Architectonics Courseware
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Day 22: Image Summary

The node of the bridge is seen as both a point and a plate. Note how the number of connectors can be read as an expression of the total expected load from the individual element. The mechanism of load transfer and types of stress that a connection would experience was discussed.
This is a passage in Brussels. It connects the railroad station with the city below. IT was discussed in the context of form-active structures and pattern of load bearing elements.
The Turbine Factory, designed by Peter Behrens for Berlin, is a beautiful icon. Note the structure, it's articulation, the type of loading that it would experience and the way in which the structure might or might not reflect this.
The Kimbell Art Museum is another icon that is a must to know and understand. It is most well known for the housing and courtyard, but the laboratory building is also quite interesting. It was discussed in the contect of building systems, the truss type and pres-stressing.
These are some words of Kahn......

Copyright © 1997 by Chris H. Luebkeman