Reading 6: Specifications
Software in 6.031
- Understand preconditions and postconditions in method specifications, and be able to write correct specifications
- Be able to write tests against a specification
- Know the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions in Java
- Understand how to use exceptions for special results
Specifications are the linchpin of teamwork. It’s impossible to delegate responsibility for implementing a method without a specification. The specification acts as a contract: the implementer is responsible for meeting the contract, and a client that uses the method can rely on the contract. In fact, we’ll see that like real legal contracts, specifications place demands on both parties: when the specification has a precondition, the client has responsibilities too.
In this reading we’ll look at the role played by specifications of methods. We’ll discuss what preconditions and postconditions are, and what they mean for the implementer and the client of a method. We’ll also talk about how to use exceptions, an important language feature found in Java, Python, and many other modern languages, which allows us to make a method’s interface safer from bugs and easier to understand.
Before we dive into the structure and meaning of specifications…
Java needed for this reading
Behavioral equivalence
Suppose you are working on a program containing this method, which finds the index of an integer in an array:
static int find(int[] arr, int val) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] == val) return i;
return -1;
This find
method has many clients in the program (places where the method is called).
Now you’ve realized that frequently in this program, when find
is called with a large array, the value it finds is likely to be either close to the start of the array (which is very fast to find), or close to the end (which is very slow, because it requires checking almost the entire array).
So you have the clever idea to speed things up by searching from both ends of the array at the same time:
static int find(int[] arr, int val) {
for (int i = 0, j = arr.length-1; i <= j; i++, j--) {
if (arr[i] == val) return i;
if (arr[j] == val) return j;
return -1;
Is it safe to replace find
with this new implementation?
Can we make this change without introducing bugs?
To determine behavioral equivalence, our question is whether we could substitute one implementation for the other.
Not only do these implementations have different performance characteristics, they actually have different behavior.
If val
happens to appear more than once in the array, the original find
always returns the lowest index at which it occurs.
But the new find
might return the lowest index or the highest index, whichever it finds first.
But when val
occurs at exactly one index of the array, the two implementations behave the same: they both return that index.
It may be that the clients never rely on the behavior outside of that case.
Whenever they call the method, they will be passing in an array with exactly one element matching val
For such clients, these two versions of find
are the same, and we could switch from one implementation to the other without issue.
The notion of behavioral equivalence is in the eye of the beholder — that is, the client. In order to make it possible to substitute one implementation for another, and to know when this is acceptable, we need a specification that states exactly what the client depends on.
In this case, a specification that would allow these two implementations to be behaviorally equivalent might be:
static int find(int[] arr, int val)
- requires:
occurs exactly once inarr
- effects:
- returns index
such thatarr[i]
reading exercises
The find
spec we just showed will let you make this implementation change safely – but only if that spec existed at the right time!
Which ordering of the steps below is safest from bugs?
C: other people write clients using find
I1: you write the original forward-search find
I2: you write the new forward-and-back find
S: you write the spec for find
shown above
T: you write a test suite for find
(missing explanation)
Consider these two implementations of find
, which differ not only in the direction they search through the array, but also in what they return if the search fails:
static int find(int[] a, int val) {
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] == val) return i;
return a.length;
static int find(int[] a, int val) {
for (int i = a.length - 1 ; i >= 0; i--) {
if (a[i] == val) return i;
return -1;
As we said above, suppose clients only care about calling the find
method when they know val
occurs exactly once in a
(missing explanation)
Why specifications?
Our find
example showed how a specification can help make a program both ready for change and safe from bugs.
Many of the nastiest bugs in programs arise because of misunderstandings about behavior at the interface between two pieces of code.
Although every programmer has specifications in mind, not all programmers write them down.
As a result, different programmers on a team have different specifications in mind.
When the program fails, it’s hard to determine where the error is.
Precise specifications in the code let you apportion blame (to code fragments, not people!), and can spare you the agony of puzzling over where a bug fix should go.
Specifications are good for the client of a module because they help make the module easier to understand.
Having a specification lets you understand what the module does without having to read the module’s code.
If you’re not convinced that reading a spec is easier than reading code, compare our spec for find
on the left, with its tricky implementation on the right:
Specifications are good for the implementer of a method because they give the implementer freedom to change the implementation without telling clients. Specifications can make code faster, too. We’ll see that a specification can rule out certain states in which a method might be called. This restriction on the inputs might allow the implementer to skip an expensive check that is no longer necessary and use a more efficient implementation.
The contract acts as a firewall between client and implementer. It shields the client from the details of the workings of the module: as a client, you don’t need to read the source code of the module if you have its specification. And it shields the implementer from the details of the usage of the module: as an implementer, you don’t have to ask every client how they plan to use the module. This firewall results in decoupling, allowing the code of the module and the code of a client to be changed independently, so long as the changes respect the specification — each obeying its obligation.
Specification structure
Abstractly speaking, a specification of a method has several parts:
- a method signature, giving the name, parameter types, return type, and exceptions thrown
- a requires clause, describing additional restrictions on the parameters
- an effects clause, describing the return value, exceptions, and other effects of the method
Taken together, these parts form the precondition and the postcondition of the method.
The precondition is an obligation on the client (the caller of the method). It is a condition over the state in which the method is invoked. One aspect of the precondition is the number and types of the parameters in the method signature. Additional conditions are written down in the requires clause, for example:
- narrowing a parameter type (e.g.
x >= 0
to say that anint
parameter x must actually be a nonnegativeint
) - interactions between parameters (e.g.,
occurs exactly once inarr
The postcondition is an obligation on the implementer of the method. It includes the parts that Java can statically check: the return type and declared checked exceptions. Additional conditions are written down in the effects clause, including:
- how the return value relates to the inputs
- which exceptions are thrown, and when
- whether and how objects are mutated
In general, the postcondition is a condition on the state of the program after the method is invoked, assuming the precondition was true before.
The overall structure is a logical implication: if the precondition holds when the method is called, then the postcondition must hold when the method completes.
If the precondition does not hold when the method is called, the implementation is not bound by the postcondition. It is free to do anything, including never returning, throwing an exception, returning arbitrary results, making arbitrary mutations, etc.
Specifications in Java
Some languages (notably Eiffel) incorporate preconditions and postconditions as a fundamental part of the language, as expressions that the runtime system (or even the compiler) can automatically check to enforce the contracts between clients and implementers.
Java does not go quite so far, but its static type declarations are effectively part of the precondition and postcondition of a method, a part that is automatically checked and enforced by the compiler. The rest of the contract — the parts that we can’t write as types — must be described in a comment preceding the method, and generally depends on human beings to check it and guarantee it.
Java has a convention for documentation comments called Javadoc, in which parameters are described by @param
clauses and results are described by @return
You should put the preconditions into @param
where possible, and postconditions into @return
So a specification like this:
static int find(int[] arr, int val)
- requires:
occurs exactly once inarr
- effects:
- returns index
such thatarr[i]
… might be rendered in Java like this:
* Find a value in an array.
* @param arr array to search, requires that val occurs exactly once
* in arr
* @param val value to search for
* @return index i such that arr[i] = val
static int find(int[] arr, int val)
The Java API documentation is produced from Javadoc comments in the Java standard library source code. Documenting your specifications in Javadoc allows Eclipse to show you (and clients of your code) useful information, and allows you to produce HTML documentation in the same format as the Java API docs.
Read: Javadoc.
reading exercises
Here is a flawed attempt to write the spec in Javadoc:
* Check if a word is a palindrome.
* A palindrome is a sequence of characters
* that reads the same forwards and backwards.
* @param String word
* @requires word contains only alphanumeric characters
* @effects returns true if and only if word is a palindrome
* @return boolean
(missing explanation)
For this spec written in Javadoc:
* Find the winner of a standard 3x3 tic-tac-toe game.
* @param board a completely-full board of 'X' or 'O', in row-major order
* @return 'X' or 'O'
* @throws TieException if the board is a tie
static String endGame(char[][] board) throws TieException
Identify the information contributed by each line of the spec, starting with the method signature:
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
For this spec written as a Python docstring (example adapted from a 6.0001 Hangman game):
def guess(secret_word, letters_guessed):
secret_word: string, the word the user is guessing
letters_guessed: list (of letters), which letters have been guessed so far
returns: string, secret_word with not-yet-guessed letters replaced by underscores (_)
Identify the information contributed by each line of the spec:
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
What a specification may talk about
A specification of a method can talk about the parameters and return value of the method, but it should never talk about local variables of the method or private fields of the method’s class. You should consider the implementation invisible to the reader of the spec. It’s behind the firewall as far as clients are concerned.
In Java, the source code of the method is often unavailable to the reader of your spec, because the Javadoc tool only extracts the spec comments from your code and renders them as HTML.
Do not allow null references
In Java, references to objects and arrays can also take on the special value null
, which means that the reference doesn’t point to an object.
Null values are an unfortunate hole in Java’s type system.
int size = null; // illegal
double depth = null; // illegal
and the compiler will reject such attempts with static errors.
On the other hand, we can assign null
to any non-primitive variable:
String name = null;
int[] points = null;
and the compiler happily accepts this code at compile time. But you’ll get errors at runtime because you can’t call any methods or use any fields with one of these references:
name.length() // throws NullPointerException
points.length // throws NullPointerException
Note, in particular, that null
is not the same as an empty string ""
or an empty array.
On an empty string or empty array, you can call methods and access fields.
The length of an empty array or an empty string is 0.
The length of a string variable that points to null
isn’t anything: calling length()
throws a NullPointerException
Also note that arrays of non-primitives and collections like List
might be non-null but contain null
as a value:
String[] names = new String[] { null };
List<Double> sizes = new ArrayList<>();
These null
s are likely to cause errors as soon as someone tries to use the contents of the collection.
Null values are troublesome and unsafe, so much so that most methods simply avoid them entirely. As a general convention, null values are disallowed in parameters and return values unless the spec explicitly says otherwise. So every method has a precondition on the object and array types in its parameters that they be non-null – including elements of collections like arrays, sets, lists, and maps. Every method that can return object or array types implicitly has a postcondition that their values are non-null, again including elements of collection types.
If a method allows null values in a parameter, it needs to explicitly state it, or if it might return a null value in a result, it should explicitly state it.
But these are in general not good ideas.
Avoid null
There are extensions to Java that allow you to forbid null
directly in the type declaration, e.g.:
static boolean addAll(@NonNull List<T> list1, @NonNull List<T> list2)
where it can be checked automatically at compile time or runtime.
Google has their own discussion of null
in Guava, the company’s core Java libraries.
The project explains:
Careless use of
can cause a staggering variety of bugs. Studying the Google code base, we found that something like 95% of collections weren’t supposed to have any null values in them, and having those fail fast* rather than silently acceptnull
would have been helpful to developers.Additionally,
is unpleasantly ambiguous. It’s rarely obvious what anull
return value is supposed to mean — for example,Map.get(key)
can returnnull
either because the value in the map isnull
, or the value is not in the map. Null can mean failure, can mean success, can mean almost anything. Using something other thannull
makes your meaning clear.*
(*Boldface added for emphasis.)
If you avoid using null
, there is still sometimes a need for a parameter or return value to indicate that a value is missing.
For example, what should Map.get(key)
return when the key is not found in the map?
One good tool for this problem is Optional<T>
You can think of Optional<T>
like a very constrained List<T>
of length at most 1.
It either contains just one element of type T
, or it is empty.
The isPresent()
method tests whether or not it is empty, and get()
and getOrElse()
unpack the value if present.
The key advantage of Optional<T>
is that it can be used sparingly, only in places where it’s sensible for the spec to allow for a missing value, and it clearly expresses the intention of the spec in those cases.
reading exercises
Include emptiness
Make sure to understand the difference between null
and emptiness.
Recall that in Python, None
is not the same as the empty string ""
, the empty list [ ]
, or the empty dictionary { }
These empty objects like these are valid objects that simply happen to contain no elements.
But you can use them with all the usual operations allowed by the type.
For example, len("")
returns 0, and "" + "a"
returns "a"
That’s not true of None
– len(None)
and None + "a"
both produce errors.
The same idea translates to Java.
The null
reference is not a valid string, or list, or map, or any other object.
But the empty string ""
is a valid String
value, and the empty list List.of()
is a valid list value.
The upshot of this is that empty values are always allowed as parameter or return values, unless a spec explicitly disallows them.
reading exercises
Consider a method whose type signature is:
String computeSomething(List<String> list)
Which of the following preconditions on list
would allow calling computeSomething(List.of())
(missing explanation)
Which of the following preconditions on list
would allow calling computeSomething(List.of(""))
(missing explanation)
Which of the following preconditions on list
would allow calling computeSomething(List.of(null))
(missing explanation)
Testing and specifications
In testing, we talk about black box tests that are chosen with only the specification in mind, and glass box tests that are chosen with knowledge of the actual implementation (Testing). But it’s important to note that even glass box tests must follow the specification. Your implementation may provide stronger guarantees than the specification calls for, or it may have specific behavior where the specification is undefined. But your test cases should not count on that behavior. Test cases must be correct, obeying the contract just like every other client.
For example, suppose you are testing this specification of find
, slightly different from the one we’ve used so far:
static int find(int[] arr, int val)
This spec has a strong precondition in the sense that val
is required to be found; and it has a fairly weak postcondition in the sense that if val
appears more than once in the array, this specification says nothing about which particular index of val
is returned.
Even if you implemented find
so that it always returns the lowest index, your test case can’t assume that specific behavior:
int[] array = new int[] { 7, 7, 7 };
int i = find(array, 7);
assertEquals(0, i); // bad test case: assumes too much, more than the postcondition promises
assertEquals(7, array[i]); // correct
Similarly, even if you implemented find
so that it (sensibly) throws an exception when val
isn’t found, instead of returning some arbitrary misleading index, your test case can’t assume that behavior, because it can’t call find()
in a way that violates the precondition.
So what does glass box testing mean, if it can’t go beyond the spec? It means you are trying to find new test cases that exercise different parts of the implementation, but still checking those test cases in an implementation-independent way, following the spec.
Testing units
Recall the search engine example from Testing with these methods:
* @return the contents of the file
public static String load(File file) { ... }
* @return the words in string s, in the order they appear,
* where a word is a contiguous sequence of
* non-whitespace and non-punctuation characters
public static List<String> extract(String s) { ... }
* @return an index mapping a word to the set of files
* containing that word, for all files in the input set
public static Map<String, Set<File>> index(Set<File> files) {
... calls load() and extract() ...
We talked then about unit testing, the idea that we should write tests of each module of our program in isolation.
A good unit test is focused on just a single specification.
Our tests will nearly always rely on the specs of Java library methods, but a unit test for one method we’ve written shouldn’t fail if a different method fails to satisfy its spec.
As we saw in the example, a test for extract()
shouldn’t fail if load()
doesn’t satisfy its postcondition.
Good integration tests, tests that use a combination of modules, will make sure that our different methods have compatible specifications: callers and implementers of different methods are passing and returning values as the other expects.
Integration tests cannot replace systematically-designed unit tests.
From the example, if we only ever test extract
by calling index
, we will only test it on a potentially small part of its input space: inputs that are possible outputs of load
In doing so, we’ve left a place for bugs to hide, ready to jump out when we use extract
for a different purpose elsewhere in our program, or when load
starts returning documents written in a new format, etc.
reading exercises
Alice writes the following code:
public static int gcd(int a, int b) {
if (a > b) {
return gcd(a-b, b);
} else if (b > a) {
return gcd(a, b-a);
return a;
Bob writes the following test:
@Test public void gcdTest() {
assertEquals(6, gcd(24, 54));
The test passes! But where’s the spec?
Alice should write a > 0
in the precondition of gcd
Alice should write b > 0
in the precondition of gcd
Alice should write gcd(a, b) > 0
in the precondition of gcd
Alice should write a and b are integers
in the precondition of gcd
(missing explanation)
Specifications for mutating methods
We discussed mutable vs. immutable objects in an earlier reading (Basic Java). But our specification examples thus far haven’t illustrated how to describe side-effects — changes to mutable objects — in the postcondition.
So here’s a specification that describes a method that mutates an object:
We’ve taken this, slightly simplified, from the Java List
First, look at the postcondition.
It gives two constraints: the first telling us how list1
is modified, and the second telling us how the return value is determined.
Second, look at the precondition.
It tells us that list1
cannot be the same object as list2
The behavior of the method if you attempt to add the elements of a list to itself is undefined.
You can easily imagine why the implementer of the method would want to impose this constraint: it’s not likely to rule out any useful applications of the method, and it makes it easier to implement.
The specification allows a simple implementation in which you take an element from list2
and add it to list1
, then go on to the next element of list2
until you get to the end.
If list1
and list2
are the same list, this simple algorithm will not terminate, as shown in the sequence of snapshot diagrams on the right — or practically speaking it will throw a memory error when the list object has grown so large that it consumes all available memory.
Either outcome, infinite loop or crash, is permitted by the specification because of its precondition.
Remember also the implicit precondition that list1
and list2
must be valid objects, rather than null
We omit saying this because it’s virtually always required of object references.
Here is another example of a mutating method:
And an example of a method that does not mutate its argument:
Just as null
is implicitly disallowed unless stated otherwise, programmers also assume that mutation is disallowed unless stated otherwise.
The spec of toLowerCase
could explicitly state as an effect that “list is not modified”, but in the absence of a postcondition describing mutation, we demand no mutation of the inputs.
Now that we’re writing specifications and thinking about how clients will use our methods, let’s discuss how to handle exceptional cases in a way that is safe from bugs and easy to understand.
A method’s signature — its name, parameter types, return type — is a core part of its specification, and the signature may also include exceptions that the method may trigger.
Exceptions for signaling bugs
You’ve probably already seen some exceptions in your Java programming so far, such as IndexOutOfBoundsException
(thrown when a list index foo.get(i)
is outside the valid range for the list foo
) or NullPointerException
(thrown when trying to call a method on a null
object reference).
These exceptions generally indicate bugs in your code, and the information displayed by Java when the exception is thrown can help you find and fix the bug.
and NullPointerException
are probably the most common exceptions of this sort.
Other examples include:
, thrown for arithmetic errors like integer division by zero.NumberFormatException
, thrown by methods likeInteger.parseInt
if you pass in a string that cannot be parsed into an integer.
Exceptions for special results
Exceptions are not just for signaling bugs. They can be used to improve the structure of code that involves functions with special results.
An unfortunately common way to handle special results is to return special values.
Lookup operations in the Java library are often designed like this: you get an index of -1 when expecting a positive integer, or a null
reference when expecting an object.
This approach is OK if used sparingly, but it has two problems.
First, it’s tedious to check the return value.
Second, it’s easy to forget to do it.
(We’ll see that by using exceptions you can get help from the compiler in this.)
Also, it’s not always easy to find a ‘special value’.
Suppose we have a BirthdayBook
class with a lookup method.
Here’s one possible method signature:
class BirthdayBook {
LocalDate lookup(String name) { ... }
is part of the Java API.)
What should the method do if the birthday book doesn’t have an entry for the person whose name is given? Well, we could return some special date that is not going to be used as a real date. Bad programmers have been doing this for decades; they would return 9/9/99, for example, since it was obvious that no program written in 1960 would still be running at the end of the century. (They were wrong, by the way.)
Here’s a better approach. The method throws an exception:
LocalDate lookup(String name) throws NotFoundException {
if ( ...not found... )
throw new NotFoundException();
and the caller handles the exception with a catch
For example:
BirthdayBook birthdays = ...
try {
LocalDate birthdate = birthdays.lookup("Alyssa");
// we know Alyssa's birthday
} catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
// her birthday was not in the birthday book
Now there’s no need for any special value, nor the checking associated with it.
reading exercises
Assume we’re using BirthdayBook
with the lookup
method that throws NotFoundException
Assume we have initialized the birthdays
variable to point to a BirthdayBook
, and assume that Elliot is not in that birthday book.
What will happen with the following code:
try {
LocalDate birthdate = birthdays.lookup("Elliot");
(missing explanation)
What will happen with the following code:
try {
LocalDate birthdate = birthdays.lookup("Elliot");
} catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
throw new DateTimeException("Missing reference birthday", nfe);
is provided by the Java API.)
(missing explanation)
Checked and unchecked exceptions
We’ve seen two different purposes for exceptions: special results and bug detection. As a general rule, you’ll want to use checked exceptions to signal special results, and unchecked exceptions to signal bugs.
Some terminology: checked exceptions are called that because they are checked by the compiler:
- If a method might throw a checked exception, the possibility must be declared in its signature.
would be a checked exception, and that’s why the signature ends withthrows NotFoundException
. - If a method calls another method that may throw a checked exception, it must either handle it, or declare the exception itself, since if it isn’t caught locally it will be propagated up to callers.
So if you call BirthdayBook
’s lookup
method and forget to handle the NotFoundException
, the compiler will reject your code.
This is very useful, because it ensures that exceptions that are expected to occur will be handled.
Unchecked exceptions, in contrast, are used to signal bugs. These exceptions are not expected to be handled by the code except perhaps at the top level. We wouldn’t want every method up the call chain to have to declare that it (might) throw all the kinds of bug-related exceptions that can happen at lower call levels: index out of bounds, null values, illegal arguments, assertion failures, etc.
As a result, for an unchecked exception the compiler will not check for try
or a throws
Java still allows you to write a throws
clause for an unchecked exception as part of a method signature, but this has no effect, and is thus a bit funny, and we don’t recommend doing it.
All exceptions may have a message associated with them.
If not provided in the constructor (e.g., as described for RuntimeException
), the reference to the message string is null
This can result in confusing stack traces that start, for example:
birthday.NotFoundException: null
at birthday.BirthdayBook.lookup(
The “null” is misleading: in this case, it tells you the NotFoundException
had no message string, not that a null
value was responsible for the exception.
Exception hierarchy

To understand how Java decides whether an exception is checked or unchecked, let’s look at the class hierarchy for Java exceptions.
is the normal base class of checked exceptions.
The compiler applies static checking to methods using these exceptions.
A checked exception must either be caught or declared when it’s possible for it to be thrown.
However, RuntimeException
and its subclasses are unchecked exceptions.
and its subclasses don’t have to be declared in the throws
clause of a method that throws them, and doesn’t have to be caught or declared by a caller of such a method.
In addition, Error
and its subclasses are unchecked exceptions.
This part of the hierarchy is reserved for errors produced by the Java runtime system, such as StackOverflowError
and OutOfMemoryError
For some reason AssertionError
also extends Error
, even though it indicates a bug in user code, not in the runtime.
Errors should be considered unrecoverable, and should not be caught by your code.
When you define your own exceptions, you should either subclass Exception
(to make it a checked exception) or RuntimeException
(to make it unchecked).
Don’t subclass Error
, because these kinds of exceptions are reserved by Java itself.
When you catch an exception with a try-catch
statement, you should catch the most specific exception class possible.
If you are expecting a FileNotFoundException
, that’s what your catch
statement should use.
Catching a broad class of exceptions, like Exception
or RuntimeException
or Error
, is not safe from bugs or ready for change, because it catches every possible subclass of these exceptions, which may interfere with static checking and hide bugs.
One of the confusing aspects of the Java exception hierarchy is that RuntimeException
is itself a subclass of Exception
So the whole Exception
family includes both checked exceptions (its direct descendents) and unchecked exceptions (the RuntimeException
branch of the family)
But Error
is not a subclass of Exception
, so all the unchecked Error
-like exceptions are outside the Exception
reading exercises
Suppose we’re building a robot and we want to specify the function
public static List<Point> findPath(Point initial, Point goal)
which is responsible for path-finding: determining a sequence of Point
s that the robot should move through to navigate from initial
to goal
, past any obstacles that might be in the way.
In the postcondition, we say that findPath
will search for paths only up to a bounded length (set elsewhere), and that it will throw an exception if it fails to find one.
(missing explanation)
Louis Reasoner doesn’t like checked exceptions.
Whenever the Java compiler tells him to catch a checked exception, he simply wraps the entire body of the code he’s writing with a try-catch
Here’s an example of how he might use the findPath
method that we’ve just designed an exception for:
public void driveRobotAround() {
try {
... // Louis's code
path = findPath(initial, goal); // this method throws a checked PathNotFoundException
... // more of Louis's code
} catch (Exception e) { // Louis makes the compiler happy
How does his approach behave in the following situations?
throws a PathNotFoundException
because too many obstacles are blocking the path. (PathNotFoundException
is a subclass of Exception
(missing explanation)
throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException
because its code for creating the point list is buggy. (IndexOutOfBoundsException
is a subclass of RuntimeException
, which is a subclass of Exception
(missing explanation)
throws a MemoryError
because it has an infinite loop that eventually fills up memory with Point objects. (MemoryError
is a subclass of Error
(missing explanation)
Part of Louis’s own code in this method throws a NullPointerException
because it tries to call a method on a null
reference. (NullPointerException
is a subclass of RuntimeException
, which is a subclass of Exception
(missing explanation)
Alyssa Hacker has a much more precise way of dealing with checked exceptions.
She catches the specific exception class that the method throws, with the narrowest try-catch
block possible.
Here is how she calls findPath()
public void driveRobotAround() {
... // Alyssa's code
try {
path = findPath(initial, goal); // this method throws a checked PathNotFoundException
} catch (PathNotFoundException e) { // so catch it specifically, right here
// see questions below
... // more of Alyssa's code
Which of the following exceptions would Alyssa’s catch
clause catch, if findPath()
happened to throw it?
(missing explanation)
Which of the following lines of code might be good to include in Alyssa’s catch clause?
(missing explanation)
The design pattern in the last exercise above – changing a low-level exception like PathNotFoundException
into a higher-level exception like RobotStuckException
– is called exception translation.
Exception translation allows a module to be more ready for change by hiding its implementation, in this case the fact that it currently happens to use findPath
How to declare exceptions in a specification
Since an exception is a possible output from a method, it may have to be described in the postcondition for the method.
The Java way of documenting an exception as a postcondition is a @throws
clause in the Javadoc comment.
Java may also require the exception to be included in the method signature, using a throws
This section discusses when to use each of these ways of indicating the possibility of an exception, and when not to.
Exceptions that signal a special result are always documented with a Javadoc @throws
clause, specifying the conditions under which that special result occurs.
For a checked exception, Java also requires the exception to be mentioned in a
declaration in the method signature. For example, supposeNotPerfectSquareException
were a checked exception. You would need to mention it in both@throws
in the Javadoc andthrows
in the method signature, like this:/** * Compute the integer square root. * @param x value to take square root of * @return square root of x * @throws NotPerfectSquareException if x is not a perfect square */ int integerSquareRoot(int x) throws NotPerfectSquareException
For an unchecked exception that signals a special result, Java allows but doesn’t require the
clause. But it is better to omit the exception from thethrows
clause in this case, to avoid misleading a human programmer into thinking that the exception is checked. For example, suppose you definedEmptyQueueException
as an unchecked exception. Then you should document it with@throws
, but not include it in the method signature:/** * Pops a value from this queue. * @return next value in the queue, and removes the value from the queue * @throws EmptyQueueException if this queue is empty */ int pop()
Exceptions that signal unexpected failures – bugs in either the client or the implementation – are not part of the postcondition of a method, so they should not appear in either @throws
or throws
For example, NullPointerException
need never be mentioned in a spec.
An implicit precondition already disallows null values, which means that a valid implementation is free to throw it without any warning if a client ever passes a null value.
So this spec, for example, never mentions NullPointerException
* @param list list of strings to convert to lower case
* @return new list t, same length as list,
* where t[i] is list[i] converted to lowercase for all valid indices i
static List<String> toLowerCase(List<String> list)
reading exercises
Examine this code for analyzing some Thing
static Set<Thing> allTheThings;
static void analyzeEverything() {
static void analyzeThings() {
try {
for (Thing t : allTheThings) {
} catch (AnalysisException ae) {
static void analyzeOneThing(Thing t) throws AnalysisException {
// ...
// ... maybe go past the end of a list
// ...
is a checked exception.
(missing explanation)
Before we wrap up, check your understanding with one last example:
reading exercises
Suppose we’re working on the method below…
* @param tiles a string of 7 uppercase letters.
* @param crossings contains only uppercase letters, without duplicates.
* @return a list of words where each word can be made by taking
* letters from tiles and at most 1 letter from crossings.
public static List<String> scrabble(String tiles, String crossings) {
if (tiles.length() != 7) { throw new RuntimeException(); }
return new ArrayList<>();
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
A specification acts as a crucial firewall between the implementer of a module and its client. It makes separate development possible: the client is free to write code that uses the module without seeing its source code, and the implementer is free to write the code that implements the module without knowing how it will be used.
Let’s review how specifications help with the main goals of this course:
Safe from bugs. A good specification clearly documents the mutual assumptions that a client and implementer are relying on. Bugs often come from disagreements at the interfaces, and the presence of a specification reduces that. Using machine-checked language features in your spec, like static typing and exceptions rather than just a human-readable comment, can reduce bugs still more.
Easy to understand. A short, simple spec is easier to understand than the implementation itself, and saves other people from having to read the code.
Ready for change. Specs establish contracts between different parts of your code, allowing those parts to change independently as long as they continue to satisfy the requirements of the contract.
More practice
If you would like to get more practice with the concepts covered in this reading, you can visit the question bank. The questions in this bank were written in previous semesters by students and staff, and are provided for review purposes only – doing them will not affect your classwork grades.