Statistics in quantum phenomena
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Introductory Candle dance and Atoms - a purely topological analogue of identical particle wavefunction. Quantum mechanical primer - includes several lectures on indentical particles and quantum statistics. | Advanced
topics Quantum statistical mechanics - several online nodes. . |
Many-electron systems
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Introductory Hartree-Fock method - selfconsistent field approach to many-electron atoms. Quantum mechanical primer - includes several lectures on electron gases etc.. | Advanced
topics Many-electron problem - several pages with just outline of different approaches. . |
Bose-Einstein condensation
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Introductory Bose-Einstein condensation helps slow down the speed of light! - read about recent discovery. Tutorial on BEC - theory, experiment and few words about atom lasers. When atoms become waves - an excellent online tutorial, talks about statistcis, BEC and ways to cool atoms down. Bose-Einsten Condensation and The Atom Laser- popular articles by G. Cramer. Bose-Einstein Condensation - an excellent friendly tutorial with lots of Java demostrations from Physics 2000. BEC FAQ - in PS format. | Advanced
topics BEC papers - a huge collection of technical papers. Making, probing and Understanding Bose-Einstein Condensates - (cond-mat/9904034), 90pp. - a wonderful review in a very accessible style . |