Ancestors Site

April 5, 2001: It's been exactly one year since my last update. As always, thank you to all who sent comments on this site, especially to those who helped identify people. Keep those pictures coming!


I grew up in Chatham, NY next door to my great-aunt, Sara Swire Delson. From the time I was very young, I loved to explore her house and the tchotchkes in it, ranging from metal bells from Asia to delicate ivory figurines to miniature African wood carvings. At some point, I discovered her stash of old family photographs, but unfortunately by that time Aunt Sara was affected with Alzheimer's. With the help of Uncle Max (her brother), I was able to ID many of the people in the photos, and when Aunt Sara died, the photographs came into my care.

Most of the pictures were taken in the early 1900's in Russia; some are even from the 19th century. The images are extremely sharp -- one can even see crow's-feet around the eyes of many of the subjects.

I've created this site for 3 reasons:

1) To digitally preserve these images before time takes its toll;

2) To share the pictures with the rest of the family; and

3) To distribute the images online in the hopes that someone can attach a name to the many people as yet unidentified.

The Swire family and Vishnevsky family pictures are of siblings, cousins, and ancestors of Isaac Benjamin and Sophie (Vishnevsky) Swire, whose 9 children and their descendants have been vacationing (and living) on Three Brothers Islands in Lake George, NY for almost 50 years. There are also a couple of unidentified photos which make up the "mystery people" category. This last category used to be much larger, but thanks to some alert cousins (and cousins of cousins!), many people have been identified and placed with their proper families.

I will be revising this site as I get new information. If you're new to this site, please take a moment to read my two cents about privacy.

Then, browse and enjoy!
