
Independent's Day at the Academy Awards?

Much was made of the fact that only one of this years 5 Academy award nominees was from a major studio­ Jerry Macguire (Sony pictures).

This was the year of triumph for so-called "independent" filmmakers.

In actuality, only one of the films, Secrets and Lies, was "independent," it was financed in part by Microsoft, and distributed by October Films.

Slingblade was made by Miramax, which is owned by Disney.

Shine was made by Fine Line, which is owned by Time Warner.

And the winner, The English Patient, was also made by Miramax (Disney). It was also reported that producer Saul Zaentz, originally took the film to 20th Century Fox, but they demanded that Demi Moore play the lead role, which would have pushed costs from 31M to 43M.

"Who Says They're Independent?" from Fortune Magazine

But a more important question is "what does it mean to be 'independent' anymore?" An analogous situation has occurred in the music industry with "alternative" and "independent" labels that must be distributed by the majors.

8 may 1997