Pipeline Technology
The proposed pipeline will be modeled after the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline System
(TAPS) which features the following technologies:
- sideways maneuverability: horizontal shifting along pylons and zigzag formation;
together, these will allow for thermal expansion from the transport of heated
fluids and motion during seismic activity; these features help ensure the
structural integrity of the pipeline
-internal heating and insulation: to keep the oil within the pipelines liquid
in an arctic environment while minimizing thermal radiation to the environment
at large
-leak control system: series of valves, automated control, for shutoff in
case of detected leaks; these valves limit the maximum volume of oil that
can be spilled; there are also manned routine maintenance trips along pipeline
-pigs: automated vehicals which travel up and down the inside of the pipe
which are used to 1) clean the inside of the pipeline by scraping, 2) sense/detect
pipeline cracks/ deformations; small enough to fit in pipe but big enough
to maintain one-way orientation (i.e. won’t turn around/rotate inside the
-vertical loops: used at the Alpine field, artificial high points in pipeline
system which create a vacuum/siphon at top of a “loop” (really, just vertical
zigzags) in case of leak; replaces the need for most valves, which themselves
-coating: protective coating along pipeline to guard against corrosion; different
coatings for above and below ground pipes; often pipes manufactured pre-coated
-sacrificial anodes: when pipes underground, sacrificial anodes in place
to corrode it instead of pipe
-elevated pipe to allow animals to cross; TAPS buried almost ½ of
the pipes because to not disturb animals
-if buried, pipes should be buried in stable permafrost; in the past, this
has been done by traditional burying, with no refrigeration systems; refrigeration
systems only used when pipelines buried in unstable permafrost; either way,
the permafrost melts, but having a refrigeration system is better than not
having one
-geographical obstacles, like rivers, can be crossed by either 1) constructing
a bridge, or 2) digging under it with directional drilling