Migratory Species Team - Mission 2007
Mission 2007
Team Members
Progress Journal
We divided the research of migratory species into 3 general categories: land, water and air.  To access research, click on links below for team members' personal websites

Land Species (updated by Adina Fischer)

Bird Species (updated by Stephanie Lee)

Bird Species (updated by Zachary Watts)

Water Species (updated by Chi Chiang)
Bird species
The 1002 region serves as a stopover region, breeding zone, and molting area for over 180 migratory birds.  Among the most prevalent species are the snow goose and the long-tailed duck.  Most bird species visit the north slope during late August to mid-September.

Land Species
In the tug of war between oil production and wilderness preservation, research on land migratory species  in the 1002 region of the Arctic national Wildlife reserve  and the possible remifications that extraction of oil would have is key to understanding the environmental impact that oil would have. The porcupine caribou herd, musk oxen, polar bears and central caribou herd are some of the main land migratory species who come to the Coastal Plane of the 1002 region to either breed or calve. 

Water Species

Landscape Landscape MIT Logo

Last updated: Nov. 4, 2003 (11:11 pm) Team6 - m2007-6@mit.edu