Chapter 9: Command Set Design

"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
  Come to my arms, my beamish boy!

Previous chapters have discussed the external constraints on implementations and the division of the editor into more manageable pieces. You now understand how to build an editor. But which editor should you build? This chapter discusses various issues involved with designing the editor's command set.

Your editor implementation will (you hope) be used by many people. Regardless of the expertise of these people, there are some design principles that should be followed. A good design incorporates these qualities:

Each of these qualities will be discussed in turn.


Responsiveness means that each action taken by the user is handled and confirmed immediately. In other words, the application responds well to the user. This good response allows skilled users to work fast.

A different name for responsiveness is visible effect, which is to say that every action taken by the user has a visible effect on the display. This effect might be simple cursor motion, a change in the text being shown, or a message. Even if only an internal state variable is changed, that state variable should have an indicator on the display. (Ringing the display's bell is considered to be a "visible" effect for the purposes of this section.) By following this principle, the user is never in doubt whether the application is keeping up with his or her typing or has received a command: there is consequently never a need to issue a command because of doubt or uncertainty.

On some displays, the desire for a visible effect can conflict with other design goals such as minimizing display flicker. One solution to this problem is to delay the display of visible effect until the user stops typing for a few seconds. In this way, as long as a user is typing, he or she is presumed to know what he or she is doing and so the feedback is less important. However, if the user should stop typing, the application would quickly show the current state.

An important ramification of responsiveness is good error-checking. User input should be checked as soon as logically possible after it has been entered. If the input passes the check, some sort of confirmation is given (e.g., a message or beep). If the input fails the check, an error indicator is displayed. As a general rule, no incorrect input should be accepted, unless it is infeasible to perform the check. Different checks will naturally be performed at different times. For example, if the user is being asked to enter a number in a specified range, the individual characters can be checked as they are typed to ensure that they are digits. The number as a whole cannot be range-checked until the user has indicated that it is complete (say by pressing the Return key).


Consistency means that all parts of the application work the same way. This topic is covered in more detail in the section on "modes."


Permissiveness means that the user is in control of the application and not vice versa. While this might sound tautological at first, it is a principle that is often honored only in the breach. Think of the applications that you have used that lead you through a step-by-step process, with only limited choices at each step. Often, these applications do not allow you to review or change earlier decisions short of aborting the whole application and starting over from scratch.

Writing a permissive application is both easier and harder than writing a non-permissive version of the same one. It is harder because the implementation has to be able to handle any request at any time. (An "event - message - object" design model makes it easy to handle such unpredictable requests.) If some process is multi-step, the application must have interlocks to prohibit processing the steps out of order (and of course these interlocks should have their state variables displayed). It is easier because you as a designer do not have to anticipate all possible paths through the application and decide in advance which ones are reasonable.


Progress means that each command should meet some part of the user's goals. An example of a command that does not make progess would be a command to "show the current line." This command does not contribute to making any of the changes that the user (presumably) desires: it just wastes the user's time and effort. It is the elimination of such commands that makes screen-oriented text editors such an improvement over the older ones.

In general, there should be no commands for the user to give that merely tell the application to do something that it has enough information to figure out on its own. For example, if the user moves to the end of the buffer, the application should display that part of the buffer. (Actually, as stated this principle is a bit harsh. From time to time, the application will not be able to guess correctly and it is acceptable to have a way for the user to take control. For example, sometimes the user wants to position the window to include two areas of particular interest. The application in general cannot detect this case. But if that happens often, there is a design problem.)


Simplicity goes under the sobriquet of "keep simple things simple." Complicated things can be complicated (or simple if that works out), but simple things should never be complicated.

This principle means that the basic editing operations (insert, delete, move) should be as conceptually simple as possible. For example, inserting a character is a conceptually simple operation. The simplest way of expressing that operation is to just type that character. Having input/edit (or "input/overtype" or "insert/replace") modes is an example of making a simple thing complicated. With the input/edit mode, inserting a character becomes "am I in insert mode? No. Then type the 'go into insert mode' command, type the character, and maybe type the 'leave insert mode' command." Hardly simple.

This principle is closely related to efficiency. It is natural to think that the command set that requires the fewest user operations is the best one to use. Unfortunately, that natural thought does not remain valid when taken to extremes. On an extreme basis, the set of editing operations could be Huffman encoded into a command set. While the resulting command set would be optimally efficient, it would probably not be usable. For example, the command to insert the string "the " might be ^X 7. On the other hand, simple things tend to be efficient if for no other reason than that they don't have the baggage of being complicated. Ideally, the most-often used commands should be the shortest.


Uniformity also goes under the names "regularity," "predictability," and "orthogonality." Basically, a command set is uniform if, when a user knows some part of it, he or she can predict the unknown parts. Another way of looking at it is that the command set fits into a pattern.

This principle is important in that the user is freed from learning each command separately. Instead, the user learns some of the commands and a set of rules for generating the rest. For example, here are the basic Emacs character commands:

move forward character
move backward character
delete the following character
delete the preceding character

(Keep in mind that ^H is also the Back Space key.) Here are the word commands:

^[ F
move forward word
^[ B
move backward word
^[ D
delete the following word
^[ ^H
delete the preceding word

A user learns these commands by learning this basic command set:

move forward ...
move backward ...
delete the following ...
delete the preceding ...

and these rules:

It is rare that a command set will ever be completely uniform. However, it is important to take advantage of uniformity where possible.


Extensibility means the ability to accommodate changes. This principle has a number of aspects. First, changes can be accommodated by designing in "holes" or "gaps" where users can install commands of their own. Second, the command set can be made rich ("large") as the larger number of commands provides more places for commands to be placed. Third, a uniform command set helps extensibility. For example, if the command set has a set of "sentence" operations (move by, delete by), these can be converted as a set into "statement" operations for use in programming languages.


This chapter uses the word "mode" in a different way from the command-set-oriented use of "mode" from earlier chapters. It is unfortunate that the same word is used by the industry in different ways.

What are "modes," and why should you care about them? Simply put, a design has a mode when an end user has to do an "unnecessary" action in order to do the desired action. You should care about modes because having modes can make a program harder to use. As a programmer, you are used to modes and deal with them constantly without conscious thought. Your end users, however, may be confused by the presence of modes. Their thinking might go something like "I pressed the 'f' key (at command level) and it showed me an 'f', so why does pressing the 'f' key here move me forward by a screen?"

The definition just presented is a little abstract, so an example is in order. A piano is a device that has (almost) no modes. If you want a piano to make a sound, you just press a key. Each key is independent: it produces the same note regardless of which other keys were pressed before.

A piano really does have modes. You select the modes with the foot pedals. It is easy to learn to overlap the key presses with the foot pedal ups and downs, so the modes, although present, do not interfere with playing the piano. Moreover, the modes have a great deal of overlap with the basic keys. In a manner of speaking, the piano's "command set" is quite orthogonal.

A typical scientific calculator has many modes. An example of such a mode is the degrees/radians selection. If you are in degrees mode and want to compute the sine of an angle in radians, you must first switch to radians mode and then compute the sine. Switching to radians is not part of your calculation. Rather, it is something that you have to do in order to perform your calculation. Hence, the calculator has a mode. A similar -- but less useful -- mode in a text editor would be an insert/overwrite (or replace) mode.

These examples are at the extremes of the range. The piano is an almost modeless device, while a calculator has many modes.

What does all this have to do with designing an editor's command set? These things:

Adding keys (or a mouse) can reduce the number of modes. For example, having both "sine in degrees" and "sine in radians" keys would eliminate the degrees/radians mode. However, there is an upper limit to the number of keys that you can put on a user input device, be it a calculator or a keyboard.

Rearranging the modes so that they coincide with natural breaks in the activity also reduces confusion. For example, it is not too unreasonable to have a "text editor mode" and a "spread sheet" mode, where the two modes correspond to completely different applications. Switching modes is less confusing because the end user is mentally changing gears at the same time. On the other hand, with modern computers' ability to rapidly switch between different application programs, it can be very valuable to have the different applications present the same interface to the end user: doing anything else is often not in the end-users' best interests. Of course, if you did provide additional functions within the text editor, the differences in the modes whould be minimized.

Returning to the example of an insert/edit mode for an editor, we can see how that mode is not aligned with a change in activity. To the user, "editing" is a single activity that comprises both deletion and insertion. Changing between insert and edit modes is thus a mode change with no accompanying activity change.

Some text editors offer an insert/replace mode which affects how newly typed text affects the existing text. In insert mode, newly typed text is inserted. In replace mode, each newly typed character usually replaces an existing character. However, in many cases users do not want to replace characters: they want to replace words, sentences, or other higher-level objects. In these cases, simple replacement is not sufficient since it is unlikely that the new text is exactly the same length as the old. The correct effect can be readily achieved when insert mode is combined with an operation that defines a region or selection that identifies the old text.

Modes should be made visible. For example, in older calculators, the degrees/radians mode was hidden. New calculators have an indicator on the display that shows the current mode. Although the mode is still there, the indicator reminds the operator that the mode exists and can even guide the operator's next input.

The best way to make the modes visible is to show all state information on the display. In this way, it is possible for a knowledgeable end user to predict accurately the effect of the next command by examining the current display. Of course, not all end users are "knowledgeable," but how could a non-knowledgeable user ever succeed if a knowledgeable one cannot?

Note how the reasons for making modes visible dovetail with the reasons mentioned earlier for commands having visible effects.

Use of Language

DO NOT PRODUCE OUTPUT IN ALL UPPER CASE. UPPER CASE IS MORE DIFFICULT TO READ THAN lower case. Proper capitalization and punctuation are also important. Would you rather read:



	Enter city, state, and zip code:

Use full words and phrases: do not abbreviate. Displays are large enough and output fast enough so that abbreviations are no longer required.

Prompts should have the form verb object (at least in English). A prompt of:


doesn't tell the user what to do. However, a prompt of:

	Enter your username:

or even:

	Please enter your username:

is reasonably unambiguous. In the first case, a user is apt to feel confused and unsure of what to do next. (What about a username? Should he or she go get one? Whose username?) In the second case, that confusion vanishes.

Error messages should state whether the operation was performed, why something went wrong, and what to do instead. Instead of:

	File write error.

or (gasp!):



	The file was not written because the disk was full.  Clear space
	on the existing disk and try again or write the file to a
	different disk.

Longer, but much better.

The application should do what computers do best: arithmetic, checking, recording. Users should do what they do best: direct the application to solve a problem. Don't make the user count things or keep track of what was done in the past.

Be generous in what you accept. If both Delete and Back Space are used for erasing a character, accept both. Unless there is a good reason otherwise, don't distinguish between upper and lower-case input. In general, if there is a possible way to unambiguously determine what the user wants, accept it.

Guideline Summary

This section presents a brief summary of the guidelines already presented.



Use of Language

Structure Editors

One idea that keeps recurring is that of a "structure editor." In general, a structure editor limits editing to valid transformations on the object being edited. They are often used as programming language editors. In those cases, there may be a command to "insert an `if' statement." The user then sees something like this:

	if <#> then <>
	else <>

(This example does not use the C language. In general, people don't do structure editors for the C language.) The point is positioned at the "#" character and the user is then allowed to make syntactically valid transformations to continue programming. These editors are often found as the subject of research papers. For reasons that will be described, it is fortunate that they are not often found anywhere else.

Of course, the user is in trouble if, for example, he or she decides to negate the condition and make the "else" clause into the "then" clause. If the user is lucky, there will be an editor command to do this operation. If not, the user may have to "cut" the else part and "paste" it into the then. Or worse, the user may be forced to delete the else part and retype it at the then.

It may well be possible to create a structure editor that is also a good editor design. However, in all my research I have never seen one. There are two reasons why creating such an editor is difficult:

First, while the structure-oriented operations may be well suited to the process of writing a program, they are not well suited to the process of editing one. The distinction is a subtle but important one. The examples (usually shown in the papers) all show how easy it is to write programs this way. After all, it is a nice typing aid to be able to insert many characters of language statement with a short command. However, most of the work involved in programming is in editing programs that are already written. Editing operations are often ugly and involve intermediate states that are not valid language syntax. It is just in those areas that the structure-oriented operations start getting in the way.

Second, there is no carryover from one part of the editing task to another. Sure, it may be easier to write the program, but the task of editing text strings and comments to the program has not been addressed by the programming-language editing commands. The user still needs a full-feature editor to handle the strings constants, the comments, and other documentation that are an integral part of any programming project. By adding the structure editor, either a completely separate editor or a complicated new mode has been introduced and consistency has been lost. (I will completely skip over the question of how to handle the programmer that is editing more than one programming language. I will point out that I have worked on projects where I have been editing programs written in more than five languages at the same time.)

Note that the arguments just presented address the concept of a structure editor, not any one editor in particular.

Programing Assistance

Even if the structure editor approach is not the best, there are still techniques that can be used to help write and edit programs. If you like, it could be said that these techniques are adapted from structure editors. However, the origins of these techniques are lost in the mists of history and no one knows which was developed first: structure editors or the adaptations to general editors.

Typing aids: The first technique is to have commands that serve as typing aids. These aids would insert statements or statement parts by typing just a few characters (presumably fewer than the statements or parts themselves!). In this way, users gain the "express typing" benefits of structure editors.

Language modes: Further, a language mode can tailor the effects of commands to suit the characteristics of the language. For example, the commands that move by or manipulate words would be adjusted to use language tokens; those that use sentences would be adjusted to use language statements; and those that use paragraphs would be adjusted to use a statement block or procedure. In addition, commands that perform indentation can also be modified to handle statement nesting.

However, these alterations change how commands work and so some predictability is lost. In addition, while the alterations would presumably only be made for buffers that hold programs, these programs include comments. Hence, the commands need to "know" whether they are operating in a comment and thus whether to use the altered behavior. Even so, not all users are happy with such changes. Hence, there should be a way for users to turn them off. (I, for example, prefer to disable all language modes when editing.)

Syntax checking: Structure editors offer good syntax checking. Most even prevent you from creating a syntactically incorrect program. While possible to implement, syntax checking is not clearly appropriate for an editor, given that a better alternative may be available. This better alternative is for users to be able to invoke the compiler from within the editor, and to have the editor be able to parse the compiler's error and warning messages.

Simple syntax checking is a feature that looks useful on the surface, but turns out not to be very useful in practice, as good programers tend to make relatively few syntax errors. Syntax checking can catch errors like:

	ovid Foo()		
		return (a -+ b;

This example has a misspelled keyword, a missing close parenthesis, and an illegal operator combination. Syntax checking can catch the last two of these, but not the first: at the syntax level, there is no way to tell whether "ovid" is a misspelled keyword or a programmer-defined type.

Semantic checking can catch the "ovid" problem, as well as missing declarations, mis-matched types, and other such problems. With programs spread across multiple files, there is simply no way that an editor would be able to assemble the information required to perform the correct analysis. It is up to the language compiler to perform that function.

Compiler invocation: And so we bring up the best way for an editor to help in program development. That is for the user to quickly and easily be able to invoke the compiler and work with the results. The commands might be "compile this file," "move to the place indicated by the next error message," and so forth. The lesser features such as syntax checking would only be used on systems where invoking the compiler is expensive (in user time, not computer power) to do from within the editor.

Command Behavior

This section describes some of the considerations involved with designing some of the commands. As with other parts of the book, the purpose of this section is not to say merely "do it this way," but to review why different approaches should be considered.

Does Down Move the Point or the Text?

Let's say that the point is somewhere in the middle of a large buffer, large enough that neither the top or bottom is on the display. The user gives the "move down a line" command (say, by pressing the down-arrow key). What happens?

First, the point (and cursor) could both move down one line. The user is thinking "I want to move down" and lo, the point moves down.

A variant on this choice is to move the point down one line, but to move the text of the buffer up in the window. This variant has the unfortunate property that the cursor is always kept in the center of the window.

There is a another choice. The cursor could stay in the same place, and the text of the buffer move down. In effect, this moves the point up one line.

A moment's thought shows that both choices are indeed valid interpretations of "down." In fact, both have been implemented many times. All modern editors now use the first interpretation. In fact, you might be wondering why anyone would select the second interpretation.

The descriptions just given do not reveal why the two interpretations arose. For that information, we have to step from the world of text editing into the world of computer graphics.

Consider the following picture:

		 o		|\		The quick
		---		| \		red fox
		 |		| /		jumps over
		/ \		|/		the lazy

		user		display	buffer

In this view, the user sees the text on a display. Now let us redraw this picture more abstractly:

		 o		------	The quick
		---		|ed f|	red fox
		 |		|umps|	jumps over
		/ \		------	the lazy

		user		window	buffer

In this view, the user is "looking through" a window onto the text. The user sees only that part of the text that can be seen through the window. Now the question "when the user gives the `move down one line' command, does the command move the window or the text?" makes sense.

Scrolling vs. Paging

Closely related to the previous point is whether to scroll or page the screen. Again, there are two choices, and again, we are considering the case where the user is giving "move down one line" commands. In all cases, the point is moving down one line at a time. The question relates to how the cursor moves on the screen.

First, the cursor can move down one line at a time until it reaches the bottom of the screen (possibly with a line or so of "guard zone"). Once there, the whole screen moves up one "page" and the cursor is re-centered.

Second, the cursor could stay in the same place on the screen and the text could move up by one line.

The second method offers the advantage that the maximum amount of surrounding text is always visible. However, it offers the much more severe disadvantage that "just moving around" appears to be constantly changing the text. That is quite distracting to users. It also ties what the user sees with where the user is making changes. Thus, if the display has a 24-line screen and the preferred row is line 10, the user is out of luck if he or she wants to make changes while looking at text that is more than 10 lines before the point or 14 lines after it.

A third method would be to have the cursor move down to a guard zone, then scroll the screen instead of paging it. This method offers better continuity than does just paging. It is especially nice if you repeatedly give the "move down line" command. Personally, I find it exasperating because your context gradually reduces to the size of the guard zone, then stays there. With paging, the context is automatically restored to about one-half of the window. When using editors that select this method, I have to give the "recenter window" command much more often than I like to.

Page Breaks

This is more of an issue with word processors than text editors, but it is worth mentioning anyway. The problem arises when the program is displaying the buffer in its "printed form," including page breaks. It is very tempting for the implementor to always position the page break at the top of the display. However, it is important that users be able to see the text just before and after the page break at the same time.

How Many Ways Can You Move by a Word?

When writing commands that operate on words, the first question that arises is "what is a word?" We need a definition that is both possible and easy to implement. We will approach a definition in a series of refinements.

The first step is to consider all of the characters between white space to be one word. With this definition, the sequence:

	This is a very-strange test sentence, isn't it?

would be considered to be eight words. While a good start, it is not sufficient, as the following sequence would be considered only two words:

	here--a phrase

But this sequence would be considered four words:

	here -- a phrase

Thus, the next step is to define a word as a string of letters and digits. With this definition, the three examples would be considered to have ten, three, and three words, respectively. This definition has the advantage that for something to be considered a word, there should be something "word-like" about it (i.e., the characters "--" are not considered to be a word. In addition, the presence or absence of extra spaces around the "--" does not change the number of words: a good sign that we are on the right track.

Our refinement can stop right here and be considered acceptable. There are some changes that we can make, but these changes are not uniformly considered improvements.

The first change is to add some characters to the "word" characters in language modes. For example, when writing C programs, the underscore character ("_") is legal within a token. By adding this character to the letters and digits, a "move by word" command will now properly move by tokens.

The second change is to add other characters, such as dash ("-") and quote (" ' "). But these are added in a special way: they must be surrounded by letters or digits in order to be considered as part of a word. This change allows the "very-strange" and "isn't" parts of the sequence to be considered as single words.

However, suppose that you had a very-long-hyphenated-phrase. It probably makes sense to consider this phrase as four separate words. In particular, it is better to err on the side of dividing one "word" into two rather than combining two "words" into one. For example, in our very-long-hyphenated-phrase, it would be difficult to change the "hyphenated" to "dashed" if word motion commands considered the whole thing as one word.

Moving by Words

As with many of the other topics here, there are two popular ways of moving forward by words. Oddly, though, there is only one popular way of moving backwards.

One way to move forward is to move to the end of the word. For example, if we had the text:

	one two three four

and the cursor was at the "w" (which means that the point is between the "t" and the "w"), and a "move forward word" command were given, this move would leave the point here:

	one two three four

i.e., just before the white space after the word. The other method would move the point to the start of the next word:

	one two three four

When moving backwards, both methods leave the point at the start of the word:

	one two three four

The difference may become slightly more clear if we look at the code that might be used to implement these commands. Assuming that the constant WORDSTRING contains the characters that comprise a word, the code to move backward a word is this:


The code to move forward to the end of the word is the same code, with "Backward" changed to "Forward":


Finally, the code to move forward to the start of the next word is this:


The first method, to leave the point at the end of the current word, has the property that it is symmetric with respect to backward motion. The second method, to leave the point at the start of the following word, lacks that symmetry. On the other hand, it makes it easier to move to the beginning of the following word.

The choice is up to you. I strongly prefer the first method.

Deleting by Words

This question is "okay, so I have decided what happens when I move by words. What should happen when I delete by words?"

The first answer, which works very well, is simply that you should delete whatever the corresponding move command would move over. Thus, if the motion command were to move to the start of the next word, the deletion command should delete that same text.

However, consider this case:

	This is some text.


	And, three lines later, more text.

The "move forward word" command would move to just before the "A". However, is it really desirable that the "delete forward word" command delete the lines in between, including the row of dashes? Well, yes, if you want to be consistent (and predictable). This is one of the reasons why this style of word motion is not the best one to use.

The second answer would be to be "intelligent." This view is used by Apple Computer (see Apple 1987). In it, you would change exactly what was deleted based on circumstances. For example, with the text:

	Here is some text.

a "delete forward word" command would delete the word "some" and the following space, thus leaving this:

	Here is text.

instead of this:

	Here is  text.

This definition has the advantage that deleting a word deletes the "supporting structure" for the word as well and thus makes the text as if the word was never there. It also means that "sloppy" users don't leave stray extra spaces around. It has the disadvantage that if you wanted to replace one word with a new one -- a very common operation -- you now have to re-type the space. This definition also loses predictability in that only white space is so treated: commas, periods, and other punctuation marks are not. So, to replace "old" with new in the following text:

	This is an old word.

you give the "delete forward word" command then type "new ", but to do the same replacement with the text:

	This is an old, word.

you give the "delete forward word" command, then simply type "new". Now explain that to a user quickly and painlessly. (Note that Apple Human Interface Guidelines do not provide for word-level operations other than selection.)

In all fairness to Apple -- and I believe that their guidelines are excellent -- their guidelines are build around a keyboard/mouse combination for user input. This book assumes that only a keyboard is available. Changing such a basic assumption will result in changing some of its conclusions: that is why you should make your choices based on a full understanding of the options and assumptions that apply in your situation.

These examples have all operated on full words. The Apple guidelines do not have guidelines for how to handle deleting parts of words because the guidelines only support whole words as objects. However, you are free to invent your own semantics for handling partial words in an "intelligent" manner.

Where Do Sentences and Paragraphs End?

I will start with the cheery statement that there is no way to correctly determine the ends of all possible valid English sentences by analyzing syntax alone. Why not?

Consider these text sequences:

	This is a sentence.
	The value 3.14159 is close to the value of pi.
	The value 3. is close to the value of pi.
	Dr. Martin is a medical doctor.
	I hate typing long words and prefer to abbrev. them.

We all know that a period is used to end a sentence. The second example shows that periods can occur within a sentence. The third shows that periods can end a token and yet not end a sentence. The fourth shows that the token can be a word. The last shows that you can't just work off a list of known abbreviations. When considering these examples, remember that we are applying semantic knowledge to the statements, something that is beyond the ability of most computer programs. From the program's point of view, the sequences might as well be:

	Xxxx xx x xxxxxxxx.
	Xxx xxxxx 0.00000 xx xxxxx xx xxx xxxxx xx xx.
	Xxx xxxxx 0. xx xxxxx xx xxx xxxxx xx xx.
	Xx. Xxxxxx xx x xxxxxxx xxxxxx.
	X xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxx. xxxx.

All that said, what is a way out? The definition that I have found that works best was worked out by trial-and-error and refined over a period of years is this:

	if (xiswhite(Get_Char())) <you are at a sentence end>;

This definition looks for any of the sentence-ending characters (colons are considered to end sentences here). It then skips over any of the characters that tend to follow sentence ends. Finally, it checks for white space.

This definition has the unfortunate property that the last three examples are considered to be two sentences each. On the other hand, it has the advantage that it works fairly well on non-contrived examples. And, as with words, it is better to count one sentence as two than to treat two sentences as one.

Note that only one white-space character (any character of Space, Tab, newline, or whatever else you wish to include) is required to end a sentence. Depending upon which style manual you follow, either one or two spaces should be included after the end of a sentence. However, even if your style manual requires two spaces, your users may not use that manual or may simply forget to type the extra space. Hence, you should not penalize them for the omission.

I know of one implementation that makes life difficult for its users. Its end-of-sentence definition requires two spaces. Yet, when you refill a paragraph, it removes the second space. Thus, you can move by sentences until you first refill the paragraph, after which the entire paragraph is treated as one sentence...

Paragraph ends are much easier than sentence ends. If you are using word wrap, each paragraph will be one line long. Thus, a newline character will end a paragraph. Otherwise, a newline followed by any white-space character (Space, Tab, newline, etc.) will mark the end of the paragraph.

If you are fortunate (or unfortunate, it depends on your outlook) enough to use a text formatter, you will want to include your formatter-command characters as paragraph-break characters. For example, if you are using the nroff formatter, you will want a paragraph break here:

	This is some text.
	This is some more text.

So just look for a newline followed by either white space or a dot.

Moving and deleting by sentences and paragraphs involves all of the same problems as moving and deleting by words. See the earlier discussion.

How to Search

This topic supplies lots of choices, all of them good. The question is more one of how much work you want to put into your implementation than which is the correct approach.

The first choice is between buffered searching and incremental searching. Buffered searching means that your implementation prompts for a search string, waits for the user to enter the complete string, then performs the search. It works and is easy to implement, but not as good as incremental search.

Incremental search means that the implementation searches as the user types. Here is an example:

user types
what is done

start incremental search
find the first "a"
(1) find the first "ab"
find the first "abc"
erase the "c" from the string; go back to where you were after (1)
find the first "abd"
(2) search again for "abd": you are now at the second one
search again, you are now at the third one
get rid of the last ^S; go back to where you were after (2)

You get the idea. The commands available can be as powerful as you like. This is clearly a much nicer way to search than buffered searching. Just as clearly, it is more work to implement.

The next question is what the search string should be. The most simple case is that the editor should search for the string exactly as typed. Thus, this string:

	Some text.

would match only the string "Some text." in the buffer. While simple, it is not necessarily useful.

The first alternate way to search would be to simply ignore upper and lower case. Thus, the string would also match "some text." and "SOME TEXT." and "SoMe TeXt."

Another way to search would be to have lower-case characters in the search string match either upper or lower case in the buffer, but an upper-case character in the search string match only upper-case characters in the buffer. The search string would then match "SOME TEXT." and "SoMe TeXt." but not "some text." This way is more useful than one might think, because you can enter "ROM" in order to find "ROM" but not the "rom" in "from", yet you can still find both "the" and "The" with one search string.

Another search variation is whole-word match. Thus, one could search for "the" without finding "then". In addition, it would be handy to be able to allow varying amounts of white space to match. Thus, our "Some text." string would match



	Some      text.

You can get as complex as you like with all of this, up to wild cards and UNIX-style regular expressions. Just don't forget to include a way to quote any special characters so that the user can search for them exactly.

Commands to Handle Typos

There are two very common forms of typographic errors for which special commands can be helpful.

Capitalization Commands

One typographic error is the incorrect upper/lower case of a character, part of word, or word. Two different forms of commands can be defined to handle this task.

The first form operates as a "move forward word" command, but forcing all characters moved over to UPPER, lower, or Capitalized case (the latter is first character in upper case, and all others in lower case). Note that three separate commands are required.

The second form is a "rotate case" command. The definition that I use acts differently depending upon whether you are within a word or between words. In the former case, it affects all characters between the point and the end of the word. In the latter case, it affects the entire previous word. In either case, it examines the current state of the word and rotates it among word -> Word -> WORD -> word, etc. The point is not moved. This definition turns out to be very handy.


Another typographic error is interchanging two characters. For example, "teh" instead of "the". There are three forms of the command to fix this.

The first form interchanges the two preceding characters. Thus:




The second form interchanges the two surrounding characters. Thus our original becomes:


Neither of the first two forms moves the point. The third form moves the point and our original becomes


The advantage to this form is that repeated executions of the command serve to "drag" a character along.

Questions to Probe Your Understanding

Consider how your favorite editor's command set and implementation meet the design guidelines. (Medium)

Define a command that you would like to see in an editor. (Easy)

What are some different ways to handle moving down a line (hint: consider how to handle variable-width characters)? (Easy)

How do the word, sentence, and paragraph problems change when languages other than English are considered? (Medium)

Define a complete command set. (Hard)

Define a good structure-editor command set. (Hard)

Copyright 1999 by Craig A. Finseth.

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