HELIUM and ALPHA PARTICLES: General: Definitions: Weisstein 98/06; General: Applications: Cooling with Superfluid Helium by P. Lebrun and L. Tavian [2013/05] Type: ALPHA PARTICLES: Experimental Searches for Rare Alpha and Beta Decays by Pierluigi Beli et al. [European Journal of Physics A 55, 140 (2019)] Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: General: Vollhardt 97/06; Eltsov et al. 98/09; Balibar 2003/03; Nearly Perfect Fluidity: From Cold Atomic Gases to Hot Quark Gluon Plasmas by Thomas Schaefer and Derek Teaney [2009/04] Magnon BEC and Spin Superfluidity: a 3He primer by Yu. M. Bunkov and G. E. Volovik [2009/04] Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: COSMOLOGY: Vortex Formation and Dynamics in Superfluid 3He and Analogies in Quantum Field Theory by V. B. Eltsov et al. [1998/09] Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: DEFECTS: Vollhardt 97/06; Eltsov et al. 98/09; Achucarro and Vachaspati 99/04; Type: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: ELECTROWEAK STRINGS: Achucarro and Vachaspati 99/04; Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: GAUGE SYMMETRY: Vollhardt 97/06; Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: MACROSCOPIC QUANTUM MECHANICS: Vollhardt 97/06; Type: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: MONOPOLES: Achucarro and Vachaspati 99/04; Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: PAIR CORRELATIONS: Vollhardt 97/06; Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: QUANTUM FIELD THEORY: Vortex Formation and Dynamics in Superfluid 3He and Analogies in Quantum Field Theory by V. B. Eltsov et al. [1998/09] Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: VORTICES: Vortex Formation and Dynamics in Superfluid 3He and Analogies in Quantum Field Theory by V. B. Eltsov et al. [1998/09] Type: HELIUM-4: Re: SUPERFLUIDITY: What makes a crystal supersolid ? by Nikolay Prokof'ev [2006/12] Solid 4He and the Supersolid Phase: from Theoretical Speculation to the Discovery of a New State of Matter? by D.E. Galli and L. Reatto [J. Phys. Soc. Japan 77, 111010 (2008)] Nearly Perfect Fluidity: From Cold Atomic Gases to Hot Quark Gluon Plasmas by Thomas Schaefer and Derek Teaney [2009/04] Type: PRIMORDIAL: The Primordial Helium Abundance by Manuel Peimbert [Current Science 95, 1165 (2008)] Aspects: ALPHA PARTICLE CONDENSATES: Schuck et al. 2003/02; Alpha-Particle condensation in nuclear systems: present status and perspectives by Peter Schuck [2013/03] Aspects: LIQUID HELIUM CLUSTERS: Re: MONTE CARLO METHODS: Huang et al. 2002/04; Processes: LIQUEFACTION: Basics of Low-Temperature Refrigeration by A. Alekseev [2013/05] Re: NEUTRONS: Interaction of neutrons with alpha particles: A tribute to Heinz Barschall by Bernard Hoop [2015/03] Re: SUPERSOLIDITY: What makes a crystal supersolid ? by Nikolay Prokof'ev [2006/12] THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS
Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: General: Vollhardt 97/06; Eltsov et al. 98/09; Balibar 2003/03; Nearly Perfect Fluidity: From Cold Atomic Gases to Hot Quark Gluon Plasmas by Thomas Schaefer and Derek Teaney [2009/04] Magnon BEC and Spin Superfluidity: a 3He primer by Yu. M. Bunkov and G. E. Volovik [2009/04] Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: COSMOLOGY: Vortex Formation and Dynamics in Superfluid 3He and Analogies in Quantum Field Theory by V. B. Eltsov et al. [1998/09] Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: DEFECTS: Vollhardt 97/06; Eltsov et al. 98/09; Achucarro and Vachaspati 99/04; Type: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: ELECTROWEAK STRINGS: Achucarro and Vachaspati 99/04; Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: GAUGE SYMMETRY: Vollhardt 97/06; Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: MACROSCOPIC QUANTUM MECHANICS: Vollhardt 97/06; Type: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: MONOPOLES: Achucarro and Vachaspati 99/04; Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: PAIR CORRELATIONS: Vollhardt 97/06; Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: QUANTUM FIELD THEORY: Vortex Formation and Dynamics in Superfluid 3He and Analogies in Quantum Field Theory by V. B. Eltsov et al. [1998/09] Types: LIQUID HELIUM-3: Re: VORTICES: Vortex Formation and Dynamics in Superfluid 3He and Analogies in Quantum Field Theory by V. B. Eltsov et al. [1998/09] Type: HELIUM-4: Re: SUPERFLUIDITY: What makes a crystal supersolid ? by Nikolay Prokof'ev [2006/12] Solid 4He and the Supersolid Phase: from Theoretical Speculation to the Discovery of a New State of Matter? by D.E. Galli and L. Reatto [J. Phys. Soc. Japan 77, 111010 (2008)] Nearly Perfect Fluidity: From Cold Atomic Gases to Hot Quark Gluon Plasmas by Thomas Schaefer and Derek Teaney [2009/04] Type: PRIMORDIAL: The Primordial Helium Abundance by Manuel Peimbert [Current Science 95, 1165 (2008)] Aspects: ALPHA PARTICLE CONDENSATES: Schuck et al. 2003/02; Alpha-Particle condensation in nuclear systems: present status and perspectives by Peter Schuck [2013/03] Aspects: LIQUID HELIUM CLUSTERS: Re: MONTE CARLO METHODS: Huang et al. 2002/04; Processes: LIQUEFACTION: Basics of Low-Temperature Refrigeration by A. Alekseev [2013/05] Re: NEUTRONS: Interaction of neutrons with alpha particles: A tribute to Heinz Barschall by Bernard Hoop [2015/03] Re: SUPERSOLIDITY: