of Small Sensors (Motes): Their Function and
Fortunately, Intel Labs and The University of California – Berkeley have formulated solutions to these questions. In order to conserve power, the motes will flip on and off for a millisecond or less to take their measurements, and then return to their dormant state to conserve power. UC Berkeley students and faculty designed a streamlined operating system specifically for motes, which they dubbed “TinyOS.” (TinyOS was written in NesC, the programming language developed by Intel and Berkeley specifically for motes.) TinyOS can be coupled with TinyDB, a database management tool for motes, which shows data and allows queries. When the data from the probes reaches the central data storage station, the station posts the results online via satellite. This gives researchers easy access to the information from anywhere in the world. Even the way in which the data is sent back to the data center is power-saving. When motes find information that needs to be sent back to the data center, they use an algorithm to find the closest mote and send the data to that mote, which then relays it to the next closest mote and etc. until the data reaches its destination. Ingenuities in programming also solve the issue of reprogramming. In order to reprogram a mote, programmers only reprogram one mote. Because the motes communicate among one another, the mote with the new instructions can send them computer-virus-style to each mote that comes in contact with it. This process repeats itself until all of the motes have the new instructions. Ingenious programming also accounts for the motes’ ability to continue to function as a network, even after several units are no longer functioning. However, this programming is not the solution to everything. A hard (but still cheap) casing and redundant systems are used to increase the chances of the motes survival after mishaps in the wild. The total cost (per unit) is currently $50 to $100, though it is hoped that it will soon be down to near $5.
Networks of motes can be used in a variety of environment-related situations:
Hopefully, by using this data, long-term trends will be
observed and scientists will have a greater understanding of the living
that comprise the Galapagos archipelago.
Intel Exploratory Research: Smart Sensors to Network the World
An explanation of sensor networks in the wild.
Originally Published:
Smart Sensors to Network the World
By David E. Culler and Hans Mulder
Intel Exploratory Reserach: Instrumenting the World
The Real World as One Giant Database
UC (Berkeley, Davis, Merced, Santa Cruz) CITRIS Newsletter - December
Vol. 2, No. 5