COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND see also ANISOTROPY: General: Lyth 93/12; Scott 95/02; Smoot 95/05; Smoot and Scott 97/11; Barreiro 99/07; Lineweaver 99/09; Dodelson 99/12; Kosowsky 2001/02; Signore and Puy 2002/07; Kamionkowski 2002/10; Silk 2002/12; Kosowsky 2003/01; Kinney 2003/01; Scott and Smoot 2006/01; The Universe in Problems: Cosmic Microwave Background by Yu. L. Bolotin and I. V. Tanatarov [Problems for students.] The Beginning and Evolution of the Universe by Bharat Ratra and Michael S. Vogeley [2007/06] The Cosmic Microwave Background for Pedestrians: A Review for Particle and Nuclear Physicists by Dorothea Samtleben et al. [Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 57, 245 (2007)] The violent Universe: the Big Bang by Keith A. Olive [2009/06](2009 European School of High-Energy Physics) What do we learn from CMB observations? by Valery Rubakov and Andrey Vlasov [2010/02] Physics of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation by David Wands et al. [2014/03] Una revisión a la teoría básica del CMB by Jorge Mastache [2014/06] Physics of the cosmic microwave background anisotropy by Martin Bucher [2015/01] Particle physics and the cosmic microwave background by John E. Carlstrom et al. [Physics Today 68, 28 (March 2015)] The Cosmic Microwave Background: The history of its experimental investigation and its significance for cosmology by Ruth Durrer [Class. Quantum Grav. 32, 124007 (2015)] Recent results and perspectives on cosmology and fundamental physics from microwave surveys by Carlo Burigana et al. [2016/04] The Dark Universe by Stefan S. Brems et al. [2017/09] Exercises and proceedings from the 2017 German-Italian WE Heraeus Summer School for teachers: supernova cosmology, virial theorem, rotation curves, CMB. General: Observational: Miller 2001/12; Page 2002/02; Kosowsky 2003/01; An overview of the current status of CMB observations by Rita Belen Barreiro [2008/07] What do we learn from CMB observations? by Valery Rubakov and Andrey Vlasov [2010/02] CMB anisotropy science: a review by Anthony Challinor [2012/10] The Cosmic Microwave Background: The history of its experimental investigation and its significance for cosmology by Ruth Durrer [Class. Quantum Grav. 32, 124007 (2015)] Status of CMB observations in 2015 by Martin Bucher [2015/10] General: Observational: BALLOONS: de Bernardis and Masi 98/04; General: Observational: COMPACT SOURCES: Cosmic Microwave Background Images by D. Herranz and P. Vielva [IEEE Signal Processing 27, 67 (2010)] General: COMPUTATIONAL: Callin 2006/06; Data analysis methods for the cosmic microwave background by Matthieu Tristram and Ken Ganga [Rep. Prog. Phys. 70, 899 (2007)] General: COMPUTATIONAL: DIFFICULTIES: Bond et al. 99/03; Jewell et al. 99/03; Aspects: SUNYAEV-ZELDOVICH EFFECT; Aspects: DIPOLE COMPONENT OF ANISOTROPY: Lineweaver 96/09; Aspects: FLUCTUATIONS: Kosowsky 2001/02; Aspects: FLUCTUATIONS: Re: NEUTRINOS: Krauss 2006/05; Aspects: FOREGROUND REMOVAL: Jewell et al. 99/03; CMB foregrounds -- A brief review by Clive Dickinson [Moriond 2016/06] LARGE-ANGLE ANISOTROPY ANOMALY: Probing the Origin of the Large-angle CMB Anomalies by Kaiki Taro Inoue [Sci. & Tech. (Kinki Univ.) 19, 11 (2007)] Aspects: NON-LINEAR EFFECTS: Maartens 99/07; Aspects: POLARIZATION: Kosowsky 99/04; Gangui 2003/03; Zaldarriaga 2003/05; What do we learn from CMB observations? by Valery Rubakov and Andrey Vlasov [2010/02] Recent results and perspectives on cosmology and fundamental physics from microwave surveys by Carlo Burigana et al. [2016/04] Polarization of the cosmic microwave background by M. Rahimi and C. L. Reichardt [2024/12] Aspects: POLARIZATION: Observational/Experimental: Staggs et al. 99/04; What do we learn from CMB observations? by Valery Rubakov and Andrey Vlasov [2010/02] Cosmic Polarization Rotation in view of the recent CMB experiments by Sperello di Serego Alighieri [2015/05] CMB polarization measurements by E. Carretti and C. Baccigalupi [2024/02] Aspects: POWER SPECTRUM: Lineweaver 99/09; Re: COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT: Church et al. 2001/11; Kinney 2003/01; Re: COSMOLOGICAL PARAMETERS: Melchiorri 2002/04; Souradeep 2006/07; Recent results and perspectives on cosmology and fundamental physics from microwave surveys by Carlo Burigana et al. [2016/04] The cosmic microwave background and the Hubble constant by P. Lemos and P. Shah [2023/07] Re: DARK MATTER: Kamionkowski and Kosowsky 99/04; Olive 2003/03; Recent results and perspectives on cosmology and fundamental physics from microwave surveys by Carlo Burigana et al. [2016/04] Re: DEFECTS: Kamionkowski and Kosowsky 99/04; Re: EARLY UNIVERSE: Lecture Notes on CMB Theory: From Nucleosynthesis to Recombination by Wayne Hu [2008/02] Re: GALAXY FORMATION: Wright 97/11; Re: GRAVITATIONAL LENSING: Mellier 98/12; Bartelmann and Schneider 99/12; Re: GRAVITATIONAL RADIATION: Cohn 97/12; Kamionkowski 98/09; Re: INFLATION: Steinhardt 95/02; Kamionkowski 97/12; Liddle 98/01; Kamionkowski 98/09; Liddle 99/01; Kamionkowski and Kosowsky 99/04; Gangui 2001/02; Kosowsky 2001/02; Church et al. 2001/11; WMAPping the Inflationary Universe by Raghavan Rangarajan [2006/12] Re: INTERFEROMETRY: CMB interferometry by Clive Dickinson [2012/04] Re: INTERGALACTIC MEDIUM: REIONIZATION: Haiman and Knox 99/02; Observing the Epoch of Reionization with the Cosmic Microwave Background by Christian L. Reichardt [2015/11] Re: MOTION OF LOCAL GROUP: Dekel 94/01; Re: PRIMORDIAL MAGNETIC FIELD: Kamionkowski and Kosowsky 99/04; Re: REIONISATION: Knox 2003/05; Observing the Epoch of Reionization with the Cosmic Microwave Background by Christian L. Reichardt [2015/11] Re: TOPOLOGY OF UNIVERSE: Introductory: Kamionkowski 98/06; Re: TOPOLOGY OF UNIVERSE: Levin 2001/08; THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS