This bibliography is in two parts. The first part is the list of publications used in the preparation of this book. The second part is the annotated bibliography from the thesis. Documents that are marked with "*" are especially valuable or interesting.
American National Standards Institute (1990) X3J11 Programming Language C. New York: ANSI.
American National Standards Institute (1983) ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983 Reference Manual for the Ada Programming Language. New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-90887-0.
*Apple Computer Corp. (1987) Human Interface Guidelines: the Apple Desktop Interface. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-17753-6.
ibid. (1989) Release 7.0 Macintosh Script Management System (unreleased preliminary). Cuptertino, California: Apple Computer Corp.
*Brooks, Frederick P. (1982) The Mythical Man-Month. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-00650-2.
*Caplan, Ralph (1982) By Design: Why There Are No Locks on the Bathroom Doors in the Hotel Louis XIV and Other Object Lessons. New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-009777-1.
Carroll, Lewis (1865) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. London: Macmillian and Co.
ibid. (1871) Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. London: Macmillian and Co.
Crowley, Terrence; Forsdick, Harry; Landau, Matt; Travers, Virginia (1987) The Diamond Multimedia Editor. USENIX Proceedings, Summer 1987.
Finseth, Craig A. (June 1980) Theory and Practise of Text Editing -- or -- A Cookbook for an Emacs. Cambridge, Massachusetts: M.I.T. Laboratory for Computer Science. Technical Memo TM-165.
Hammer, Michael; Ilson, Richard; Anderson, Timothy; Gilbert, Edward J.; Good, Michael; Niamir, Bahram; Rosenstein, Larry; Schoichet, Sandor (February 1981) Etude: An Integrated Document Processing System. Cambridge, Massachusetts: M.I.T. Laboratory for Computer Science. Office Automation Group Memo OAM-028.
Ilson, Richard; Good, Michael (March 1981) Etude: An Interactive Editor and Formatter. Cambridge, Massachusetts: M.I.T. Laboratory for Computer Science. Office Automation Group Memo OAM-029.
Jensen, Kathleen & Wirth, Nikalus (1974) Pascal User Manual and Report. New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-90144-2.
Kemeny, John G. & Kurtz, Thomas E. (1985) Back to Basic. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-13433-0.
Kernighan, Brian W. & Ritchie, Dennis M. (1978) The C Programming Language. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-110163-3.
*Knuth, Donald E. (1971) An Empirical Study of Fortran Programs. Software Practise and Experience, vol 1, April/May, p 105-133.
Miller, Webb (1987) A Software Tools Sampler. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-822305-X.
Myers, Eugene W. (December 1986) A Simple Row-Replacement Method. Tucson, Arizona: Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona. Technical Report TR 86-28.
*Norman, Donald A. (1990) The Design of Everyday Things. New York: Doubleday. ISBN 0-385-26774-6.
Oman, Paul W. & Cook, Curtis R. (1990) Typographic Style is More than Cosmetic. Communications of the ACM, vol. 33 #5, January, p 506.
Phelps, Hermann (1982) The Craft of Log Building. (Translation of Holzbaukunst : der Blockbau.) Ottawa, Ontario: Lee Valley Tools. ISBN 0-9691019-2-9 (bound), 0-9691019-1-0 (pbk).
Qiao, Jinan; Qiao, Yizheng; Qiao, Sanzheng. (1990) Six-Digit Coding Method. Communications of the ACM, vol. 33 #5, January, p 491.
Quarterman, John S. (1989) The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing Systems Worldwide. Bedford, Massachusetts: Digital Press. ISBN 1-55558-033-5.
Reid, Brian K. & Walker, Janet H. (1980) Scribe Introductory User's Manual. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Unilogic Ltd.
Stallman, Richard (1987) GNU Emacs Manual. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Free Software Foundation. Sixth edition, version 18.
Tayli, Murat & Al-Salamah, Abdulla I. (1990) Building Bilingual Microcomputer Systems. Communications of the ACM, vol. 33 #5, January, p 495.
Thorell, L.G. & Smith, W.J. (1990) Using Computer Color Effectively, An Illustrated Reference. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-939878-3.
*Tufte, Edward R. (1990) Envisioning Information. Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press.
ibid. (1983) The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press.
The USENET News groups Comp.editors, Comp.emacs, and Gnu.emacs carry editor-related material.
This bibliography includes many different types of documents. Some of the documents are user manuals for various editors. Others of them describe the implementation of specific editors. Still others discuss language tradeoffs or input/output system interfaces.
They are grouped by the type of editor that they refer to. Each entry is annotated to help place it in perspective.
There are four principal implementations of Emacs-type editors, and there are enough documents to justify their separate listing.
Ciccarelli, Eugene (1978) An Introduction to the Emacs Editor. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT AI Lab Memo #447, January 1978. -- A primer on the editor's user interface.
*Stallman, Richard M. (1979) Emacs: The Extensible, Customizable, Self-Documenting, Display Editor. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, AI Memo #519, June 1979. -- Provides arguments for the Emacs philosophy.
ibid. (1978) Structured Editing with a Lisp. Computing Surveys, vol 10 #4, December, p 505. -- This is a response to the Sanderwall paper (referenced later).
On-line Documentation:
MIT-AI: .TECO.; TECORD > -- A more detailed command list for TECO
MIT-AI: .TECO.; TECO PRIMER -- A primer for TECO
MIT-AI: EMACS; EMACS CHART -- A four-page command list for Emacs
MIT-AI: EMACS; EMACS GUIDE -- A detailed user interface manual
MIT-AI: EMACS; EMACS ORDER -- A more detailed command list for Emacs
Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. -- The user interface for Zwei.
ibid. (January 1979) A Real-Time Display-Oriented Editor for the Lisp Machine. Cambridge, Massachusetts: S.B. Thesis, MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department. -- How Zwei works internally.
Greenberg, Bernard S. (in publication in 1980) Emacs Extension Writer's Guide. Honeywell Information Systems, Inc., order #CJ52. -- How to write extensions.
ibid. (December 1979) Emacs Text Editor User's Guide. Honeywell Information Systems, Inc., order #CH27. -- The user interface.
*ibid. (March 1980) Multics Emacs: An Experiment in Computer Interaction. Honeywell Information Systems, Proceedings, Fourth Annual Honeywell Software Conference. -- A summary of MEPAP (referenced below, also, MIT-AI: BSG; NMEPAP >)
ibid. (April 1978) Real-Time Editing on Multics. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Honeywell Information Systems, Inc., Multics Technical Bulletin #373
ibid., On-Line Documentation:
MIT-AI: BSG; LMEPAP > -- Why Lisp was chosen for the implementation language
*MIT-AI: BSG; MEPAP > -- A detailed history of Emacs in general and the Multics implementation in specific. Very valuable.
MIT-AI: BSG; R4V > -- A proposal for a terminal independent video terminal support package.
MIT-AI: BSG; TTYWIN > -- A look at the good and bad features of video terminals.
*Anderson, Owen Ted (January 1979) The Design and Implementation of a Display-Oriented Editor Writing System. Cambridge, Massachusetts: S.B. Thesis, MIT Physics Department. -- How TVMacs works internally. It concentrates on describing not the editor itself but rather the implementations language: SINE.
Linhart, Jason T. (June 1980) Dynamic Multi-Window Terminal Management for the MagicSix Operating System. Cambridge, Massachusetts: S.B. Thesis, MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department. -- A video terminal management system. Contains many useful comments on terminal independence and redisplay problems.
This section covers editors which have the same general user interface as an Emacs (e.g., screen-oriented, similar key bindings) but are not extensible or otherwise fall noticeably short of the Emacs philosophy.
Finseth, Craig A. (August 1979) VINE Primer. Dallas, Texas: Texas Instruments, Inc., Central Research Laboratories, Systems and Information Sciences Laboratory. -- User interface manual for the complete novice.
Schiller, Jeffrey I. (June 1979) TORES: the Text ORiented Editing System Cambridge, Massachusetts: revised from S.B. Thesis, MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department.
On-Line Documentation:
Kazar, Mike. User manual for FINE, running at Carnegie-Mellon University. At CMU-10A: fine.{mss prt}[s200mk50]
Bilofsky, Walter (December 1977) The CRT Text Editor NED -- Introduction and Reference Manual. Rand Corporation, R-2176-ARPA.
Irons, E. T. & Djorup, F. M. (1972) A CRT Editing System. Communications of the ACM, vol. 15 #1, January, p 16.
Joy, William (April 1979) Ex Reference Manual; Version 2.0. Berkeley, California; Computer Science Division, Dept of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley.
ibid. (April 1979) An Introduction to Display Editing With vi. Berkeley, California: Computer Science Division, Dept of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley.
Kanerva, Pentti (1973) TVGUID: a User's Guide to TEC/DATAMEDIA TV-Edit. Palo Alto, California: Stanford University, Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences.
Kelly, Jeanne (July 1977) A Guide to NED: a New On-Line Computer Editor. The Rand Corporation, R-2000-ARPA.
Kernighan, Brian W. (1978) A Tutorial Introduction to the ED Text Editor. Murray Hill, New Jersey: Bell Laboratories Technical Report.
MacLeod, I. A. (November 1977) Design and Implementation of a Display-Oriented Text Editor. Software Practice and Experience, vol. 7 #6, November, p 771.
Weiner, P., et. al. (April 1973) The Yale Editor "E": a CRT-Based Editing System. Yale Computer Science Research Report 19
Seybold, Patricia B. (October 1978) TYMSHARE's AUGMENT -- Heralding a New Era. The Seybold Report on Word Processing, vol. 1 #9. ISSN: 0160-9572, Seybold Publications, Inc., Box 644, Media, Pennsylvania 19063
On-Line Documentation:
SAIL: E.ALS[UP,DOC] -- User manual again. Stanford University.
Ackland, Gillian M., et al (?) UCSD Pascal Version 1.5 (Reference Manual). San Diego, California: Institute for Information Systems, University of California at San Diego.
Donzeau-Gouge, V.; Huet, G.; Kahn, G.; Lang, B.; & Levy, J.J. (April 1975) A Structure Oriented Program Editor: a First Step Towards Computer Assisted Programming. Paris: IRIA, Res. Rep. 114.
Teitelbaum, R. T. (?) The Cornell Program Synthesizer: a Microcomputer Implementation of PL/CS. Ithaca, New York: Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Technical Report TR 79-370,.
Benjamin, Arthur J. (August 1972) An Extensible Editor for a Small Machine With Disk Storage. Communications of the ACM, vol. 15 #8 p 742. -- Talks about an editor for the IBM 1130 written in Fortran. Not extensible at all.
Bourne, S. R. (January 1971) A Design for a Text Editor. Software Practice and Experience, vol 1 p 73. -- User manual.
Cecil, Moll & Rinde (March 1977) TRIX AC: a Set of General Purpose Text Editing Commands. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory UCID 30040.
Deutsch, L. Peter & Lampson, Butler W. (1967) An On-line Editor. Communications of the ACM, vol 10 #12, December, p 793. -- QED user manual.
Fraser, Christopher W. (1970) A Compact, Portable CRT-Based Editor. Software Practice and Experience, vol. 9 #2, February, p 121. -- Front end to a line editor.
ibid. (1980) A Generalized Text Editor. Communications of the ACM, vol. 23 #3, March, p 154. -- Applying text editors to non-text objects,
Hansen, W. J. (June 1971) Creation of Hierarchic Text With a Computer Display. Palo Alto, California: Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University.
Kai, Joyce Moore (July 1974) A Text Editor Design. Urbana, Illinois: Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. -- Describes both internals and externals on the editor. However, the design is a poor one.
Kernighan, Brian W. & Plauger, P. J. (1976) Software Tools. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. -- This book has a chapter which leads you by the hand in implementing a simple line editor in RatFor.
*Roberts, Teresa L. (November 1979) Evaluation of Computer Text Editors. Systems Sciences Laboratory, Xerox PARC. -- A comparative evaluation of four text editors. Quite well done. Unfortunately, it does not include Emacs (it uses DEC TECO instead).
Sanderwall, Erik (1978) Programming in the Interactive Environment: the Lisp Experience. Computing Surveys, vol. 10 #1, March, p 35. -- Talks about the editor for InterLisp.
Sneeringer, James (1978) User-Interface Design for Text Editing: a Case Study. Software Practice and Experience, vol 8, p 543. -- User manual and a discussion of user interface concepts.
Teitelman, Warren (October 1978) InterLisp Reference Manual. Palo Alto, California: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. -- How to use the InterLisp (non-display) structure editor.
van Dam, Andries & Rice, David E. (1971) On-line Text Editing: a Survey. Computing Surveys, vol #3, September, p 93. -- Contains a general introduction to the problems of text editing. Out-dated technology, however.
Copyright 1999 by Craig A. Finseth.