11.188 Labs #2: In-Lab Notes on March 1, 2021
- REMEMBER this lab is DUE TUESDAY, March 9,
- HOMEWORK SET #1 is online and DUE Friday, March 12
Main Ideas:
- Compare Cambridge housing prices with
- the socio-economics of the neighborhood
- proximity to Mass Ave
- Practice making thematic maps and 'layouts' more readable
- Learn data manipulation tools
- Simple queries using 'select by expression' tools
- Compute 'basic statistics' for any numeric fields
- Compute stats for 'selected sets'
- Create new 'virtual layers'
- Spatial joins (to find neighborhood containing each sale)
- Add new field (column) to data tables
- Field calculator (to compute percent with high school education)
- Buffering Mass Ave
- To compare sales prices of housing that is close/far
- Extracting Mass Ave street segments from the Cambridge TIGER file
- Create a 750 meter buffer of Mass Ave street segments
- Compute statistics for 'selected sets' instead of all rows
- Further experimentation with 'Layout Manager' and adding a second
'locator' map
- Call attention to 'multiple sale' problem
- Some Cambridge houses sold more than once during 1989
- Create a new virtual layer with only one row per unique house
- Build a SQL expression with 'group by' to average the sale prices of
houses with multiple sales
-- You can start this week's lab with the same QGIS project
that you ended with for Lab#1. Just check
that the CRS for your map display
is in Mass State Plane (NAD33, meters) Mainland