Problem 1.
A 3:1 multiplexer has the following inputs and output:
three data inputs D0, D1 and D2
two select inputs S0 and S1
one data output Y
The value of output Y is determined as follows:
Y = D0 if S0 = 0 and S1 = 0
Y = D1 if S0 = 1 and S1 = 0
Y = D2 if S1 = 1 (the value S0 doesn't matter)
Write a Verilog module for the 3:1 multiplexer that implements the
sum-of-products equation for Y:
__ __ __
Y = S0*S1*D0 + S0*S1*D1 + S1*D2
Use a dataflow style for your code (ie, use "assign" to set the
values of your signals).
Write a Verilog module for the 3:1 multiplexer that uses the "?"
operator. Again use a dataflow style for your code (ie, use "assign"
to set the values of your signals).
Write a Verilog module for the 3:1 multiplexer that uses the "case"
statement. Remember that a "case" statement can only appear inside
of a behavioral block.
Problem 2.
When creating a behavioral block using Verilog's ALWAYS statement,
one supplies a sensitivity list -- a list of signals that trigger
execution of the block when they change value. For example, here's
full adder module which uses an ALWAYS block:
module fulladder(a,b,cin,sum,cout);
input a,b,cin;
output sum,cout;
reg sum,cout;
always @ (a or b or cin)
sum <= a ^ b ^ cin;
cout <= (a & b) | (a & cin) | (b & cin);
When writing behavioral implementations of combinational logic
all the signals appearing on the right-hand side of assignment
statements (ie, signals whose values are used in computations)
should appear in the sensitivity list.
What would be the effect of, say, omitting cin from the sensitivity
list above?
Problem 4.
Consider the following combinational circuit that adds to 8-bit numbers.
The circuit includes carry-in (CIN) and carry-out (COUT) signals so that
it can be cascaded to form wider adders.
Where possible, it's best to use the built-in Verilog operators for
integer arithmetic. This makes it easy for the CAD tools to map your
logic onto the special-purpose arithmetic circuitry provided by many
of today's FPGAs. Write a Verilog module for the 8-bit adder that
uses the Verilog "+" operator. Use a dataflow style for your code
(ie, use "assign" to set the values of your signals).
A common method for building fast adders is to rewrite the equations
for SUM and COUT in terms of P (propagate) and G (generate) signals.
P is true if a carry-in will be propagated to the carry-out; G is
true if a carry-out will be generated regardless of the value of the
P = A ^ B (^ is the xor operator)
G = A*B
The advantage of this formulation is that P and G can be computed
in parallel for all the bits of the adder since they don't depend
on CIN. This will shorten the delay between CIN and COUT.
Write a Verilog module for the 8-bit adder that uses
the P and G to compute SUM and COUT. Again use a dataflow style
for your code.
It can be hard to see how the carry chain is working in the
previous example. Sometimes it's easier to express what you
want if you use a loop and compute the answer bit-by-bit. Write
a Verilog module for the 8-bit adder that uses P and G, but this
time use a for-loop inside a behavioral block to compute SUM and
COUT bit-by-bit.
In the adder implementations above the carry ripples up through the bits
starting with the least significant bit. The total propagation delay (tPD) of
the circuit is determined by the logic along the path between CIN and COUT
(known as the carry chain). In a ripple carry adder tPD is proportional to
the number of bits in the adder.
We can improve tPD by reworking the carry logic
to use a "lookahead" strategy -- we'll use the P and G signals for individual
nodes to compute P and G signals for pairs of nodes. We can apply this
strategy again, computing P and G for groups of 4 nodes, and so on. We're
building a tree of these lookahead modules; each node in the tree has
the same logic. Once CIN for the adder is available it is fed to the top
node of the lookahead tree, where it's combined with P and G of the children
to produce carry-ins for the children nodes. This process continues until
carry-in arrives at the leaf nodes where it can be used to compute SUM.
For an N-bit adder, the depth of the lookahead tree is log2(N). It
takes two traversals of the lookahead tree to (Ps and Gs up the tree,
CINs down the tree) in order to finish the computation of SUM -- a tPD
that's proportional to log2(N).
The following figure (from Hennessy and Patterson) shows what we
have in mind.
Here are the logic equations for the outputs of the A module in the figure
P = A ^ B
G = A * B
Write a Verilog implementation of the A module.
Here are the logic equations for the outputs of the B module in the figure
above. P1 and G1 are the P and G signals from the right-hand connections
to the B block; P2 and G2 from the top connections.
POUT = P1*P2
GOUT = G2 + P2*G1
C1 = CIN
C2 = G1 + P1*CIN
Write a Verilog implementation of the B module.
Using the A and B modules you created above, write a Verilog module
for an 8-bit adder.