The Net Advance of Physics: The Nature of Dark Matter, by Kim Griest -- Section 4.
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Among the particle dark matter candidates an important
distinction is whether the particles were created thermally in the
Early Universe, or whether they were created non-thermally in a
phase transition. Thermal and non-thermal relics have a different
relationship between their relic abundance and their properties
such as mass and couplings, so the distinction is especially important
for dark matter detection efforts. For example, the Wimp class of
particles can be defined as those particles which are created
thermally, while dark matter axions come mostly from
non-thermal processes.
In thermal creation one imagines that early on, when the Universe
was at very high temperature, thermal equilibrium obtained, and
the number density of Wimps (or any other particle species) was
roughly equal to the number density of photons. As the Universe
cooled the number of Wimps and photons would decrease together
as long as the temperature remained higher than the Wimp mass.
When the temperature finally dropped below the Wimp mass,
creation of Wimps would require being on the tail of the thermal
distribution, so in equilibrium, the number density of Wimps would
drop exponentially . If equilibrium were
maintained until today there would be very few Wimps left, but at
some point the Wimp density would drop low enough that the
probability of one Wimp finding another to annihilate would
become small. (Remember we must assume that an individual
Wimp is stable if it is to become the dark matter.) The Wimp
number density would ``freeze-out" at this point and we would be
left with a substantial number of Wimps today. Detailed evolution
of the Boltzmann equation can be done for an accurate prediction
[Section 6.2], but roughly
where is the thermally averaged cross section
for two Wimps to
annihilate into ordinary particles. The remarkable fact is that for
, as required by the dark matter problem, the annihilation
cross section for any thermally created particle
turns out to be
just what would be predicted for particles with electroweak scale
interactions. Thus the ``W" in ``Wimp". There are several
theoretical problems with the Standard Model of particle physics
which are solved by new electroweak scale physics such as
supersymmetry. Thus these theoretical problems may be clues that
the dark matter does indeed consist of Wimps. Said another way,
any stable particle which annihilates with an electroweak scale
cross section is bound to contribute to the dark matter of the
Universe. It is interesting that theories such as supersymmetry,
invented for entirely different reasons, typically predict just such a
The fact that thermally created dark matter has weak scale
interactions also means that it may be within reach of accelerators
such as LEP at CERN, and CDF at Fermilab. After all, these
accelerators were built precisely to probe the electroweak scale.
Thus many accelerator searches for exotic particles are also
searches for the dark matter of the Universe. Also, due to the weak
scale interactions, Wimp-nuclear interaction rates are within
reach of many direct and indirect detection methods (see Section