All of the course materials from Fall 2017 were posted on Github, along with brief lecture summaries. You can view these materials and summaries directly on github.
(Teachers are welcome to re-use these github materials for other courses or semesters.)
This semester, we used the Julia software for homework and lecture demonstrations. Julia is a programming language, but no "real" programming will be required in 18.06: we just used it as a "fancy calculator" that happens to have lots of linear algebra and other capabilities. You can run Julia online, without installing it, by logging into More information:
Many of the lecture notes and problem sets above are in the form of Jupyter/IJulia notebooks. You can view these simply by following the links above, but you can also download them and run or modify them yourselves:
(notebook) file from your computer onto this dashboard to upload it.Pkg.add("PyPlot")
and Pkg.add("Interact")
first, if you have not done so already, in order to install the packages needed for this notebook.)