A set of building blocks that enables you to write
programs that take advantage of powerful graphics hardware features
with minimal programming effort
A library of objects and methods used to create interactive 3D graphics
Based on OpenGL; written in C++.
Objects include database primitives, including shape,
property, group, and engine objects; interactive manipulators, such as the
handle box and trackball; and components, such as the material editor,
directional light editor, and examiner viewer.
Facilitates moving data between applications with its 3D interchange file
format. End users of 3D programs can cut and paste 3D scene objects and
share them among a variety of programs on the desktop.
The Inventor Toolkit includes:
A 3D scene database that includes shape, property, group, engine,
and sensor objects, used to create a hierarchical 3D scene
A set of node kits that provide a convenient mechanism for creating
prebuilt groupings of Inventor nodes
A set of manipulators, including the handle box and trackball, which
are objects in a scene database that the user can interact with directly
An Inventor Component Library for Xt, including a render area (a
window used for rendering), material editor, viewers, and utility
functions, used to provide some high-level interactive tasks
Inventor Architecture
Viewer Components
To get a hands-on overview of the many features of OpenInventor, cd to the following directory: