The loterry for IAP 2014 is now available! Click here to enter by Dec. 1, 2013, and be sure to read all instructions first. The class has been renamed to 6.149, and we'll be migrating to a new website soon.
If you would like to be a lab assistant for the class, please apply here.
Older Announcements (click to see)
(Dec 17 2012) Lottery results have been posted, everyone who signed up for the lottery should have received an e-mail. If you received a spot for the class, remember that you MUST show up to the first lecture to be officially enrolled in the course.
If you didn't get a spot but are still interested in taking the class, you can sign up for the waitlist here. We'll be admitting students on a rolling basis as space in the course opens up.
MIT edX will be running an abridged version of 6.00x over IAP (called 6.00short), which is well worth checking out regardless of whether you're taking 6.S189 or not. You can find info on 6.00short here.
(Oct 28 2012) The 6.S189 lottery is now open! Click here to enter! Please enter the lottery by Friday, December 14th at midnight. Be sure to read the instructions for the lottery in full. These are important.
(Nov 01 2012) The 6.S189 lab assistant application is now open! Click here to apply! This is a paid position! Lab assistants will work 10-15 hours a week for the first three weeks of IAP and will be paid $15/hr. Apply before 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 21.
(Oct 1 2012) Assistant Instructor: There will be an opening for Assistant Instructor for 6.S189 this IAP. This is a TWO YEAR commitment - you must be willing to commit to be the 6.S189 instructor next IAP. This is the one of the largest classes in the entire department, so your position will be hella important. This IAP you will assist the instructor in revising psets and creating lectures, including preparing a set of lecture notes. Next IAP, you will be the main instructor, and train an assistant, so that the course can live on approximately infinitely.
Qualifications: You must absolutely be able to teach the course next IAP. You must be well versed in Python, and have previous teaching experience. You must be comfortable lecturing to 200+ students and being in charge of a large group of LAs. You must either be familiar with basic HTML (or be willing to learn it) in order to maintain the course website.
If you are interested in the Assistant Instructor position or want to learn more, please drop me an email today! I'm totally willing to consider a joint effort between (at most) two people to split up the position, but you both must have the above qualifications.
(Oct 1 2012) Welcome to 6.S189! Important stuff will be posted here.
This 6-unit P/D/F course will provide a fast-paced introduction to programming using Python for highly motivated students with little or no prior experience in programming computers over IAP. The course will focus on planning and organizing programs, as well as the grammar of the Python programming language. Lectures will involve plenty of examples, and lab will be staffed with numerous LAs to help students master Python.
This class is designed to help prepare students for 6.01: Introduction to EECS. 6.01 assumes some knowledge of Python upon entering; the course material for 6.S189 has been specially designed to make sure that concepts important to 6.01 are covered.
Participants will be expected to bring their own laptop to class daily, starting on the first day of class. If you do not have a laptop, please contact the instructor prior to the first day, as other arrangements may be made.
The course staff is made of:
- Instructor: Rodrigo Muņoz, Senior in Course 6-3 (6.01 LA, former 6.S189 LA/Instructor)
- Instructor: Michelle Szucs, Junior in Course 6 (6.00 LA/Tutor, former 6.S189 LA)
- Head TA: Emily Su, Senior in Course 6-3 (6.00 LA, former 6.S189 LA)
- TA: Zach Banks, Sophomore in Course 6-7 (6.01 LA)
- TA: Zachary Barryte
- TA: Elana Ben-Akiva, Sophomore in Course 20
- TA: Niki Castle
- TA: Denise Che, Sophomore in Course 6-3 (6.00 LA)
- TA: Todd Cramer, Junior in Course 6-3 (6.933 TA)
- TA: Laura D'Aquila, Sophomore in Course 6-2
- TA: Gavin Darcey
- TA: Aaron Fryman
- TA: Ben Greenberg, Sophomore in Course 6-2
- TA: Beth Hadley, Sophomore in Course 6-3
- TA: Ben Horkley, Junior in Courses 6-2 and 8 (6.01 LA, 6.189 LA, 6.02 LA)
- TA: Eerik Kaseniit, Junior in Course 6-7 (6.01 LA)
- TA: Kaiying Liao
- TA: Paul Masterson, Sophomore in Course 6-2
- TA: Kayla Meduna, Senior in Course 6-3 (6.00 LA, 6.S189 LA, 6.042 LA)
- TA: Rachael Naphtal, Junior in Course 6-3 (6.01 LA)
- TA: Qui Nguyen, Sophomore in Course 6-3 (6.01 LA)
- TA: Viet-Tran Nguyen
- TA: Casey O'Brien
- TA: Grace O'Malley, Sophomore in Course 6-7 (6.00 LA)
- TA: Lindsey Osimiri, Junior in Course 20 (6.00 LA, 6.S189 LA)
- TA: Michael Puncel
- TA: Emily Su
- TA: Ruby Tamberino
- TA: Derek Vaughn, Junior in Course 6-2 (8.02 TA, 6.004 LA)
- TA: Emily Zhang, Sophomore in Course 6-3
Please direct questions to Michelle Szucs at mszucs AT mit DOT edu.