%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % File: http://web.mit.edu/8.13/matlab/fittemplate08.m % Contributors: JLAB Staff, Jim Kiger, William McGehee, Xuangcheng Shao % Last Updated: 2008-June-11 % % This Matlab script is intended to be used for linear and non-linear % fitting problems in experimental physics. % % It closely follows the material presented in % "Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences: 3rd Editon" % by Philip R. Bevington and D. Keith Robinson % Students are responsible for understanding the underlying methods, % DO NOT USE THIS SCRIPT AS A BLACK BOX!!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% clear; % Clears all variables from memory %load bev81.txt; % Loads sample data set 'bev81.txt' (Bevington Table 8.1, pg. 144) %x = bev81(:,1); % Assigns the first column of mydata to a vector called 'x' %y = bev81(:,2); % Assigns the second column of mydata to a vector called 'y' %sig = sqrt(y); % sets sigma to the square root of 'y' for Poisson statistics load gauss3.dat; % Load and prepare the gauss1.txt NIST dataset x=gauss3(:,1); y=gauss3(:,2); sig=ones(size(x))*sqrt(6.25); % Constant error value, variance (=sigma^2) of gauss3 data set is 6.25 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % There are other ways to assign your error vector % You might want to use one of these three methods below. % sigma = 2.5; % Constant error value, variance of gauss3 data set is 6.25. % sig = ones(size(x))*sigma; % creates a constant vector the same size as 'x' w/value sigma % sig = mydata(:,3); % Assigns the third column to a vector called %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % At this point you should know whether you want to perform a 'linear' or 'non-linear fit % to your data set. Select and uncomment the appropriate section to proceed %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ** LINEAR FITS ** % If you wish to fit your data to a straight line, you can use the function % 'fitlin.m' This function is also taken directly from the pages of Bevington % and Robinson Ch. 6 (p. 114) and it is very easy to follow. The usage of % fitlin is as follows: % % [a,aerr,chisq,yfit] = fitlin(x,y,sig) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ** NON-LINEAR FITTING ** % For non-linear fits, you will need to create a Matlab 'function handle' for your model %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Some useful non-linear model functions are listed here: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function_sin = @(x,a) a(1)*sin(a(2)*x+a(3)); function_gaussian = @(x,a) a(1)*(exp(-((x-a(2))/a(3)).^2)); function_lorentzian = @(x,a) a(1)*(a(2)/(2*pi)./(((x-a(3)).^2)+(a(2)^2/4))); function_NIST = @(x,a) a(1)*exp(-a(2)*x) +... a(3)*exp(-((x-a(4)).^2)/a(5)^2) +... a(6)*exp(-((x-a(7)).^2)/a(8)^2); function_bev82 = @(x,a) a(1)+a(2)*exp(-x/a(4))+a(3)*exp(-x/a(5)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % For non-linear fits using the Levenberg-Marquardt method, if you want to use % analytic expressions instead of numerical derivatives (not very common), enter the % expressions for derivatives in the following cell dYda, and let sgn be 1 % instead of 0. Note: the definition of dYda cannot be commented out since % it has to be defined no matter whether it is actually used. sgn=0; % Ignore the following analytic derivatives and calculate them numerically instead (usual case) dYda={@(x,a) 1, @(x,a) exp(-x/a(4)), @(x,a) exp(-x/a(5)), @(x,a) a(2)/a(4)^2*exp(-x/a(4)).*x, @(x,a) a(3)/a(5)^2*exp(-x/a(5)).*x}; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Create a vector containing your initial estimates for the model % parameters. It is important to make good estimates of these initial % values to ensure that you chi-squared minimization doesn't occur in a % 'local' minimum. % a0 = [10 900 80 27 225]; % Initial parameter estimates for Bevington Ch. 8 Dataset % a0 = [94 .0105 99 63 25 71 180 20]; % Initial estimates for gauss1.txt a0 = [94 .009 90.1 113 20 73.8 140 20]; % Initial estimates for gauss3.txt %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Selection of Chi-Squared Minimization Algorithm % Junior Lab Techincal Staff have written two Matlab fitting scripts which you may find useful: % 'levmar.m' implements the Marquardt Method: % Bevington and Robinson Section 8.6, Page 161 % 'gradsearch.m' implements the Gradient-Search Method % Bevington and Robinson Section 8.4, Page 153 % % [a,aerr,chisq,yfit] = gradsearch(x,y,sig,function_bev82,a0); % [a,aerr,chisq,yfit,corr] = levmar(x,y,sig,function_NIST,a0,dYda,sgn); % % Inputs: x -- the x data to fit % y -- the y data to fit % sig -- the uncertainties on the data points % fitfun -- the name of the function to fit to % a0 -- the initial guess at the parameters % dYda -- analytical derivatives for fitting function % sgn -- flat to select analytical or numerical derivatives % % Outputs: a -- the best fit parameters % aerr -- the errors on these parameters % chisq -- the final value of chi-squared % yfit -- the value of the fitted function at the points in x % % IMPORTANT NOTE - since both levmar.m and gradsearch.m are iterative algorithms, you can vary % the step size and tolerance used in the fitting process. These are % specified within the subroutines 'levmar.m' and 'gradsearch.m' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Always report statistics on the 'Goodness of Fit' %%% More information can be found in Bevington's Appendix C and %%% in Matlab's Online Help searching under 'goodness of fit' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fprintf(1,'Uncertainties'); fprintf(1,'%9.1e',aerr); fprintf(1,'\n'); level = 0.68; % confidence level 68% =1-sigma, 95% = 2-sigma dof = length(x) - length(a); fprintf(1,'Degrees of Freedom = %5d \n',dof); RChiSquare = chisq/dof'; prob=100*(1-chi2cdf(chisq,dof)); % This is the Matlab equivalent of Bevington Table C.4 fprintf(1,'Reduced Chi-Squared=%6.2f; probability=%6.1f percent \n',RChiSquare,prob); fprintf(1,'\n Elements of the error matrix (Marquardt method only)\n'); for i=1:length(a) fprintf(1,'%10.4f',corr(i,:)); fprintf(1,'\n'); end residuals = y-yfit; rss=sum(residuals.^2); rstd=std(residuals); fprintf(1,'Residual Sum of Squares = %8.3f \n',rss); fprintf(1,'Residual Standard Deviation = %8.3f \n',rstd); fprintf(1,'\n'); [a',aerr'] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ** Confidence Intervals ** % The confidence bounds for fitted coefficients are given by % [b-t*sqrt(S),b+t*sqrt(S)]. % b are the coefficients produced by the fit, t depends on the confidence % level, and is computed using the inverse of student's t cumulative % distribution function, S is the vector of diagonal elements from the % estimated covariance matrix. 'aerr' is the square root of 'S' width = tinv(level,dof)*aerr; lower = a - width; upper = a + width; FitResults = [a', lower', upper']; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Here we plot the basic figure. Be sure to double check the sizes and colors % of all your labels and markers to ensure their visibility to your audience. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% figure(); subplot(2,1,1); errorbar(x,y,sig,'.'); axis([0 250 0 150]); hold on; plot(x,yfit,'r','LineWidth',3); xlabel('X-Axis Label [units]','fontsize',12); ylabel('Y-Axis Label [units]','fontsize',12); title({'Descriptive Title: e.g. Determination of Fine Structure Splitting in Hydrogen'},'fontsize',12); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % A certain amount of information placed on a graph can make it more easily % understood by an audience who perhaps cannot hear everything you say %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% str1=num2str(RChiSquare,2); text(5,25,['\chi^2_{\nu-1} = ' str1]); text(5,10,['Probability =' num2str(prob,2),' %']); str1=num2str(a(7)-a(4),3); str2=num2str(sqrt(width(7)^2+width(4)^2),1); text(115,55,['Fit Energy Splitting']); text(122,45,['(b_3 - b_2)']); text(119,35,[str1 ' \pm ' str2 ' nm']); plot(zeros(size(y))+a(4),y,'r-'); plot(zeros(size(y))+a(7),y,'r-'); text(5,125,'Model: y(x) =a_1e^{-b_1x}+a_2*e^{-((x-b_2)/c_2)^2}+a_3*e^{-((x-b_3)/c_3)^2}','fontsize',12); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Residuals qualitatively demonstrate the agreement between the model % function with the best fit parameters and the data being modeled %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% subplot(2,1,2); plot(x,zeros(size(x)),'r-'); hold on; plot(x,residuals,'b.'); xlabel('X-Axis Label [units]','fontsize',12); ylabel('Y-Axis Label [units]','fontsize',12); title({'Residuals should have \mu = 0 and lack structure','Use graphics to guide the eye...e.g. red line at zero'},'fontsize',12); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Other scientific disciplines use a variety of related terms related to % the evaluation of 'Goodness of Fit'. In order to help you understand % some of these terms, found in the Matlab help system, we list here some % useful definitions. % --------------------- Curve Fitting Definitions ------------------ % % y = response value % y_tilde = fit to the response value % y_bar = mean % % SSE (Sum of Squares due to Error) = weighted sum of (y - y_tilde)^2. % SSR (Sum of Squares of Regression) = weighted sum of (y_tilde - y_bar)^2 % SST (Total Sum of Squares) = weighted sum of (y - y_bar)^2 % It follows then that SST = SSE + SSR % % R-square = SSR / SST = 1 - (SSE / SST) % v - degree of freedom % v = n - m (number of response values - number of fitted coefficients) % % Adjusted R-square = 1 - (SSE / SST) * (n - 1) / v % Adjusted R-square <= 1 % 1, with a value closer to 1 indicating a better fit. % MSE (Mean Squared Error) = SSE / v (the same as R-chi-square) % RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) = sqrt(MSE) % A RMSE value closer to 0 indicates a better fit. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%