So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood a while in thought.
An editing model is the view of the file that the editor presents to the user. This chapter describes several editing models. You can build other models by varying and combining these models.
The following discussions review the models themselves, not the commands available to the user. You should assume that essentially the same commands are available in all models.
The most general form of a data file is a one-dimensional array of bytes. The one-dimensional editing model presents this form of a data file directly to the user. In it, the bytes of the file are displayed uninterpreted for the user to see. The basic editing operations are "insert" and "delete bytes."
This model is very pure, but it is a little difficult for most users to deal with. Text editors that appear to use this model actually use a slightly modified form of the model where some characters -- in particular, the tab and newline characters -- are interpreted during the display process. Thus, text files appear as a series of lines.
In this model, line breaks may or may not require special handling. Whether they do depends on how they are represented. Various representations are described in detail in the next chapter.
This model supports both insertion and replacement editing equally well. Replacement editing is probably best implemented as a hybrid scheme where it automatically switches to insert mode to prevent replacing a line break.
This model is the basic two-dimensional form. Instead of editing a line, the user is editing in a quarter-plane, with the origin usually in the upper-left corner. Conceptually, the user can move freely in the two-dimensional quadrant. In practice, the editor usually only stores the non-blank portions, as storing an infinite-quadrant's worth of data can be prohibitively expensive. Some systems may impose fixed upper bounds on the width or length of the quadrant.
Line breaks are implicit in the editing model itself. Hence, implementations usually provide explicit commands to split and join lines.
Both insertion and replacement editing are possible, although the model lends itself to replacement editing in a natural manner. Editors that use this model often have explicit commands to insert (and delete) both rows and characters within a row.
While the pure form of this model arranges the text into a rectangle, most implementations actually impart a left-to-right, then top-to-bottom (or one of the other seven combinations) bias. This bias affects all of the editing operations. For example, it is often the case that implementations offer many commands for editing within a line, but only a few commands for editing entire lines.
This model is halfway between the first two. It consists of a one-dimensional array of lines. Each line is then a one-dimensional array of bytes. From the user's viewpoint, this model differs from the two-dimensional model in that text exists only where it has been entered. If the user wants to extend a line to the right, he or she must go into insert mode and type space characters.
In the two-dimensional model, on the other hand, the quadrant is assumed to be filled with blanks. Hence, there is no concept of extending the line to the right, as the line is assumed to extend infinitely far. To add text to the right, the user simply moves to the desired position.
Implementations that use this model usually make a very sharp distinction between editing within a line and editing lines. For example, lines may have a maximum length or cut and paste operations may only operate on line boundaries.
It once was popular to divide the text into a series of pages. Editing was performed within a page, and explicit commands were required to move to another page or to re-paginate the text. Any of the models could be used for editing within a page. This division was thought to be natural: not coincidentally, it just "happened" to make it easier to write editors on systems that had very limited amounts of memory.
Most modern editors show page breaks as a "framework" that "floats" over the underlying text. This framework can be placed over any of the other underlying editing models.
Editing is a very general concept: there is no reason to limit the basic objects being edited to characters (or bytes) and lines. It may make sense in some cases to provide ways of editing such objects as words, sentences, paragraphs, sections, chapters, and other "natural" objects as explicit objects. Most editors provide commands to manipulate these objects without having them affect the fundamental editing model.
Other objects cannot be readily simulated. Examples of these objects are links to other documents, "opaque" objects included from other objects (e.g., bitmaps), and graphical objects (lines, boxes, circles, etc.).
In addition, text can be viewed in more than two dimensions. For example, multiple files can be "stacked" into a third dimension, multiple versions of a single file can be combined into a time-like dimension, or portions of a file can be viewed and manipulated as a tree or list structure. The possibilities are endless.
The models just listed are more or less pure forms. Each model has its advantages and disadvantages because text has a more complex structure than is represented by any of the models.
On the one hand, text is composed of a hierarchy of lexical units:
These units reflect the meaning of the text. When the user is thinking in terms of meaning, the editor should provide an editing model -- and commands -- that reflect these units. Since text is read sequentially, the one-dimensional model is well-matched to this mode.
On the other hand, the printed page is composed of:
These units reflect the layout of the text. When the user is thinking in terms of appearance, the editor should provide an editing model -- and commands -- that reflect these units. As a page is a two-dimensional object, the two-dimensional model fits this mode well.
Many "simple" editors and word processors support this mode of thinking. This mode is attractive for new users. After all, isn't the whole purpose of a word processor to put characters on a page? So doesn't it follow that users should be thinking in terms of placing each character on the page, one after the other? If taken to extreme, the user is forced to make every placement decision, a situation that doesn't leave the user with much time or energy left to decide what to write.
While layout is important, it does not directly relate to the meaning of the text. And while meaning is important, the user sees the text in a particular layout, so layout-oriented editing is also important. The challenge, then, is to design an editing model -- and an editor -- that allows the user to select the most appropriate features of each model with minimal effort. Thus, it can take advantage of the best of both models while avoiding the disadvantages.
Explore the ramifications of a two-dimensional editing model where the origin is in the center of the document instead of the upper-left corner. What additional commands might be required? What operations (if any) does such a model make easier? Harder? (Easy)
Provide an algorithm for transforming between the one-dimensional and two-dimensional models. (Medium)
What is a good way to support proportionally spaced text in the pure two-dimensional array of bytes model? (Hard)
What problems are encountered when trying to support more than one model at the same time? (Easy) What is a good solution to these problems? (Hard)
Copyright 1999 by Craig A. Finseth.