The Net Advance of Physics: The Nature of Dark Matter, by Kim Griest -- Section 6F.
Next: Indirect Detection
Up: Search for Wimps
Previous: Detection techniques
The most exciting result would be direct detection of the Wimp
particles. Since we roughly know the speed ( km/s) and the
( GeV cm ), we can say that for a Wimp of mass
order 10-100 GeV, roughly 100,000 dark matter particles a second
pass through every square centimeter of the Earth, including our
bodies. If they exist, these are very weakly interacting particles, so it
is quite rare that one of them will interact at all. In addition, if one
does elastically scatter off a nucleus, the deposited energy is usually
in the keV to 100 keV range, so extremely sensitive devices must be
used. These difficulties, however, have not stopped many groups
throughout the world from developing devices capable of detecting
Wimps. See references [22,23] for details.
In deciding the size, sensitivity, and energy threshold of a detector,
the experimentalist would like to know what event rate one expects
in the case that the dark halo consists entirely of Wimps. For an
unspecified Wimp, only rough estimates can be made using general
arguments [24], but for neutralino Wimps, the elastic scattering
cross section and the event rate per kilogram detector per year can
be calculated, once the supersymmetric model parameters are
chosen. Figure 3 ([fig], [captions]) shows a scatter plot of the rate in
a Ge 73 detector, for all the models that pass the accelerator
constraints and have relic abundances in the range
The ``stripes" in the plot are due to the finite grid we sampled in
parameter space, and so the spaces between the stripes should be
mentally filled in. A kilogram of germanium was chosen since this
is roughly the material and size of one of the most advanced
experimental efforts (see below). We see that if neutralinos of
around 50 GeV mass make up the dark matter, the expected event
rate is probably between
and 1 event/kg/year.
When a Wimp scatters off a nucleus, the nucleus recoils, causing
dislocation in the crystal structure,
vibrations of the crystal lattice
(i.e. phonons or heat), and also ionization. The main difficulties in
these experiments come from the fact that the events are rare and
that there are many backgrounds which deposit similar amounts of
energy on much more frequent time-scales. So in the past few years
the main experimental efforts have gone toward increasing the
mass of the detectors and discriminating the nuclear recoil signal
from the background. Generally the detectors must be operated
deep underground at milli-Kelvin temperatures, and be heavily
An illustration of the problem is shown in Figure 4, ([fig],
[captions]) which shows the background in a germanium detector
built by the Berkeley, LBL, UCSB group and operated under the
Oroville dam [26, 27]. One sees many background processes
including lines from radioactive elements and tritium, electron
noise at low energy deposited, and a roughly constant background at
about one event/kg/day/keV. Comparing this to a typical expected
signal in Figure 5 ([fig] , [captions]), one sees the problem. However,
the vast majority of the background comes from gamma rays,
while the Wimp signal would be nuclear recoils, and it has been
established that gamma rays deposit a much larger fraction of their
energy in ionization than in phonons or heat. So the
experimentalists measure simultaneously the energy deposited
in heat and the energy deposited in ionization and are therefore
able to reject perhaps 99% of the background gamma rays [25].
This kind of discrimination is possible only in materials such as
germanium and silicon which can be used as ionization detectors,
but for other materials such as NaI and Xenon other effects such as
pulse shape or scintillation light may be used to separate the
gamma-rays from the nuclear recoils [28].
Using the CDMS
(Berkeley/LBL/UCSB/Stanford/Baksan) collaboration as
example [25],
the sensitivity of experiments starting to run this year
is in the 0.1 to 1 event/kg/year range, and upgraded versions hope
reach 0.01 event/kg/year within a few years.
Returning to Figure 3 ([fig], [captions]),
one sees that there are
viable supersymmetric models which will be explored and that a
discovery is possible. However, one also sees that a definitive
experiment will not be possible within the next few years, since rates
below the expected experimental sensitivity are common. However,
it is remarkable to realize that these small underground
experiments are competing directly with CERN in the race to
discover supersymmetry. And the enormous increases in sensitivity
these experiments have accomplished in the past few years leads
one to expect further such advances in the future.
Direct Detection
Next: Indirect Detection
Up: Search for Wimps
Previous: Detection techniques