Web Server Technology

Web Servers run the gamut from basic machines for small offices to supercomputers typefied by the Digital Alta-Vista server. For the small office home office (SOHO) group, there are several turnkey servers which provide an easy basis for a web presence.

These machines are not suitable for large sites. They are designed for use by small business or by large corporations as in-house servers, and typically designed to handle on the order of hundreds or a thousand hits a day.

Examples of such systems are:

Dec AlphaServer 1000 4/266

This server runs on an Alpha 21064 CPU at 266 Mhz. Pricing is at $20,690. The AlphaServe is bundled with Process Software's Purveyor 1.1 Web Serversoftware, a Gopher server, fax server, Web browser, and Web authoring tools.

Silicon Graphics WebForce Indy

Running on a Risc R4600 CPU, the SGI server is bundled with Netscape's Communication Server software. This system is a relative price/performace bargain at $10,995.

Sun Netra i625

This $15,995 Sun server is relatively slow compared to the other systems, but is supported by the creaters of the Java programming language.