// The divider module divides one number by another. It // produces a signal named "ready" when the quotient output // is ready, and takes a signal named "start" to indicate // the the input dividend and divider is ready. // sign -- 0 for unsigned, 1 for twos complement // It uses a simple restoring divide algorithm. // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_(digital)#Restoring_division // // Author Logan Williams, updated 11/25/2018 gph module divider #(parameter WIDTH = 8) (input clk, sign, start, input [WIDTH-1:0] dividend, input [WIDTH-1:0] divider, output reg [WIDTH-1:0] quotient, output [WIDTH-1:0] remainder, output ready); reg [WIDTH-1:0] quotient_temp; reg [WIDTH*2-1:0] dividend_copy, divider_copy, diff; reg negative_output; assign remainder = (!negative_output) ? dividend_copy[WIDTH-1:0] : ~dividend_copy[WIDTH-1:0] + 1'b1; reg [5:0] bit = 0; reg del_ready = 1; assign ready = (bit==0) & ~del_ready; wire [WIDTH-2:0] zeros = 0; initial bit = 0; initial negative_output = 0; always @( posedge clk ) begin del_ready <= (bit==0); if( start ) begin bit = WIDTH; quotient = 0; quotient_temp = 0; dividend_copy = (!sign || !dividend[WIDTH-1]) ? {1'b0,zeros,dividend} : {1'b0,zeros,~dividend + 1'b1}; divider_copy = (!sign || !divider[WIDTH-1]) ? {1'b0,divider,zeros} : {1'b0,~divider + 1'b1,zeros}; negative_output = sign && ((divider[WIDTH-1] && !dividend[WIDTH-1]) ||(!divider[WIDTH-1] && dividend[WIDTH-1])); end else if ( bit > 0 ) begin diff = dividend_copy - divider_copy; quotient_temp = quotient_temp << 1; if( !diff[WIDTH*2-1] ) begin dividend_copy = diff; quotient_temp[0] = 1'd1; end quotient = (!negative_output) ? quotient_temp : ~quotient_temp + 1'b1; divider_copy = divider_copy >> 1; bit = bit - 1'b1; end end endmodule