Book Index

This is the index to the book and the numbers, of course, reflect the page numbers in the book. How quaint.

$			180
/etc/termcap		26

Ada			41
add_proc		58
  algorithm		102
  display		22, 89
after the point		55
again			123
allocation		68, 78
altmode			180
amount of experience	11
Annex			34
ANSI			87
APL			39
Apple			26, 28, 47, 139
approaches to redisplay	96
Argument		108
arguments		112
ASCII			202
asynchronous communications	31
attributes		52, 95
auto-repeat		24
availability		36

Back Space		4
backward from the point	55
Basic			41
  display		22
  redisplay algorithm	100
  users			12
Beep			88
before the point	55
between			55
biases			52
binary files		49, 147
binding			109, 115
breaking out of redisplay	95
buffer			54, 56
  gap			68, 72
  management		65, 72
buffer_chain		56
Buffer_Clear		59
Buffer_Create		59
Buffer_Delete		59
Buffer_End		60
Buffer_Get_Name		59
Buffer_Insert		62
buffer_name		57
Buffer_Read		62
Buffer_Set_Current	59
Buffer_Set_Name		59
Buffer_Set_Next		59
Buffer_Start		60
Buffer_Write		62
button press		18
byte			56

C			39, 150
capitalization		143
Caps Lock		25
card images		47
cards, baseball		13
caret notation		49, 94, 202
categories of users	11
center tabs		93
changing your mind	119
  definition		56
  format		31
  set			48
chunking		80
Clear_Line		88
Clear_Screen		88
CLEOL			88
CLEOS			88
clipboard		120
  set design		125
  shell			146
  user-oriented		106
Command_Procedure	107
communications path	31
Compare_Locations	60
compilation		146
compiler		134
completion		115
considerations		36, 83, 90
consistency		126
contents, of line	48, 57
Control			172
control characters	93
  physiological		14
  redisplay		82
Copy_Region		63
core loop		106
counts			48
Count_To_Location	60
CP/M			47, 49, 73
crash recovery		74, 75
Ctrl_X_Dispatch		108
current_buffer		56
curses			87
cursor, left edge of	55
cur_line		57
custom editor languages	41
customers		11

data structures		56
debugging		146
DEC			47
decimal tabs		93
decomposition		54
defun			173
delay			70
Delayed_Display		108
Delete			4, 63
delete line		22
Delete_Chars		89
Delete_Lines		89
Delete_Region		63
deleting words		138
design			119, 125
dialog box		18
difference files	80
dispatch		107
display			21, 84
display independent procedures	86
Dvorak keyboard		27
dynamic linking		116

echo negotiation	33
editor procedures	84
efficiency		38
  of editing		75
  of input/output	76
  of searching		77
electronic mail		146
Emacs			39
Emacs-type		4, 16, 41, 109, 122, 128, 145, 156, 172
empty lines		48
emulation		146
  of file		49
  of buffer		55, 91
  checking		126
  handling		110
  messages		131
ETX/ACK			35
Evaluate		107
exiting			111
  amount of		11
  type of		13
extended character sets	50
extensibility		37, 128, 147
external errors		111
extra shift keys	26
extra space		67
extremely large files	79
eyes			15

Fatal			155
fclose			155
fgets			155
  formats		47
  interface		147
  name			57
file_time		57
FinalWord		74
Find_First_In_Backward	64
Find_First_In_Forward	64
Find_First_Not_In_Backward	64
Find_First_Not_In_Forward	64
fixed marks		55
FLAG			151
flow control		32
fonts			52, 95
fopen			155
forest			9
format, character	31
formats			52
Fortran			40
forward from the point	55
fragmentation		68, 78
framer			99
free			155
function keys		25

gap			68, 72
Get_Attr		88
Get_Char		62
Get_Column		65, 88
Get_File_Name		62
Get_Line		2
Get_Modified		62
Get_Num_Chars		62
Get_Num_Lines		62
Get_Point_Col		85
Get_Point_Row		85
Get_Row			88
Get_String		62
Get_Window_Bot		86
Get_Window_Bot_Line	86
Get_Window_Top		86
Get_Window_Top_Line	86
glass TTY		21
GNU-Emacs		147, 173
goals, user		14
grahical input		18, 29
graphics display	23
guidelines		18, 19, 131

handicaps		19
hands			14
hardware		21
hidden second gap	71
horizontal scrolling	91

IBM PC			23, 26, 28, 35
image, card and print	47
  languages		36
  methods		65, 71
implementations		156
in-band			32, 50
incremental		115
  redisplay		82
  search		142
input/output		76, 87
insert			6, 54
insert line		22
Insert_A_Character	08
Insert_Char		63
Insert_Lines		89
Insert_String		63, 89
interface		147
  editor		54
  errors		110
internationalization	52
interrupting redisplay	95
isprint			155
Is_A_Match		64
Is_File_Changed		62
is_fixed		57
is_modified		57
Is_Point_After_Mark	60
Is_Point_At_Mark	60
Is_Point_Before_Mark	60
ITS			180

Jabberwocky		149
job control		32
joystick		30

kerning			95
keyboards		23
keyboard procedures	87
key placement		27
keystroke recording	124
Key_Fini		87
Key_Function_Keys	87
Key_Get			87
Key_Init		87
Key_Is_Input		87
kill			119

languages, implementation	36
language		130
lap-top computer	81
  files			79
  project upport	38
layout of text		45
LEAP			34
left tabs		93
  boundaries		47
  contents		48
  wrap			91
linked line		72
Lisp			39, 72, 173
list of lines		44
location		151
Location_To_Count	60
long lines		48
loop			106

Macintosh		see Apple
macros			123
mail			146
malloc			155
management		65, 72
mark			55, 57
  bytes			75
  record		48
Mark_Create		60
Mark_Delete		60
Mark_Get		60
mark_list		57
Mark_Set		60
Mark_To_Point		60
meaning of text		45
memmove			155
memory			74
memory management	65, 72
memory-mapped display	23, 105
memset			155
messages		130
meta			27, 172, 202
methods			65, 71
mind			15
Mince			73
  editing		43
  user's		11
modems			34
modes			56, 58, 114, 117, 129, 134
Mode_Append		63
Mode_Delete		63
Mode_Invoke		63
mode_list		57
modification flag	101
Modula			40
mouse			30
mouse ahead		18
Move_By_Character	107
moving			64, 135
MS/DOS			47, 49
Multics			33, 71
  buffers		77
  gaps			70
  windows		96

n-key rollover		24
name			57
neophyte users		11
newline			47, 55
next_chain_entry	57
next_mark		57
next_mode		58
NL			152
node_name		58
no management		66
non-printing characters	48
non-text files		see binary files
normal marks		55
novice users		12
NUL			152
NULL			152
numeric arguments	112
num_chars		57
num_lines		57

object models		45
objects			52
one-dimensional array	43, 55
out-of-band		32, 51
output			87

packaging, keyboard	25
padding			32
page breaks		136
  buffer gap		72, 73
  model			44
  virtual memory	78
paging			136
paragraphs		140
parsing			51
partial lines		48
Pascal			40
pen			31
permissiveness		126
philosophy		109, 125
physiological constraints	14
piano			129
PL/1			40
placement, key		27
point			55, 57
Point_Get		60
Point_Get_Line		60
Point_Move		60
Point_Set		60
Point_To_Mark		60
positional arguments	115
power users		12
prefix arguments	112
print images		47
printf			155
private			151
procedures		58-65, 84-89
programmer-level users	13
progress		127
prompts			113, 130
proportionally spaced text	94
Put_Char		88
Put_String		88

quality			36
quote			113

rat			30
raw			87
read			54
real text		45
rebinding		115
Recenter		85
record markers		48
recording		124
recovery		74, 75
Redisplay		85
redisplay		51, 82
  algorithms		99
Redo			123
redo			122
Refresh_Screen		85
region			55, 61, 115
regular expressions	143
"religion"		13
repeat			24, 112
replace			6
Replace_Char		63
Replace_String		63
responsiveness		125
right tabs		93
rollover		24
ruler lines		92

S-exp			173
  definition		84
  procedures		87
Screen_Attributes	87
Screen_Columns		87
Screen_Fini		87
Screen_Init		87
Screen_Rows		87
Screen_Timings		89
scripts			95
scroll window		22
scrolling		136
Scroll_Lines		89
searching		77, 141
Search_Backward		64
Search_Forward		64
  gap			71
  level dispatch	108
  system effect		14
selection arguments	115
sentences		140
  chunking		80
  communications	31
Set_Attr		88
Set_Column		65
Set_Column		88
Set_File_Name		62
Set_Modified		62
Set_Pref_Pct		85
Set_Row			88
shell			146
shift keys		26
Shift Lock		25
short lines		48
simplicity		127
Sine			41
SP			152
special function keys	25
speed			31, 83
spinal cord		16
standard system text files	47
start of the buffer	55
state save		56, 58
status			151
status line		90
storage			74
strcpy			155
string arguments	113
strlen			155
structure editors	132
structured files	50
sub-editor		54, 101, 101
suffix arguments	113
Sun workstations	23, 29
suspend process		32
Swap_Point_And_Mark	60
system text files	47

TAB			152
tablet			30
tabs			93
TECO			39, 72, 80, 81, 145, 180
terminfo		26
  files			45, 47
  handling		37
  structure of		45
three-file sysstem	80
time			151
toaster			59
top-level		106
Tops-20			180
touch sensitive display	29
trackball		30
trees			9
TTY			21
twiddling		143
two-dimensional array	43
"typeability"		24
type of experience	13
typing aids		133
typos			143

Undo			122
undo			120
unicorn			98
uniformity		128
unique identifier	101
universal argument	112
UNIX			47
Unix stream		22
up/down			135
upper-case		130
  categories		11
  goals			14
user-oriented commands	106

vi			109
virtual memory		78
visible effect		125
VT100			22, 28, 87
VT200			28
VT52			22

whale			83
where_it_is		57
whirlpool		36
window			84, 135
window mark		101
Window_Create		86
Window_Destroy		86
Window_Fini		84, 87
Window_Grow		86
Window_Init		84, 87
Window_Load		85
Window_Save		85
words			65, 136
word wrap		92
world			56
World_Fini		58
World_Init		58
World_Load		58
World_Save		58
World_Save		85
wrap			91
write			54

xiswhite		155
xstrcpy			155
Xylogics		34

zero-length lines	48

^			94, 202

Copyright 1999 by Craig A. Finseth.

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