6.111 Lab #2
Goal: implement simple circuits in Verilog, run ModelSim from command line and within ISE, download and run a
sample circuit on the labkit.
Useful links
Exercise 1 (a): Writing Verilog code
In this exercise you'll design a Verilog module that implements a
74LS163. Here are the steps:
- Log into one of the Athena workstations in the Digital Lab. Your
username and password are your standard Athena user name and password.
Type: tcsh
This will ensure that the shell program you're running is cshell, which we know to have working scripts for.
Type: add 6.111
This will add the 6.111 locker, allowing you to access various files important for 6.111.
Type: source /mit/6.111/tools.tcsh
This will set up the 6.111 tools (Modelsim, Xilinx ISE and Impact).
To run Modelsim type: vsim & (the '&' allows you to keep typing in the terminal)
To run Xilinx ISE type: ise &
To run Xilinx Impact type: impact &
- Download
by right-clicking on
the link and select "Save As" (or "Save Link As"), and specify a destination.
It is good to be organized and put all your labs in separate folders - e.g.
The steps below describe how to use our Verilog simulator Modelsim
as a standalone application. One can also run the simulator from the
Xilinx ISE toolkit -- see the labkit documentation
with Modelsim for details on how to do this. Feel free to use
either approach for this part of the lab.
- Start Modelsim (either by typing "vsim &" or from Xilinx ISE)
- At the bottom of the Modelsim window there's a frame labeled
"Transcript" where you can type in commands and see various
messages from the simulator. Type in "cd LabFolderPath" to change to
the folder where you want to run your lab, e.g. " cd work_6111/lab2".
- Type "vlib work" to set up the simulator's working
- Type "vlog sources/lab2_1.v" to compile the verilog file you
downloaded above. Output from the compiler is displayed in the
transcript window.
- Type "vsim test" to start simulating the test module
found in lab2_1.v.
- Type "run 2000ns" to run the simulation for 2000ns.
You should see the following printout in the Transcript window
# Starting test of LS163...
# clear was asserted low, but counter didn't clear
# out = xxxx, expected 0000
# Break at lab2_1.v line 48
These messages were generated by code inside the test module as it
runs through various tests of the LS163 module. The LS163 module
supplied in lab2_1.v is empty which is why the test failed. Your job is
to fill in the body for the LS163 module, implementing the correct
functionality. Refer to the 74LS163 datasheet to see what
functionality your code needs to implement.
You can use the editor of your choice to edit lab2_1.v
appropriately; Modelsim has a simple built-in editor which should be
displaying lab2_1.v after you completed step 8. As you edit lab2_1.v,
repeat steps 6 through 8 above to test your code. When you're
successful you'll see
# Starting test of LS163...
# Finished test of LS163...
- When your code passes the tests, have a staff member check
you off. Please make sure that you understand the test-jig in
The staff will ask you to explain some parts of it in addition to seeing
it work in Modelsim as we will be writing a lot of test-jigs for labs
and project this term and good test-jig writing skills will save you a
ton of time.
- After checkoff, please upload your Verilog
file using the "Submit Verilog" page on the course website. We'll
review your code and post some comments to help you improve your
Verilog style. We'll be looking for proper use of comments and
formatting to make your code easy to understand.
Exercise 1 (b): Modelsim - Behavior simulation, waveform display
In this exercise you'll use the ls163 code and verify operation
through behavior simulation with Modelsim within ISE.
- Start ISE from the terminal window and create a new project (File, New Project)
named lab2 in an appropriate directory on your account. Select the appropriate
device properties.
- In the pop up window "New Source" select the
source type "Verilog Module" and name it "ls163_lab2.v". From the pop up menu
create the following input ports: clk,ent,enp,ld_bar,clr_bar,a,b,c,d and output
ports: qa,qb,qc,qd, rco. Click "Next" then "Finish"
A skelton Verilog module has been created.
Variables in Verilog that
are set inside an "always" block (qa,qb,qc,qd) block must be declared as
"reg" so insert "reg" after "output" for qa,qb,qc,qd.
- Open "ls163_lab2" and insert your ls163 Verilog from the previous exercise.
You have now created your first Verilog module.
- To create a behavior testbench (Verilog Test Fixture) for
your Verilog, right click on your Verilog file "ls163_lab2" and select source
type "Verilog Test Fixture". Name the source ls163_tb, associate the test bench with "ls163_lab2"
and click finish.
ISE will generate a basic testbench which instantiates the ls163
module (the unit-under-test, or UUT) and declares wire and reg signals
for all of its ports. The testbench will also include the an initial
block, which initializes all of the inputs to the UUT. You can extend
this block to generate whatever stimulus you wish to apply to the UUT.
- In the upper left of the project navigator, under "Sources for:", select
"Behavior Simulation".
Click on the test bench "ls163_tb". To create 10ns clock in your test bench, insert
always #5 clk = !clk; // change state every 5ns
before the line "initial begin".
To initialize the counter to the value five and begin counting, copy and paste
the following lines your test bench "ls163_tb" after the line "// Add stimulus here"
clr_bar = 1;
ld_bar = 0; // note ld_bar is active low
qa = 1;
qb = 0;
qc = 0;
qd = 1;
#20; // wait for 20ns
ld_bar = 1;
Save the changes.
- Running ModelSim -
In the "Process for" window, expand "ModelSim Simulator". You should have the following:
Double click on "Simulate Behavior Model". Modelsim and a Waveform window will pop up.
With the mouse in the waveform window right click "Zoom Full" to view the full simulation.
xxx contains examples of complex test benches.
- For checkoff, show the waveform window to the staff. Note: While compiling and running
Verilog is not time consuming, it is fair more efficient run simulation - especially when complex
Verilog modules can take 20-60 minutes to compile.
Exercise 2: Compiling and running Verilog on the labkit
In this exercise you'll design a Verilog module that reads a 4-bit
value from labkit's switches and displays the appropriate hex digit
on a 7-segment display.
- To learn more about the Xilinx FPGA tools please read the
Getting Started
section of the Labkit documentation. You'll follow the steps
outlined there whenever creating a new project for the labkit.
- Download labkit.v and
labkit.ucf by right-clicking on the links and
selecting "Save As" (or "Save Link As"), specify the desired folder
as the destination. Note that the browser may save your downloads
with a ".txt" extension -- you'll have to rename the files to have
".v" and ".ucf" extensions in order for the Xilinx tools to recognize
them correctly.
The labkit module (defined in labkit.v)
has port declarations for all the labkit peripherals as well as
supplying default values for all the output ports. This is the top-level
module for all labkit projects -- you should make a copy of it using
a meaningful file name (eg, lab2_2.v) and modify the copy to implement
the circuitry for your project. labkit.ucf (which you'll never need to
modify) specifies which FPGA pin is connected to which named port in
- Start the Xilinx ISE tool and create a new project following
the steps outlined in the Getting Started document. The Xilinx tools
create a very large number of files, so to keep things neat and tidy I
recommend keeping your .v files separate from the project directory.
For example, if you keep your .v files in lab2/sources, specify lab2/ as the
location for your project directories, and when you supply a name for
the project (eg, lab2_2) a directory of that name will be created in
lab2/ and used to store all the Xilinx-created files. When you add
verilog source files to the project, add them from the sources/ folder.
- We'll be using the 7-segment display from your kit of parts
(this is the display you used in Exercise 6 of Lab 1), this time wired
to the FPGA via the labkit's breadboard (see photo below). Wire up
the display connecting its ground pins to the appropriate columns of
the breadboard, and the signal pins to the User 1 connector at the
top of the labkit (I used pins 0 through 7).
- Add Verilog code to the labkit module using four of the
labkit's slide switches to specify which hex digit to display on a
7-segment display. The switch port of the labkit module is
an 8-bit value reflecting the current settings of the labkit's slide
switches. Use switch[3:0] as the 4-bit hex digit to be
displayed. Here's the appropriate pattern of segments for each
Compute the appropriate value for each of segment control signals
and drive them onto the appropriate FPGA output pins (I used
user1[7:0]). Note that you'll have to modify or comment-out the
existing line in the code that sets a default value for the output
pins you're using.
Synthesize and implement your design. Generate a programming
file and configure the FPGA. When your circuit is working, ask
a staff member to check you off. For checkoff be prepared to show
your circuit in operation, displaying different digits as the switches
are turned on and off.
- After checkoff, please upload your Verilog file using the
"Submit Verilog" page on the course website. We'll review your code
and post some comments to help you improve your Verilog style.