
The idea fair is intended to provide you with additional project opportunities and introduce potential clients representing under-served groups.

There will be a number of parallel sessions at which clients identify projects and needs. We will divide your section so that all presentations will be covered by at least one person from your section (two persons per team). You will need to take notes so that you can report to your section in your first lab meeting. If you have a conflict, please just make sure that somebody else on your team is covering your session. You may use your team mail lists or slack site to contact team members.

Ideas from the idea fair may be combined with the list of ideas selected from your upcoming brainstorming deliverable. You may use ideas generated by your section and/or from the idea fair in the 3-ideas presentation. The HelmentHub (2.009 gallery) is an example of 2.009 project that arose from a client at an idea fair.

The idea fair is scheduled in the evening so that a number of potential customers and experts can attend to propose project opportunities.


At the project idea fair you will meet clients with suggestions for potential projects. The fair will be held on Zoom and run from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Please do not be late.

You are assigned to two sessions. Please remember that you will need to take notes so that you can report to your team during your first team meeting. It would be useful to record your notes in your slack site. As noted previously, if you have a conflict, please make sure that there is a team member covering your session.

Please don't look for the client to provide a solution or tightly specified design problem. In talking to clients you will probably identify new opportunities that they have not explicitly identified. Some of the potential clients may have specific design problems in mind, while others will discuss broader issues. Please remember that, as a designer, it is your responsibility to interpret information carefully so that you can develop the most need-appropriate and successful product possible. Specific implementation ideas provided by the client may—or may not—be sound.


Red team schedule, Yellow team schedule, Green team schedule,
Blue team schedule, Purple team schedule, Pink team schedule


Schedule for the red team


7:05-7:30 PM 7:35-8:00 PM
Emily Skilling
Jessie Wang
Joush Padilla
Willie Zhu
Food Bank & Resources for the Financially Distressed
Zoom link
Haley House Soup Kitchen
Music & Performance Industry
Zoom link
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Gabrielle Enns
Orisa Coombs
Swoosh Shrestha
Moving Artwork
Zoom link
Harvard Art Museums - Collections
Health Care Services for Underprivileged Populations
Zoom link
Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program
Jessica Xu
Tommy Adebiyi
Wendy Wang
Commercial Fishing around Boston
Zoom link
Cape Cod Fisheran's Alliance
Safe Spaces for Viewing Art
Zoom link
Harvard Art Museums - Exhibits
Drew Callahan
Emily Colby
Sahara Villarreal
Helping Library Patrons
Zoom link
Boston Public Library
Saving Animals from Extinction
Zoom link
Franklin Park Zoo
Ben Koenig
Flora Klise
JT McGuire
Tiger Enrichment
Zoom link
Pittsburgh Zoo
Event Production
Zoom link
Studio 125


Schedule for the yellow team


7:05-7:30 PM 7:35-8:00 PM
Allison Pinto
Benjamin Rodriguez
Jonathan Tagoe
Music & Performance Industry
Zoom link
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Food Bank & Resources for the Financially Distressed
Zoom link
Haley House Soup Kitchen
Alejandra Navarro
Cas Lesperance
Kai Maier
Rosalie Phillips
Health Care Services for Underprivileged Populations
Zoom link
Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program
Moving Artwork
Zoom link
Harvard Art Museums - Collections
Aaron Garza
Cole Linnus
Geneva Casalegno
Thad Megchelsen
Safe Spaces for Viewing Art
Zoom link
Harvard Art Museums - Exhibits
Commercial Fishing around Boston
Zoom link
Cape Cod Fisheran's Alliance
Abdalla Osman
Antoni Soledad
Matthew Hambacher
Saving Animals from Extinction
Zoom link
Franklin Park Zoo
Helping Library Patrons
Zoom link
Boston Public Library
Aline Vargas Manriquez
Anthony Troupe
Garrett Memoli
Event Production
Zoom link
Studio 125
Tiger Enrichment
Zoom link
Pittsburgh Zoo


Schedule for the green team


7:05-7:30 PM 7:35-8:00 PM
Danny Alel
Jordan Tappa
Rima Rebei
Food Bank & Resources for the Financially Distressed
Zoom link
Haley House Soup Kitchen
Music & Performance Industry
Zoom link
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Alex Salisbury
Alyssa Wells-Lewis
Darya Guettler
Jimmy Tran
Moving Artwork
Zoom link
Harvard Art Museums - Collections
Health Care Services for Underprivileged Populations
Zoom link
Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program
Carmen Sleight
Elim Poon
Hannah Adams
Pablo Ampudia
Commercial Fishing around Boston
Zoom link
Cape Cod Fisheran's Alliance
Safe Spaces for Viewing Art
Zoom link
Harvard Art Museums - Exhibits
Isy Osubor
Rostam Reifschneider
Xiqing Wang
Helping Library Patrons
Zoom link
Boston Public Library
Saving Animals from Extinction
Zoom link
Franklin Park Zoo
George Chen
Jason Santillan Fausto
Lani Lee
Tiger Enrichment
Zoom link
Pittsburgh Zoo
Event Production
Zoom link
Studio 125


Schedule for the blue team


7:05-7:30 PM 7:35-8:00 PM
Amanda Garofalo
Jessica Yen
Lydia Light
Taimor Williams
Music & Performance Industry
Zoom link
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Food Bank & Resources for the Financially Distressed
Zoom link
Haley House Soup Kitchen
Branden Morioka
Cate Waft
Lucy Cho
Health Care Services for Underprivileged Populations
Zoom link
Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program
Moving Artwork
Zoom link
Harvard Art Museums - Collections
Andie Maloney
Eesam Hourani
Eva Anderson
Safe Spaces for Viewing Art
Zoom link
Harvard Art Museums - Exhibits
Commercial Fishing around Boston
Zoom link
Cape Cod Fisheran's Alliance
Antonella Masini
Jenny Chan
Melissa Klein
Saving Animals from Extinction
Zoom link
Franklin Park Zoo
Helping Library Patrons
Zoom link
Boston Public Library
Brittany Sacks
Joyce Noh
Nisal Ovitigala
Event Production
Zoom link
Studio 125
Tiger Enrichment
Zoom link
Pittsburgh Zoo


Schedule for the purple team


7:05-7:30 PM 7:35-8:00 PM
Laura Huang
Sandra Li
Sebastian Uribe
Food Bank & Resources for the Financially Distressed
Zoom link
Haley House Soup Kitchen
Music & Performance Industry
Zoom link
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Caleb Amanfu
Miki Hansen
Sachin Thapa
Moving Artwork
Zoom link
Harvard Art Museums - Collections
Health Care Services for Underprivileged Populations
Zoom link
Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program
Bella Montanaro
Daniel Gonzalez Diaz
Sheila Kennedy-Moore
Commercial Fishing around Boston
Zoom link
Cape Cod Fisheran's Alliance
Safe Spaces for Viewing Art
Zoom link
Harvard Art Museums - Exhibits
Chloe Nelson-Arzuaga
Smita Bhattacharjee
Tony Terrasa
Helping Library Patrons
Zoom link
Boston Public Library
Saving Animals from Extinction
Zoom link
Franklin Park Zoo
Anupama Phatak
Emily Niu
Salem Ali
Uriel Magana-Salgado
Tiger Enrichment
Zoom link
Pittsburgh Zoo
Event Production
Zoom link
Studio 125


Schedule for the pink team


7:05-7:30 PM 7:35-8:00 PM
Alex Encinas Maqueda
Hannah Mahaffey
Zion Moore
Music & Performance Industry
Zoom link
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Food Bank & Resources for the Financially Distressed
Zoom link
Haley House Soup Kitchen
Jiaheng Zhang
Kailey Allen
Varsha Sridhar
Health Care Services for Underprivileged Populations
Zoom link
Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program
Moving Artwork
Zoom link
Harvard Art Museums - Collections
AJ Garcia
Max Thomsen
Megan Flynn
Safe Spaces for Viewing Art
Zoom link
Harvard Art Museums - Exhibits
Commercial Fishing around Boston
Zoom link
Cape Cod Fisheran's Alliance
Christian Schillinger
Courtney Byrne
Riley Terando
Rolando Rodarte
Saving Animals from Extinction
Zoom link
Franklin Park Zoo
Helping Library Patrons
Zoom link
Boston Public Library
Arnav Patel
Faith Jones
Josh Maldonado
Event Production
Zoom link
Studio 125
Tiger Enrichment
Zoom link
Pittsburgh Zoo