SUPERSYMMETRY and SUPERSYMMETRY BREAKING: See also Superstrings. General: Textbooks: Pierre 97/12; Siegel 99/12; Gates et al. 2001/08; Cambridge Lectures on Supersymmetry and Extra Dimensions by Sven Krippendorf et al. [2006] For Part III of the Mathematical Tripos. General: Zwiebach 93/05; Haber 93/06; Barger et al. 94/09; Bagger 96/04; Drees 96/11; Redington 96/11; Schwartz 97/11; Dienes and Kolda 97/12; Thomas 98/01; de Wit and Lewis 98/01; Gunion 98/01; Seiberg 98/02; Muñoz 98/02; Schwarz and Seiberg 98/03; Sen 98/10; Ellis 98/12; Dreiner 99/02; Cahill 99/07; van Proeyen 99/10; Olive 99/11; Peskin 2000/02; Murayama 2000/02; Dine 2000/03; Abdullin et al. 2000/05; Ellis 2000/07; Dine 2000/10; Martyn 2001/02; Haber 2001/03; Lindström 2002/04; Berman and Rabinovici 2002/10; Supersymmetry in Elementary Particle Physics by Michael E. Peskin [2008/01] Supersymmetry and Superstring Phenomenology by Mary K. Gaillard and Bruno Zumino [2008/05] Abc of SUSY by Adrian Signer [J. Phys. G36 , 073002 (2009)] TASI 2008 Lectures: Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supersymmetry Breaking by Yuri Shirman [2009/07] Introducción a la supersimetría by José A. Vallejo [Matemàtiques 5, 3 (2010)] Graduate-seminar notes in Spanish. SUSY Phenomenology Today by D. I. Kazakov [2013/06] Five Lectures on Supersymmetry: Elementary Introduction by Evgeny Ivanov [2014/03] Introduction to Supersymmetry by Y. Shadmi [2014/06] Beyond the Standard Model '17 by Dmitry Kazakov [2017/09] Supersymmetric Theory and Models by Howard E. Haber and Laurel Stephenson Haskins [2017/12] Noether Supercurrents, Supergravity and Broken Supersymmetry by Sergio Ferrara and Magnus Tournoy [2018/11] Symmetric Functions in Superspace: A Compendium of Results and Open Problems (Including a SageMath Worksheet) by Ludovic Alarie-Vezina et al. [2019/03] Lectures on Dualities in 2+1 Dimensions by Carl Turner [2019/05] 136 pp. The geometry of supersymmetry: A concise introduction by N. Poncin and S. Schouten [2022/07] Lattice studies of supersymmetric gauge theories by D. Schaich [2022/08] Supersymmetry: Theory by B. Allanach and H. E. Haber [2024/01] A first look at supersymmetry by A. J. Bruce [2024/12] General: Experimental: Paige 98/01; Gunion 98/01; de Boer 98/08; Gunion 98/10; Kuang 99/05; Dittmar 99/07; Kane 2000/08; Peskin 2002/12; Roy 2003/03; Ramsey-Musolf and Su 2006/12; Experimental status of particle and astroparticle searches for supersymmetry by Vasiliki A. Mitsou [2013/04] Supersymmetry: Experimental Status by Keith A. Ulmer [2016/01] Searching for Supersymmetry and its Avatars by John Ellis [2019/10] Midi-review: Status of weak scale supersymmetry after LHC Run 2 and ton-scale noble liquid WIMP searches by H. Baer et al. [2020/02] A brief survey of low-energy supersymmetry under current experiments by J. M. Yang et al. [2022/11] General: Experimental: Re: COSMIC RAYS: Exotic physics with ultrahigh energy cosmic rays by M. Ahlers et al. [2007/09] General: Experimental: Re: ELECTRON COLLIDERS: Kalinowski 99/04; Kuang 99/05; General: Experimental: Re: HADRON COLLIDERS: Spira 98/12; Spira 2002/11; Roy 2003/03; The Status of Supersymmetry after the LHC Run 1 by Philip Bechtle et al. [2015/06] Searching for Supersymmetry and its Avatars by John Ellis [2019/10] Midi-review: Status of weak scale supersymmetry after LHC Run 2 and ton-scale noble liquid WIMP searches by H. Baer et al. [2020/02] General: Experimental: Re: MUON COLLIDERS: Barger 98/02; General: Experimental: Re: TEVATRON: Plehn and Spira 98/10; General: Numerical Methods: Djouadi 2002/11; General: NON-PERTURBATIVE APPROACHES: LATTICE: Montvay 98/01; Supersymmetry on the lattice by Georg Bergner and Simon Caterall [2016/03] Progress and prospects of lattice supersymmetry by David Schaich [2018/10] Types: W STRINGS; WESS-ZUMINO MODELS; Type: DYNAMICAL: Poppitz and Trivedi 98/03; Type: EMERGENT: Searching for Supersymmetry and its Avatars by John Ellis [2019/10] Type: GAUGE MEDIATED: Gunion 98/01; Type: GROSS-NEVEU: Zinn-Justin 2000/05; Feinberg 2003/05; Type: LOW ENERGY: Phenomenological aspects of Supersymmetry: SUSY models and electroweak symmetry breaking by Roman Nevzorov [2009/08] A brief survey of low-energy supersymmetry under current experiments by J. M. Yang et al. [2022/11] Type: MU FROM NU: Searching for Supersymmetry: The mu from nu Supersymmetric Model by D. E. Lopez-Fogliani and C. Munoz [2020/09] Type: N=1: Csaki 98/07; Gates 98/09; Type: N=2: Buchbinder 98/02; Buchbinder and Ovrut 98/02; di Vecchia 98/03; A review of the T_N theory and its cousins by Yuji Tachikawa [2015/04] Type: N=2: Re: BACKGROUND FIELD METHOD: Buchbinder and Ovrut 98/02; Type: N=2: Re: DUALITY: di Vecchia 98/03; Type: N=2: Re: INTEGRABLE STRUCTURES: Mironov 98/01; Type: N=2: TWISTED: Labastida and Lozano 97/09; Type: N=4: di Vecchia 98/03; Type: N=4: Re: DUALITY: di Vecchia 98/03; Type: NON-CHIRAL: Re: WITTEN INDEX: Thomas 98/01; Type: NON-PERTURBATIVE: Terning 2003/06; Type: RIGID: West 98/05; Type: SINGLE SECTOR: Luty and Terning 99/03; Type: SOFT BREAKING LAGRANGIAN: Kane 2000/08; Aspects: BRANES; DILATON; DUALITIES; Aspect: ADINKRAS: Adinkras for Mathematicians by Yan X Zhang [2011/11] Aspect: BACKGROUNDS: Classification, geometry and applications of supersymmetric backgrounds by Ulf Gran et al. [2018/08] 174 pp. Aspect: DYNAMICAL SUPERSYMMETRY BREAKING: Shadmi and Shirman 99/07; Supersymmetry and Its Dynamical Breaking by Michael Dine and John D. Mason [2010/12] Aspect: GAUGE COUPLING: Shifman 99/06; Aspect: GAUGE COUPLING: Type: CONSTANT: Burgess et al. 98/05; Aspect: HIGH TEMPERATURE BREAKING: Bajc 99/02; Aspect: NOETHER SUPERCURRENTS: Noether Supercurrents, Supergravity and Broken Supersymmetry by Sergio Ferrara and Magnus Tournoy [2018/11] Aspects: R-PARITY VIOLATION: Supersymmetry and R-parity: an Overview by Rabindra N. Mohapatra [2015/03] Aspects: SCATTERING: Scattering Amplitudes by Henriette Elvang and Yu-tin Huang [2013/08] 268 pp. Aspect: SPARTICLES: Martyn 2001/02; Aspect: SPONTANEOUS BREAKING: Lectures on Supersymmetry Breaking by Kenneth Intriligator and Nathan Seiberg [2007/02] Re: ANTI-DE SITTER SPACE: de Wit and Herger 99/08; Re: BLACK HOLES: Mohaupt 2000/04; Superstrata by M. Shigemori [2020/02] Re: BOSONS: Z PRIME: Z' Bosons and Supersymmetry by Joseph D. Lykken [1996/10] Re: CHAOS: Mirlin 2000/06; Re: CONFINEMENT: Thomas 98/01; Re: CONFORMAL FIELD THEORY: Superconformal mechanics by Sergey Fedoruk et al. [2011/12] Superspace conformal field theory by Thomas Quella and Volker Schomerus [2013/05] A review of the T_N theory and its cousins by Yuji Tachikawa [2015/04] Re: COSMOLOGY: Ellis 2003/05; Cosmological Probes for Supersymmetry by Maxim Khlopov [Symmetry 7, 815 (2015)] Re: CP VIOLATION: Christova 98/09; CP violation in meson decays by Yosef Nir [Les Houches 2005/08] CP violation in SUSY by Sabine Kraml [2007/10] Re: DARBOUX TRANSFORMATIONS: Rosu 98/09; Re: DARK MATTER: Bergstrom 2000/02; Olive 2002/02; Olive 2002/08; Olive 2003/03; Nojiri 2003/05; Cline 2003/06; Re: DIVISION ALGEBRAS: Division algebras and supersymmetry by John C. Baez and John Huerta [2009/09]