Terrestrial Life
Many terrestrial species can be found in the 1002 region due the abundant food source available on the coastal plain. The forage quantity and quality supports the different species that stay in the area all year round, or come during summer to feed, breed, and raise their young. Migratory species such as the caribou (the Porcupine Caribou Herd PCH in 1002) can be found. Non-migratory species include muskoxen, polar bears, arctic foxes, wolves, wolverines, and other small mammals such as lemmings, voles and shrews. Vegetation in the area are mainly moist herbaceous/shrub tundra, tussock sedges and wet sedge tundra. The limited precipitation and low temperature in the area limits the variety of plants that can survive there. Mostly, it is vascular species low in height The Caribou, as a migratory species, mainly uses the 1002 area as a staging ground. The central southern portion of the 1002 area is a core calving ground for the PCH. It also uses the western portion of 1002 as a post-calving ground, and migrates through the area yearly. Other species such as the muskoxen and arctic foxes stay in the area year-round. Collectively though, the critical time periods of these species would still be summer from May to October, when the weather is warmer and insects are less abundant, allowing calving and breeding to take place for different species. However, polar bears den there during the winter as well, and disturbance to their dens may lead to abandonment of the dens by mothers, endangering the survival of cubs. Main concerns for terrestrial species would be noise pollution from exploration, which could be particularly significant for polar bears, and blockades and fragmentation of habitat by pipelines and oil-drilling infrastructure. Polar Bears
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