#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################### # Name: setup.py # # Purpose: Setup/build script for Editra # # Author: Cody Precord # # Copyright: (c) 2007 Cody Precord # # Licence: wxWindows Licence # ############################################################################### """ Editra Setup Script @summary: Used for building the editra distribution files and installations USAGE: 1) Windows: - python setup.py py2exe --bundle 2 2) MacOSX: - python setup.py py2app 3) Boil an Egg - python setup.py bdist_egg 4) Install as a python package - python setup.py install """ __author__ = "Cody Precord " __svnid__ = "$Id: setup.py 50213 2007-11-24 09:51:01Z CJP $" __revision__ = "$Revision: 50213 $" #---- Imports ----# import os import sys import glob import src.info as info import src.syntax.synextreg as synextreg # So we can get file extensions #---- System Platform ----# __platform__ = os.sys.platform #---- Global Settings ----# APP = ['src/Editra.py'] AUTHOR = "Cody Precord" AUTHOR_EMAIL = "staff@editra.org" YEAR = 2007 CLASSIFIERS = [ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Environment :: MacOS X', 'Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)', 'Environment :: X11 Applications :: GTK', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Information Technology', 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop', 'License :: OSI Approved', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Natural Language :: Japanese', 'Natural Language :: Spanish', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Software Development', 'Topic :: Text Editors' ] SRC_SCRIPTS = [ ("src", glob.glob("src/*.py")), ("src/autocomp", glob.glob("src/autocomp/*.py")), ("src/extern", ["src/extern/__init__.py", "src/extern/README"]), ("src/syntax", glob.glob("src/syntax/*.py")), ("scripts", ["scripts/clean_dir.sh"]), ("scripts/i18n", glob.glob("scripts/i18n/*.po")), ] DATA_FILES = [("include/python2.5", glob.glob("include/python2.5/%s/*" % __platform__)), ("pixmaps", ["pixmaps/editra.png", "pixmaps/editra.ico", "pixmaps/editra.icns", "pixmaps/editra_doc.icns", "pixmaps/editra_doc.png"]), ("pixmaps/theme/Default", ["pixmaps/theme/Default/README"]), ("pixmaps/theme/Tango",["pixmaps/theme/Tango/AUTHORS", "pixmaps/theme/Tango/COPYING"]), ("pixmaps/theme/Tango/toolbar", glob.glob("pixmaps/theme/Tango/toolbar/*.png")), ("pixmaps/theme/Tango/menu", glob.glob("pixmaps/theme/Tango/menu/*.png")), ("pixmaps/theme/Tango/mime", glob.glob("pixmaps/theme/Tango/mime/*.png")), ("plugins", glob.glob("plugins/*.egg")), ("templates", glob.glob("templates/*")), ("locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES", ["locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/Editra.mo"]), ("locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES", ["locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/Editra.mo"]), ("locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES", ["locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/Editra.mo"]), ("styles", glob.glob("styles/*.ess")), ("tests", glob.glob("tests/*")), ("docs", glob.glob("docs/*.txt")), "AUTHORS", "FAQ", "INSTALL", "README","CHANGELOG","COPYING", "NEWS", "THANKS", "TODO", "setup.cfg", "pixmaps/editra_doc.icns" ] DATA = [ "src/*.py", "src/syntax/*.py", "src/autocomp/*.py", "docs/*.txt", "pixmaps/*.png", "pixmaps/editra.ico", 'Editra', "src/extern/*.py", "pixmaps/*.icns", "pixmaps/theme/Default/README", "pixmaps/theme/Tango/AUTHOR", "pixmaps/theme/Tango/COPYING", "pixmaps/theme/Tango/toolbar/*.png", "pixmaps/theme/Tango/menu/*.png", "pixmaps/theme/Tango/mime/*.png", "pixmaps/theme/Default/README", "locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/Editra.mo", "locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/Editra.mo", "locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/Editra.mo", "styles/*.ess", "tests/*", "AUTHORS", "CHANGELOG","COPYING", "FAQ", "INSTALL", "NEWS", "README", "THANKS", "TODO", "setup.cfg", "plugins/*.egg" ] DESCRIPTION = "Developer's Text Editor" LONG_DESCRIPT = \ r""" ======== Overview ======== Editra is a multi-platform text editor with an implementation that focuses on creating an easy to use interface and features that aid in code development. Currently it supports syntax highlighting and variety of other useful features for over 50 programing languages. For a more complete list of features and screenshots visit the projects homepage at `Editra.org `_. ============ Dependancies ============ * Python 2.4+ * wxPython 2.8+ (Unicode build suggested) * setuptools 0.6+ """ ICON = { 'Win' : "pixmaps/editra.ico", 'Mac' : "pixmaps/Editra.icns" } # Explicitly include some libraries that are either loaded dynamically # or otherwise not able to be found by py2app/exe INCLUDES = ['syntax.*', 'shutil', 'subprocess'] if sys.platform.startswith('win'): INCLUDES.extend(['ctypes']) else: INCLUDES.extend(['pty', 'tty']) LICENSE = "wxWindows" NAME = "Editra" URL = "http://editra.org" VERSION = info.VERSION MANIFEST_TEMPLATE = ''' %(prog)s Program ''' RT_MANIFEST = 24 #---- End Global Settings ----# #---- Setup Windows EXE ----# if __platform__ == "win32" and 'py2exe' in sys.argv: from distutils.core import setup try: import py2exe except ImportError: print "\n!! You dont have py2exe installed. !!\n" exit() # put package on path for py2exe sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('src/')) setup( name = NAME, version = VERSION, options = {"py2exe" : {"compressed" : 1, "optimize" : 2, "includes" : INCLUDES }}, windows = [{"script": "src/Editra.py", "icon_resources": [(1, ICON['Win'])], "other_resources" : [(RT_MANIFEST, 1, MANIFEST_TEMPLATE % dict(prog=NAME))], }], description = DESCRIPTION, author = AUTHOR, author_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL, maintainer = AUTHOR, maintainer_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL, license = LICENSE, url = URL, data_files = DATA_FILES, ) #---- Setup MacOSX APP ----# elif __platform__ == "darwin" and 'py2app' in sys.argv: # Check for setuptools and ask to download if it is not available import src.extern.ez_setup as ez_setup ez_setup.use_setuptools() from setuptools import setup PLIST = dict(CFBundleName = info.PROG_NAME, CFBundleIconFile = 'Editra.icns', CFBundleShortVersionString = info.VERSION, CFBundleGetInfoString = info.PROG_NAME + " " + info.VERSION, CFBundleExecutable = info.PROG_NAME, CFBundleIdentifier = "org.editra.%s" % info.PROG_NAME.title(), CFBundleDocumentTypes = [dict(CFBundleTypeExtensions=synextreg.GetFileExtensions(), CFBundleTypeIconFile='editra_doc', CFBundleTypeRole="Editor" ), ], # NSAppleScriptEnabled="YES", NSHumanReadableCopyright = u"Copyright %s 2005-%d" % (AUTHOR, YEAR) ) PY2APP_OPTS = dict(iconfile = ICON['Mac'], argv_emulation = True, optimize = True, includes = INCLUDES, plist = PLIST) setup( app = APP, version = VERSION, options = dict( py2app = PY2APP_OPTS), description = DESCRIPTION, author = AUTHOR, author_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL, maintainer = AUTHOR, maintainer_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL, license = LICENSE, url = URL, data_files = DATA_FILES, setup_requires = ['py2app'], ) #---- Other Platform(s)/Source module install ----# else: # Force optimization if 'install' in sys.argv and ('O1' not in sys.argv or '02' not in sys.argv): sys.argv.append('-O2') if 'bdist_egg' in sys.argv: try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: print "To build an egg setuptools must be installed" else: from distutils.core import setup setup( name = NAME, scripts = ['Editra'], version = VERSION, description = DESCRIPTION, long_description = LONG_DESCRIPT, author = AUTHOR, author_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL, maintainer = AUTHOR, maintainer_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL, url = URL, download_url = "http://editra.org/?page=download", license = LICENSE, platforms = [ "Many" ], packages = [ NAME ], package_dir = { NAME : '.' }, package_data = { NAME : DATA}, classifiers= CLASSIFIERS, )