Our eventual goal is to create a student-run, volunteer Emergency Medical Service at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. We hope to do this in a series of steps:

Presently, we intend to integrate EMT-B's trained by our group and elsewhere into the proposed Residential Support Team system. This is a network of mental health, administrative, medical, and community people that serve as a resource to dorm/ILG residents. These EMTs will provide triage/stabilization/maintenance of sick or injured students until professional emergency response personnel arrive. We seek to be an emergency medical resource on the Departmental and Laboratory level as well, and our members are contacting laboratory and departmental administrators to make themselves available to help in the case of an emergency in a lab or other departmental area. Also, SEMSG EMT's may also provide medical support to IM and Team sports activities (the latter in cooperation with the Athletics Department training staff), and for other MIT community events, such as reunions or charity events.

Fall 2002: The second step is to begin working more closely with the MIT Campus Police. This may include a co-call system, a second- or third-rider program with the ambulance, or even the possibility of sharing shifts. We may also have members that work in the Campus Police facility with the call monitor.

Fall 2003: The third step is establishment of an independent, student-run EMS service.