The Net Advance of Physics:
Some Unconventional Mesoscale Quantum-Like Effects in Tribology and Elasticity
This page deals with the claim that deformed solids exhibit quantised behaviour
at size scales where quantum mechanics is not usually thought to apply. This
contention is mainly associated with the 1960s, when E. R. Fitzgerald of Johns Hopkins
University maintained that Planck's constant appears in various empirical relations
governing hypervelocity impact, elastic strain, detonation, and sliding friction,
but it continues to have defenders today.
"Quantum friction", e.g. due to the Casimir effect, although
an extremely controversial topic itself, is not included here; it deserves a page of
its own, if time should someday permit.
The Net Advance of Physics
does not take a position on the
existence and/or explanation of
the reported phenomena.
Papers are listed in approximately chronological order.
To add
papers, please write to the editor
(redingtn at mit dot edu).
- Simple Method for Observing Audiofrequency Resonances and Sound Beams in Crystals
by Edwin R. Fitzgerald [J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 36, 2086 (1964)]
- Particle Waves and Phonon Fission in Crystals
by Edwin R. Fitzgerald [Physics Letters 10, 42 (1964)]
- Particle Waves and Audiofrequency Sound Beams from Crystals
by Edwin R. Fitzgerald [Physics Letters 12, 90 (1964)]
- Comments on Fitzgerald Resonances
by I. L. Hopkins [J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 38, 145 (1965)]
- Comment on the Existence of the Fitzgerald Effect
by R. W. Leonard [J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 38, 673 (1965)]
Apparatus for Producing, Detecting and Applying Internally Generated Particle Waves
in Crystalline Solids
by Edwin R. Fitzgerald [US Patent 3,324,419 (1965)]
- Particle Waves and Audiofrequency Modes in Crystals
by Edwin R. Fitzgerald [J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 39, 856 (1966)]
- Observations of Nonelastic Audiofrequency Resonances
by Edwin R. Fitzgerald [J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 39, 870 (1966)]
- Particle Waves and Deformations in Crystalline Solids
by Edwin R. Fitzgerald
[New York: John Wiley, 1966]
- Review
by Walter G. Mayer
[Physics Today 20, 84 (June 1967)]
- Invariance of Sound Velocity Sums in Crystals
by Edwin R. Fitzgerald and T. W. Wright
[Physica Status Solidi B24, 37 (1967)]
- Further Comments on Fitzgerald Resonances
by I. L. Hopkins [J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 41, 861 (1967)]
- Some Thoughts on Fitzgerald's Particle Waves
by R. M. Wilcox [J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 42, 678 (1967)]
- The Schroedinger Equation and Momentum Transfer in Crystals
by Edwin R. Fitzgerald amd James Tasi
[Int'l J. Acoust. Solids & Structures 3, 927 (1967)]
Particle Waves and Detonation in Crystalline Solids
by Edwin R. Fitzgerald [US Army Research Office, 1968/10]
- Momentum Transfer in Crystal Lattices with Vibrating Atoms
by Edwin R. Fitzgerald
[ Int'l J. Theor. Phys. 2, 41 (1969)]
- Detonation in Crystalline Solids
by Edwin R. Fitzgerald
[J. Phys. & Chem. of Solids 30, 2771 (1969)]
- Tensile Fragmentation of Glass Fibers
by Shin-ichi Hyodo and Masaki Kimura [Japan. J. Appl. Phys. 12, 1711 (1973)]
- Momentum Transfer in Crystal Lattices with Vibrating Atoms
by J. B. Sokoloff
[ Surface Science 144, 267 (1984)]
Application of Crystal Lattice Disintegration Criteria to
Compute Minimum Shock Induced Reactive Conditions
in Solid Explosives and Inert Materials
by James P. Billingsley and Carl L. Adams
[US Army Missile Command Technical Report RD-SS-88-10 (1988)]
Remarks on Certain Aspects of Solid Explosive Detonation via
Small Projectile Impact
by James P. Billingsley and Carl L. Adams
[US Army Missile Command Technical Report RD-SS-88-11 (1988)]
- Metastable States of a Low-Frequency Mesodynamic Pendulum
by Randall D. Peters [Applied Physics Letters 57, 1825 (1990)]
The Relevance of the DeBroglie Velocity to Shock Loading Induced Reactions
in Lead Azide
by James P. Billingsley and James M. Oliver
[US Army Missile Command Technical Report RD-SS-91-10 (1991)]
- Fluctuations in the Length of Wires
by Randall D. Peters [Physics Letters A174, 216 (1993)]
Anomalous Density Dependence of Static Friction in Sand
by Viktor K. Horváth et al.
[Physical Review E54, 2005 (1996)]
- The Decay Limit of the Hugoniot Elastic Limit
by James P. Billingsley [Int'l J. Impact Engineering 21, 267 (1998)]
Looking at Friction through "Shearons"
by Markus Porto et al. [1999/08]
- The Possible Influence of the de Broglie Momentum-Wavelength
Relation on Plastic Strain "Autowave" Phenomena in "Active Materials"
by James P. Billingsley [Int'l J. Solids & Structures 38, 4221 (2001)]
On the Possibility of Invoking Wave-Particle Dualism by Addressing Localized Deformation
by L. B. Zuev [2003/05]
- Friction at the Mesoscale
by Randall D. Peters [Contemporary Physics 45, 475 (2004)]
- The Linear Work Hardening Stage and de Broglie Equation
for Autowaves of Localized Plasticity
by L. B. Zuev [Int'l J. Solids & Structures 42, 943 (2005)]
Postulated Mesoscale Quantum of Internal Friction Hysteresis
by Randall D. Peters [2004/05]
Mesoscale Quantization and Self-Organized Stability
by Randall D. Peters [2005/06]
Compton-Energy Scale of Friction Quantization
by Randall D. Peters [2006/07]
- Autowave Model of Localized Plastic Flow of Solids
by L. B. Zuev et al. [Physics of Wave Phenomena 17, 66 (2009)]
- Autowave Mechanics of Plastic Flow in Solids
by L. B. Zuev [Physics of Wave Phenomena 20, 166 (2012)]
Modelling Friction: From Nanoscale to Mesoscale
by Andrea Vanossi et al.
[Reviews of Modern Physics 85, 529 (2013)]