Specific HEP pages
HEP institutions
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HEP organizations - a
list of HEP institutes. CERN - European Laboratory for Particle physics. DESY and DESY Zeuthen. Fermilab SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Novosibirsk - Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Particle Physics in the UK - a site full of info. |
HEP data
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Particle Data Group - the Bible for any
particle physicist. SLAC Spires - searchable HEP publications database. HEP Data - extensive data on structure functions, reactions etc., from Durham University. Online HEP Info - experiments, institute, people, data, educational sites; maintained by PDG and SLAC. |
HEP journals and online publications
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Homepages of HEP
journals Physical Review D and Physical Review Letters - online version. Nuclear Physics Electronic. European Physical Journal C - the successor to Zeitschrift fuer Physik C. Physics Letters B . NIMR A - Nuclear Instruments and Methods of Physics Research A. | |
Other relevant
journals JETP and JETP Letters - online version. Reviews of Modern Physics - online. Physics Reports . | |
Online journals and
services XXX e-print archive . SLAC Spires - searchable HEP publications database. Journal of High Energy Physics - completely online journal. |
Meetings, conferences
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SLAC Spires -
Conferences - search a conference by a keyword. Conference Calendar by TIPTOP - always up-to-date. Coming and Past HEP events - list of HEP conferences, workshops, schools . |
General tutorials, educational sites
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Particle Adventure
Tour - an interactive intro into Particle Physics. CPEP - Contemporary Physics Education Project. EPP - Elementary Particle Physics, an excellent online lectures course: from particles and their quantum number to GUT and quantum gravity. HEP educational sites by PDG - an excellent collection. HEP Made Painless- a nice collection of short articles on particles physics and accelerators written in *plain* English. Fermilab Educational - a collection of HEP resources for school level students. Virtual Visitor Center from SLAC - a nicely presented tour into particle physics. Particle Physics - very good and large set of online lectures. |