Introduction: What Is Text Editing All About?

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
  Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
  And the mome raths outgrabe.

In its most general form, text editing is the process of taking some input, changing it, and producing some output. Ideally, the desired changes would be made immediately and with no effort required beyond the mere thought of the change. Unfortunately, the ideal case is not yet achievable. We are thus consigned to using tools such as computers to effect our desired changes.

Computers have physical limitations. These limitations include the nature of user-interface devices; CPU performance; memory constraints, both physical and virtual; and disk capacity and transfer speed. Computer programs that perform text editing must operate within these limitations. This book examines those limitations, explores tradeoffs among them and the algorithms that implement specific tradeoffs, and provides general guidance to anyone who wants to understand how to implement a text editor or how to perform editing in general.

I do not present the complete source code to an editor, nor is the source code available on disk (at least from me: see Appendix B). For that matter, you won't even see a completely worked out algorithm. Rather, this book teaches the craft of text editing so that you can understand how to construct your own editor.

The first chapters discuss external constraints: human mental processes, file formats, and interface devices. Later chapters describe memory management, redisplay algorithms, and command set structure in detail. The last chapter explores the Emacs-type of editor. The Emacs-type of editor will also be used whenever a reference to a specific editor is required.

This range of topics is quite broad, and it is easy to lose sight of the forest with all of those trees. The remainder of this introduction will sketch the outlines of the forest by examining an editor-in-miniature: a get-line-of-input routine. We will start with a basic version of the routine, then make it more elaborate in a series of steps. By the end, you will see where the complexity of a text editor arises from.

The program examples are written in the ANSI version of the C language. Appendix A provides a brief introduction to the C language and explains all of the features used in examples.

The Basic Get_Line

The Get_Line routine accepts these inputs:

and produces these outputs:

The editing performed by this routine is on the input buffer. This first version assumes that you are creating a new item from scratch each time.

Version One

FLAG Get_Line(char *prompt, char *buffer, int len)
	char *cptr = buffer;
	int key;

	if (len < 2) return(FALSE);		/* safety check */
	printf("%s: ", prompt);
	for (;;) {
		key = KeyGet();
		if (isprint(key)) {
			if (cptr - buffer >= len - 1) Beep();
			else	{
				*cptr++ = key;
				printf("%c", key);
		else if (key == KEYENTER) {
			*cptr = NUL;
		else	Beep();

Version One accepts input until the user presses the Enter key. If a user's input will overflow the input buffer, the input is discarded and the program will sound an error beep. Once the Enter key has been pressed, the program appends a NUL character to terminate the string and returns True. Non-printing characters other than Enter also cause the program to sound an error beep. Simple, straightforward, and useless, as there is no way for the user to correct any typing mistakes.

Version Two

Here is version Two. It adds editing:

FLAG Get_Line(char *prompt, char *buffer, int len)
	char *cptr = buffer;
	int key;

	if (len < 2) return(FALSE);		/* safety check */
	printf("%s: ", prompt);
	for (;;) {
		key = KeyGet();
		if (isprint(key)) {
			if (cptr - buffer >= len - 1) Beep();
			else	{
				*cptr++ = key;
				printf("%c", key);
		else	{
			switch (key) {

			case KEYBACK:
				if (cptr > buffer) {
					printf("\b \b");

			case KEYENTER:
				*cptr = NUL;


Version Two starts developing problems that can no longer be swept under the rug.

Version One glossed over exactly what is meant by the Enter key. That's sort of okay. Most keyboards have only one key labelled "Enter" or "Return" or something similar. It almost always sends a Carriage Return character. The program can compare against just that character and almost always operate "correctly," i.e., as the user expects. However, most keyboards have at least two keys for erasing: Back Space and Delete. Some people and computer systems use one of these. Other people and computer systems user the other. (We will ignore any extra "erase" or "delete character" keys that you might find. For now.) The program can handle this problem in several ways:

If you picked the first option, just over half of your users will be upset with you. The second option is much better: almost all users will like you, and this part of your program need not be operating system specific at all. (I often select this option when writing small programs that should have a minimum of operating system-dependant code.) The third option is a fine solution. Most users will like you, and you are building on other work (i.e., the operating system) instead of reinventing the wheel.

If you picked the fourth option, you have already learned what an Emacs-type editor is about. Implicit in this option is recognizing that users should be able to control their environment as much as possible. Yes, it is more work to write such programs and, yes, it sometimes overlaps the existing operating system, but it can be well worth the effort.

Another problem appears in the statement:

					printf("\b \b");

This statement is a crude attempt at erasing a character. As it turns out, there are pretty powerful conventions regarding how printing characters and newlines are handled by operating systems and output devices. These characters all move the cursor to the right or to the start of the next line. However, when you want the cursor to back up in any way or you wish to control it in any other way, you are on your own: there are no industry-wide conventions for specifying these operations. And, with no conventions to rely upon, your program has to implement a method of coping with the range of output devices.

Version Three

Version Three assumes that the input buffer contains some text. This text is used for the response if the user just presses Enter (i.e., the text is the default value):

FLAG Get_Line(char *prompt, char *buffer, int len)
	char *cptr = buffer;
	FLAG waskey = FALSE;
	int key;

	if (len < 2) return(FALSE);		/* safety check */

	for (;;) {
		printf("%s: %s", prompt, buffer);
		key = KeyGet();
		if (isprint(key)) {
			if (!waskey) {
				*buffer = NUL;
				waskey = TRUE;
			if (cptr - buffer >= len - 1) Beep();
			else	{
				*cptr++ = key;
				*cptr = NUL;
		else	{
			switch (key) {

			case KEYBACK:
				if (!waskey) {
					*buffer = NUL;
					waskey = TRUE;
				if (cptr > buffer) {
					*cptr = NUL;
					printf("\b \b");

			case KEYENTER:


Version Three returns the supplied response if the user just presses the Enter key. Otherwise, the supplied response is erased completely the first time a printing key or Back Space is pressed. The only other changes worth noting are that the prompt has been moved to the inside of the loop and a few terminal interface routines have been added. The first one moves the "cursor" to the beginning of the line. The next clears the line.

Version Four

This version adds a number of features:

This version of the routine also has a slight change to the interface: the addition of a separate default value parameter.

FLAG Get_Line(char *prompt, char *buffer, int len, char *default)
	char *cptr = buffer;
	FLAG isinsert = TRUE;
	FLAG waskey = TRUE;
	int key;

	if (len < 2) return(FALSE);		/* safety check */

	strcpy(buffer, default);
	for (;;) {
		printf("%s: %s", prompt, buffer);
		PositionCursor(strlen(prompt) + 2 + (cptr - buffer));

		key = KeyGet();
		if (isprint(key)) {
			if (!waskey) {
				cptr = buffer;
				*cptr = NUL;
				waskey = TRUE;
			if (isinsert) {
				if (buffer + strlen(buffer) >= len - 1) Beep();
				else	{	/* move rest of line and insert */
					memmove(cptr + 1, cptr, strlen(cptr) + 1);
					*cptr++ = key;
					*cptr = NUL;
			else	{
				if (*cptr == NUL) {
						/* end of input, so append to buffer */
					if (buffer + strlen(buffer) >= len - 1)
					else	{
						*cptr++ = key;
						*cptr = NUL;
				else *cptr++ = key;	/* replace */
		else	{
			switch (key) {

			case KEYBACK:
				if (!waskey) {
					cptr = buffer;
					*cptr = NUL;
					waskey = TRUE;
				if (cptr > buffer) {
					xstrcpy(cptr - 1, cptr);
					*cptr = NUL;

			case KEYDEL:		/* delete the following char */
				if (cptr < buffer + strlen(buffer))
					xstrcpy(cptr, cptr + 1);
				else	Beep();

			case KEYENTER:

			case KEYLEFT:
				if (cptr > buffer) cptr--;
				waskey = TRUE;

			case KEYRIGHT:
				if (cptr < buffer + strlen(buffer)) cptr++;
				waskey = TRUE;

			case KEYSTART:		/* move to start of response */
				cptr = buffer;
				waskey = TRUE;

			case KEYEND:		/* move to end of response */
				cptr = buffer + strlen(buffer);
				waskey = TRUE;

			case KEYQUOTE:		/* insert the next character,
							even if it is a control char */
				if (!waskey) {
					cptr = buffer;
					*cptr = NUL;
					waskey = TRUE;
				key = KeyGet();
				if (isinsert) {
					if (buffer + strlen(buffer) >= len - 1)
					else	{	/* move rest of line and insert */
						memmove(cptr + 1, cptr,
							strlen(cptr) + 1);	
						*cptr++ = key;
						*cptr = NUL;
				else	{
					if (*cptr == NUL) {
							/* end of input, so append */	
						if (buffer + strlen(buffer) >= len - 1)
						else	{
							*cptr++ = key;
							*cptr = NUL;
					else *cptr++ = key;	/* replace */

			case KEYCLEAR:		/* erase response */
				cptr = buffer;
				*cptr = NUL;
				waskey = TRUE;

			case KEYDEFAULT:	/* restore default response */
				strcpy(buffer, default);
				cptr = buffer;
				waskey = FALSE;

			case KEYCANCEL:	/* abort out of editing */

			case KEYREDISPLAY:	/* redisplay the prompt and resp */

			case KEYINSERT:	/* set insert mode */
				isinsert = TRUE;

			case KEYREPLACE:	/* set replace mode */
				isinsert = FALSE;

Version Four does all that was claimed for it, but not as well as one would like. In particular:

The Forest

The examples presented in this chapter bumped into these problems:

These and other questions will be addressed in the remainder of this book.

Questions to Probe Your Understanding

Modify the latest version of Get_Line to accept only numeric responses. What sort of error messages should be given? (Easy)

Modify the latest version of Get_Line to accept only responses from a list that is passed in as a parameter. What sort of error messages should be given? (Easy)

What are two good formats for such a list (Easy for those familiar with C, Medium otherwise)

What is the appropriate degree of control (key definitions, enable / disable features, etc.) that the calling program should have over the input editing? (Medium)

Copyright 1999 by Craig A. Finseth.

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