Frequently Asked Questions
What is CRSP?
What is Campus Construction?
What is a space change?
What is not considered a space change?
What services does Campus Construction offer?
Who is responsible for funding space change projects?
What if we need to relocate, reallocate, or expand our space?
How do we get space for a new faculty or staff member?
What is the overall process involved in getting space renovated?
How does MIT lease space?
What happens after our Space Change request is approved?
How long does the approval process take?
What’s the timeline for renovation projects?
Can we manage our own project and hire a preferred designer/contractor?
How will I know if and when our request is approved
Are furniture and moving expenses included in the Total Project Costs?
What happens to our former space after we relocate to a new location?
What is CRSP?
The Committee for Renovation and Space Planning (CRSP) is chaired by the MIT Provost and includes the MIT Associate Provost, the MIT Chancellor, the Vice President for Research, the Executive Vice President, and senior Department of Facilities and budget office staff. CRSP is responsible for the stewardship of the physical campus, assignment of all space on campus, and assuring that campus plans meet the current and future needs of the Institute. The Renovation Subcommittee of CRSP (R-CRSP) is tasked with specific approval of each request prior to the start of design and before construction. Large Capital Projects require CRSP endorsement before presentation to the MIT Building Committee.
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What is Campus Construction?
The Campus Construction group is within the MIT Department of Facilities and works in conjunction with Campus Services and Maintenance & Utilities, the groups responsible for day-to-day operations and maintenance of the MIT physical plant.
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What is a space change?
Space changes are on-campus projects that physically change any MIT facility space or that reassign space from one user group to another. To be considered a space change, the project typically costs more than $10,000 or involves two or more construction trades (i.e. , X and Y). The primary types of space changes are:
- Construction Renovations
- Space Reassignments
- Space Additions
Space changes must be initiated by a Department, Lab, or Center’s (DLC) Administrative Officer and endorsed by both the Department Head and Dean/Unit Head. All space changes requests require the approval of CRSP prior to proceeding.
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What is NOT considered a space change?
Small projects such as painting, carpet, furnishings and furniture are typically not considered space changes. A space change project typically costs more than $10,000 or involves two or more construction trades. Even if a project does not meet this criteria, DLC’s are required to work with the Department of Facilities on any alterations or modifications for a number of reasons, including assuring that any unforeseen hazards, such as asbestos under carpets or in wall board mastic, are properly addressed.
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What services does Campus Construction offer?
Campus Construction’s services include project management, facilities engineering, planning, mapping, signage, interior decorating, space accounting, and room numbering.
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Who is responsible for funding space change projects?
Space change projects are generally funded entirely by the DLC making the request. In addition, there is limited funding available from CRSP for renovation projects. All requests for CRSP funds must be made through your Dean/Unit Head’s office at the time of the CRSP request to proceed with the project after the initial estimate. For further information, please contact your Dean/Unit Head.
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What if we need to relocate, reallocate, or expand our space?
You must submit a Space Change Request Form. Please be sure to check the box at the top of the page marked “Increase in Space Allocation". Your request will be reviewed by the Office of the Provost and CRSP. A representative of the Office of the Provost will follow up with you regarding your request.
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How do we get space for a new faculty or staff member?
Space for new faculty members is the responsibility of the hiring department and school and a plan is required prior to formalizing a new faculty offer with a candidate. When all options have been thoroughly evaluated and there are no clear options within your department, you must submit a Space Change Request Form and a Prospective Faculty Space Needs Assessment Form. A representative of the Office of the Provost will follow up with you regarding your request.
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What is the overall process involved in getting space renovated?
For details, please visit What Happens Next.
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How does MIT lease space?
Leasing of off-campus space should only be considered when all on-campus options have been considered and you have consulted with the Office of the Provost. To initiate such a request, after consultation, submit a Space Change Request Form. Please be sure to check the box at the top of the page next to “Lease. ” Your request will be reviewed by the Office of the Provost and CRSP. If approved, the Office of the Provost will work with you, local real estate brokers, and the MIT Investment Management Company (MITIMCo) provide options and proposals. Under no conditions are landlords to be contacted directly prior to CRSP approval to proceed with lease negotiations.
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What happens after our Space Change request is approved?
For details, please visit What Happens Next.
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How long does the approval process take?
It depends on the complexity of your project and how much preparation you do prior to submitting a request. Generally, once a DLC has reviewed the project estimate, and contacted its Dean’s Office to request approval and propose funding, CRSP approval is provided at the bi-weekly Renovation Subcommittee meeting. During the Project Initiation Meeting you will be provided an understanding of the timeline and next steps by your Campus Construction project manager.
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What’s the timeline for renovation projects?
It depends on the complexity of your project. A Campus Construction project manager will work with all the parties involved to create a schedule. For more information, see a sample project timeline.
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Can we manage our own project and hire a preferred designer/contractor?
Typically, no, because Facilities must ensure that the project complies with all regulatory requirements and that only qualified contractors work on MIT buildings. However, should your DLC have qualified personnel experienced with commercial construction, and if your project will have little impact on existing building systems, CRSP may approve a self-managed project. To make such a request, please contact Taya Dixon. Please note: If you have a specific vendor that you would like to be considered, they must meet MIT’s prequalification requirements and provide competitive pricing during the formal designer selection or contractor bid process.
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How will I know if and when our request is approved?
For renovation requests, you will be contacted by the assigned Campus Construction project manager after Campus Construction receives and completes an initial screening of your request. The related CRSP approvals to proceed with design and construction will only take place after your review of the estimated cost for design and then, later, total project costs. For details about the process, please visit What Happens Next.
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Are furniture and moving expenses included in the Total Project Costs?
Traditionally, costs for furniture are the responsibility of the Department, Lab or Center and not part of the Total Project Costs. With the advent of system furnishings, which often take the place of interior partition walls, system furniture is generally included as part of the Total Project Costs. Loose furniture, including chairs, continue to be the responsibility of the DLC and not the project. Normal moving costs required in the course of a project are included as part of the Total Project Costs.
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What happens to our former space after we relocate to a new location?
The assignment of space vacated as a result of a major renovation or capital project reverts back to CRSP for re-allocation. CRSP will consider only those requests that are endorsed by the department, lab or center's respective senior officer.
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