General laser physics resources
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Introductory The Laser Adventure - a wonderful and rich site about lasers. Mobius Laser Archive - an online tutorial. Laser History . Laser light from Eta Carina - discovery of laser light from unstable star!. | Advanced
topics Introduction to Lasers - an excellent online tutorial! from LEOT. LaserNet - Rockwell Laser Industries. Photonics Dictionary - simply huge quick reference dictionary of terms related to light or EM phenomena. Sam's Laser FAQ - everything about home-built lasers; very large and comprehensive. . |
Coherent light generation
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Introductory Light Amplification - a page from a larger laser tutorial. Laser Tutorial - explanation of how lasers work in 5 pages. Lasing action - what happens when light goes through medium; from LEOT course. | Advanced
topics Optical cavities and Modes of oscillation - from LEOT course. |
Laser light properties
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Introductory Laser Speckle image - a photo of speckle pattern with some comments. . | Advanced
topics Temporal and spacial characteristics of lasers - from LEOT. S peckle Interferometry and Autocorrelations - mathematics beyond image restoration via speckle interferometry. Spe ckle interferometry and Knox-Thompson interferometry by Eric. Laser Induced Fluorescence - a page from SciMedia. Optical phase conjugation and Four-wave mixing - online doctoral thesis. |
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Introductory Amateur Holography - a site intended for anyone wishing to make his or her own hologram. A Guide to Practical Holography - a good online tutorial. Atomic Holograms - Physical Review Focus: x-ray holography of atoms. | Advanced
topics . . |
Classical types of lasers
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Introductory Lasers - a very good online tutorial on laser physics, types of lasers. Types of lasers - a good explanation and pictures; from SciMedia. Las er Fundamentals - a page from Univ of Waterloo. | Advanced
topics Laser classification and characteristics - from LEOT tutorial. Argon Gas Laser system . HeNe laser: a case study - from LEOT tutorial. |
Other types of lasers
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Introductory Semiconductor lasers . N2-Dye Laser - a brief online slide show. Gamma ray laser - concept, history and basic properties. X ray laser sources - a very good page on X ray lasers and their applications. Laser in tune with itself - an article from Scientific American about multiwavelength lasers. Quantu m Cascade Laser - from Scientific American. Single atom laser - microlaser research at MIT, several papers are available. Superconductors Imitate Lasers - Physical Review Focus: Josephson junction arrays as masers. | Advanced
topics Superbrilliant X-ray laser facility - simply HUGE online set of nodes containing everything about X ray lasers - from coherent nuclear scattering to X ray laser applications. A table of currently operating FELs around the world and WWW Virtulal Library FEL page. |
Lasers in technology
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Introductory Laser scissors and tweezers - an article from Scientific American. Making light work - manufacturing precisely shaped metal parts. Highways of light - feeding aircrafts with power through laser beam? Lasers and their applications -- a very large page. | Advanced
topics . . |