What's this Web thing?
If this is the first time you've been on the World Wide Web, you might be wondering...
- What is the World Wide Web?
- How was the Web created?
- How does the Web work?
- What can you do on the Web?
- Why should you use the Web?
These are just a few of the questions commonly asked by new users of the World
Wide Web. This section of the Cyberspace Communications website will attempt to answer some
of the questions a new user might have about the WWW and its uses.
What can I Learn here?
The topics covered in this section are:
- internet history
- how did the Internet and WWW come into existence?
- why should you use the web
- outlines the advantages the Web has over traditional forms of information
- web basics
- contains information on the technical theory behind the Web,
what a home page is, and tips for setting up your own home page.
- web publishing
- covers some of the issues of publishing copyrighted documents on the Web
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