Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory
In-Lab Notes - Lab Exercise 3:
Working with ACS Data
Goal: Create thematic map of PERCENT of WORKERS who DRIVE TO WORK ALONE.
Overview of steps in the lab:
Data and computation needed to map the percent of workers driving to work alone:
2010 census block group boundaries for Eastern Mass
Census counts for workers aged 16 and over who do/do-not drive to work alone
Compute percentage who drive to work alone
Join census percentages to block group boundaries and map thematically
Get the needed files into C:\temp\...
Extract Eastern Mass census block groups in Mass State Plane coordinates
Potential problems with various spatial selection methods
Could you select by attribute?
Find and extract the appropriate ACS variables at the census block group level
Construct your drive-to-work indicator (with appropriate block group identifier)
Join your drive-to-work indicator to the Eastern Mass map
Using ACS data
Today's files are big enough (36 MB) to worry about organizing useful copies in C:\temp
Copy entire directory
to a LOCAL drive (e.g., C:\temp)
from your local copy
At end of day, copy entire
directory (with saved QGIS projects) to I:\ or a USB drive
Finding the desired variable
What ACS variable? Using the ACS appendices and table templates
Normalizing counts to compute percents: divide counts by the appropriate 'total'
Where to get data?
ACS products (and margin of error estimates)
Some data tables are
created for your convenience!
Usually stored in databases, e.g., MS-Access, PostgreSQL, MySQL
Why use databases?
Why not use QGIS or a spreadsheet instead?
DEMO During-lab
Export/import shapefiles and data tables
'Select by location' options: finding block groups in certain counties
Construct new fields - and avoid divide by zero problems
Data sources: Census, Social Explorer, the MIT Geodata repository, MassGIS, etc.