheels
placed upon an axis ; there being one wheel for each figure in
the number operated upon.
Having arrived at a certain point in my progress, it became
necessary to have teeth of a peculiar form cut upon these
wheels. As my own lathe was not fit for this job, I took the
wheels to a wheel-cutter at Lambeth, to whom I carefully
conveyed my instructions, leaving with him a drawing as his
These wheels arrived late one night, and the next morning
I began putting them in action with my other mechanism,
when, to my utter astonishment, I found they were quite
unfit for their task. I examined the shape of their teeth,
compared them with those in the drawings, and found they
agreed perfectly ; yet they could not perform their intended
I had been so certain of the truth of my previous
reasoning, that I now began to be somewhat uneasy. I
reflected that, if the reasoning about which I had been so
certain should prove to have been really fallacious, I could
then no longer trust the power of my own reason. I therefore
went over with my wheels to the artist who had formed the
teeth, in order that I might arrive at some explanation of
this extraordinary contradiction.
On conferring with him, it turned out that, when he had
understood fully the peculiar form of the teeth of wheels, he
discovered that his wheel-cutting engine had not got amongst
its divisions that precise number which I had required. He
therefore had asked me whether another number, which his
machine possessed, would not equally answer my object. I
had inadvertently replied in the affirmative. He then made
arrangements for the precise number of teeth I required ; and
the new wheels performed their expected duty perfectly.
The next step was to devise means for printing the tables
to be computed by this machine. My first plan was to make
it put together moveable type. I proposed to make metal
boxes, each containing 3,000 types of one of the ten digits.
These types were to be made to pass out one by one from the
bottom of their boxes, when required by the computing part
of the machine.
But here a new difficulty arose. The attendant who put
the types into the boxes might, by mistake, put a wrong type
in one or more of them. This cause of error I removed in
the following manner : ---
There are usually certain notches in
the side of the type. I caused these notches to be so placed
that all the types of any given digit possessed the same
characteristic notches, which no other type had. Thus, when the
boxes were filled, by passing a small wire down these peculiar
notches, it would be impeded in its passage, if there were
included in the row a single wrong figure. Also, if any digit
were accidentally turned upside down, it would be indicated
by the stoppage of the testing wire.
One notch was reserved as common to every species of
type. The object of this was that, before the types which
the Difference Engine had used for its computation were
removed from the iron platform on which they were placed, a
steel wire should be passed through this common notch, and
remain there. The tables, composed of moveable types, thus
interlocked, could never have any of their figures drawn out
by adhesion to the hiking-roller, and then by possibility be
restored in an inverted order. (A small block of such figures
tied together by a bit of string, remained unbroken for several
years, although it was rather roughly used as a plaything by
my children.) One such box was finished, and delivered its
type satisfactorily.
Another plan for printing the tables, was to place the
ordinary printing type round the edges of wheels. Then, as
each successive number was produced by the arithmetical
part, the type-wheels would move down upon a plate of soft
composition, upon which the tabular number would be
impressed. This mould was formed of a mixture of plaster-of-Paris
with other materials, so as to become hard in the
course of a few hours.
The first difficulty arose from the impression of one tabular
number on the mould being distorted by the succeeding one.
I was not then aware that a very slight depth of impression
from the type would be quite sufficient. I surmounted the
difficulty by previously passing a roller, having longitudinal
wedge-shaped projections, over the plastic material. This
formed a series of small depressions in the matrix between
each line. Thus the expansion arising from the impression
of one line partially filled up the small depression or ditch
which occurred between each successive line.
The various minute difficulties of this kind were successively overcome ;
but subsequent experience has proved that
the depth necessary for stereotype moulds is very small, and
that even thick paper, prepared in a peculiar manner, is quite
sufficient for the purpose.
Another series of experiments were, however, made for the
purpose of punching the computed numbers upon copper
plate. A special machine was contrived and constructed,
which might be called a co-ordinate machine, because it
moved the copper plate and steel punches in the direction of
three rectangular co-ordinates. This machine was afterwards
found very useful for many other purposes. It was, in fact, a
general shaping machine, upon which many parts of the Difference
Engine were formed.
Several specimens of surface and copper-plate printing, as
well as of the copper plates, produced by these means, were
exhibited at the Exhibition of 1862.
I have proposed and drawn various machines for the
purpose of calculating a series of numbers forming Tables
by means of a certain system called "The Method of Differences,"
which it is the object of this sketch to explain.
The first Difference Engine with which I am acquainted
comprised a few figures, and was made by myself, between
1820 and June 1822. It consisted of from six to eight
figures. A much larger and more perfect engine was
subsequently commenced in 1823 for the Government.
It was proposed that this latter Difference Engine should
have six orders of differences, each consisting of about
twenty places of figures, and also that it should print the
Tables it computed.
The small portion of it which was placed in the International
Exhibition of 1862 was put together nearly thirty
years ago. It was accompanied by various parts intended to
enable it to print the results it calculated, either as a single
copy on paper --- or by putting together moveable types --- or by
stereotype plates taken from moulds punched by the machine
--- or from copper plates impressed by it. The parts necessary
for the execution of each of these processes were made,
but these were not at that time attached to the calculating
part of the machine.
A considerable number of the parts by which the printing
was to be accomplished, as also several specimens of portions
of tables punched on copper, and of stereotype moulds, were
exhibited in a glass case adjacent to the Engine.
In 1834
Dr. Lardner published, in the
Edinburgh Review, (No. CXX, July, 1834)
a very elaborate description of this portion of the machine,
in which he explained clearly the method of Differences.
[Lardner not only wrote an excellent sixty-four page article on the Difference Engine,
but also made a lecture tour around England promoting the device,
asserting that Babbage's computer would replace error-riddled published mathematical
tables with mechanical precision. His excessively polemical tone on this point offended the
professional calculators responsible for the tables, and made them Babbage's
sworn enemies.
One of his generation's leading "public intellectuals",
Rev. Dionysius Lardner was on the founding faculty of the University of
London, and the most widely-read English-language "popular
science" writer in the first half of the Nineteenth Century; in both capacities,
his importance for the dissemination of
scientific knowledge in the early Victorian period would be hard
to overstate. Nevertheless, he was controversial; many people
saw him as an opinionated, vain, publicity-hungry
quack. He appears in one of Thackeray's sketches (actually a sort of
early comic strip) as
Dionysius Diddler of Brentford, "by trade a philosopher, --- an excellent
profession in Brentford, where people are more ignorant and more easily humbugged
than any people on earth." Moreover, he was Irish, and the
(numerous) satirical depictions of him by his contemporaries are full of anti-Celtic racial prejudice;
Thackeray's Diddler longs for his alma mater, the University of Ballybunion in the hedge,
saying "I'm femous all the world over, but what's the use of riputetion? I'd give all me
celebrity for a bowl of butter-milk and potaties." He was also notorious for his personal
life: in spite of being an ordained Anglican
clergyman, he was divorced, had a son by the married sister of the
astronomer-poet George Darley, and eventually ran off to America with an Army officer's wife.
All in all, the fact that Lardner was Babbage's most outspoken champion could not have been
an unmixed blessing.]
It is very singular that two persons, one resident in London,
the other in Sweden, should both have been struck, on reading
this review, with the simplicity of the mathematical principle
of differences as applied to the calculation of Tables, and
should have been so fascinated with it as to have undertaken
to construct a machine of the kind.
Mr. [Alfred] Deacon, of Beaufort House, Strand, whose mechanical
skill is well known, made, for his own satisfaction, a small
model of the calculating part of such a machine, which was
shown only to a few friends, and of the existence of which I
was not aware until after the Swedish machine was brought
to London.
Mr. [Pehr-Georg] Scheutz, an eminent printer at Stockholm, had far
greater difficulties to encounter. The construction of
mechanism, as well as the mathematical part of the question,
was entirely new to him. He, however, undertook to make
a machine having four differences, and fourteen places of
figures, and capable of printing its own Tables.
After many years' indefatigable labour, and an almost
ruinous expense, aided by grants from his Government, by
the constant assistance of his son, and by the support of
many enlightened members of the Swedish Academy, he
completed his Difference Engine. It was brought to London,
and some time afterwards exhibited at the great Exhibition
at Paris. It was then purchased for the Dudley Observatory
at Albany [N. Y.] by an enlightened and public-spirited merchant of
that city, John F. Rathbone, Esq. [The full story of this
incident may be read online in a genealogical publication,
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family History, October 1988.]
An exact copy of this machine was made by Messrs.
Donkin and Co., for the English Government, and is now in
use in the Registrar-General's Department at Somerset House.
It is very much to be regretted that this specimen of English
workmanship was not exhibited in the International Exhibition.
"Oh no ! we never mention it,
Its name is never heard."
Addition and carry mechanism of Difference Engine No. 1,
assembled from the original parts by Babbage's son in the 1870s. Now
in the Whipple Museum, Cambridge. Photo © Andrew Dunn, 2004
Difference Engine No. 1: working replica at the
Science Museum in London.
Scheutz's difference-engine (from
The Elements of Natural Philosophy by C. Brooke and G. Bird
[London: Churchill (1867)])